by Max Barry

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by Namoon. . 4 reads.

Namoon and Renooth History

Read Renoothian Mythology Here if you haven't already.

Table of Contents

Chapter #

The Beginning


The Forming of Renooth


Evolution of Plants


Animals of Flavor


Exquisite Foods


The Way to Earth


The Forming of the Renoothian Alliance




Un-United Nations


World War I


The Battle of Crushed Nut


The Siege of Kewlz


The Siege of Uranuverse


The Battle of Spice River


Turret Drones and the end of WWI


The Golden Age


The Continuing Evolution


The Age of Dragon Hunters


The Rise of the Kitsune


The Story of Foxeh


World War II


The Battle in the Sky


Kwazy's Rebellion


The Liberation of Kewlz


Kewlz verses Appatian


The Great Awakening


The Renooth parescarditis virus


The Beginning

When the big bang happened, stars, planets, nebulas, and elements formed. Drawn by the gravity of the black holes, galaxies formed. Many other universes were created. One of the universes outside of the one Earth is in, the same things were happening. One planet called Renooth formed and orbited a black hole. The size of the planet Renooth was so big that only this black hole could move it. Since only the black hole could move it, it's sun orbits it. It's sun was given the name Scorvipe and the black hole was given the name Kemork. Water started to form on Renooth and lava from the core erupted forming the islands of Renooth

The Forming of Renooth

After the islands had cooled off, life started to form. The King Ramen Cobra was the first animal to exist in the whole multiverse. It became smarter every day. While the King Ramen Cobra was getting smarter, bacteria were starting to evolve and mutate. Bacteria formed Spicy Algae, Trout, Snakes, Mice, Birds, Flaming Cactus, Sharp Mint Grass, and many more. The plants were the biggest part of the creation of this new world. These plants became numerous with different variants. The animals are currently like normal animals on Earth. After the plants had already started to grow, the bacteria on Earth started to mutate also. Eventually the bacteria on Earth and Renooth mutated into humans. Exactly the same. Both Renooth and Earth were plentiful in oxygen. The people of Earth became cavemen. The people of Renooth became like normal people except they spoke a different language and had not discovered writing.

Evolution of Plants

In Renooth, Plants were the most important thing. They were the base of the food web; Even humans ate them. The plants quickly adapted and changed. Something else happened though. The lava was not normal lava though. It had special properties that caused the soil to share the properties. The plants began to absorb some of the special nutrients from the soil and become "super plants". These plants gained properties that if eaten, it would give special powers, but some plants were poisonous to certain animals. Algae became more spicy and that's when it was given the name "Spicy Algae". Cacti gained the ability to not need water and stored heat. Cacti would randomly blast out fire to release some of the heat it has stored. This is when cactus were given the name "Flaming Cactus". Grass gained a minty flavor, so it was called "Sharp Mint Grass". There were many other plants, like the Regenerating Cinnamon Tree, which would be like a cinnamon tree, but unlike other trees, it could heal instead of blocking off a damaged area. Plants then became more popular and humans started to use them for delicious dishes.

Animals of Flavor

Since animals at the beginning of the food web were omnivores or herbivores, they ate the plants. The plants gave animals special powers (most being the power of smartness) and some taste different when eaten. Trout that ate Spicy Algae became "Spicy Trout". Mice that ate Flaming Cactus became "Flaming Mice". Higher up on the food web, there were carnivores or omnivores that ate the plants and ate the animals that had already eaten the plants. An eagle that ate a Flaming Mouse would become a "Fire Breathing Eagle". Cardinals that ate Minty Crickets would become "Minty Cardinals". Each animal had a different taste when eaten. The Spicy Trout, as the name suggests were spicy. Flaming Mice tasted smokey. Minty Cardinals tasted like a strong mint. The world became kind of like a candy land but for other foods.

Exquisite Foods

Humans at this point started to build cities. The cities were not big. The "main island" or the biggest island was named Peanut Noodle Island and the nation was named Namoon. The second biggest, which was right next to it was named Kewlz. Many other islands were formed and many other nations took over those islands. The biggest part of the economy was the food at the time. Dishes were made with the animals and plants. The main food at the time was cheese. There were many different cheeses. Each cheese was made with milk from cows which had eaten the magical plants. The animal that could eat the most of these magical plants was the King Ramen Cobra. The animal that could eat the second most plants was the cow. These cows ate many different plants. Depending on what plant/plants the cow had eaten, decided on what the flavor was. There were cheeses that were normal, cheeses that were extremely sour, cheeses that were extremely sweet, cheeses that were sweet and sour, and much more.

The Way to Earth

Things were going well and there was peace on Renooth, but in space, things were a little different. Galaxies were colliding everywhere, stars were exploding, and supermassive black holes were forming. A black hole started to move towards the black hole, Kemork. At the same time, a giant planet was moving in the same direction. The planet and blackhole collided. The planet turned into dust and became the rings for Renooth. The black hole split and created a portal between space. The portal just so happens to lead to Earth, so the people of Renooth could now trade with the people of Earth. Tourism became popular in Renooth. Mainly the nation of Namoon. People loved to visit the restaurants and eat the cheese.

The Forming of Renoothian Alliance

Nations on Renooth began to make alliances. There were so many nations that they decided to be a country or a region. They eventually decided that they were to be a region. They agreed on the forming of the Renoothian Alliance. The Renoothian Alliance was supposed to be a region that was high in economy and fair. People were strict, but still allowed freedom of what they can do in their free time. Namoon was chosen as the leader because of it's size. The Renoothian Alliance also joined the World Assembly to help with solve problems on Earth, and in other universes like theirs. The regional Currency for the people of Renooth was chosen to be Nutzes. Even though Namoon was chosen as the leader, at this time Namoon had no official government form. Culture was starting to form and unease was starting to form.


Since the sun, Scorvipe orbited the planet at the same speed as it rotated, the side were all of the millions of islands were was always day. Because of this, at this time, there was still no concept of time. They still slept every few hours and could just close the blinds on their houses to make it dark, but they needed a concept of time. They borrowed the names of time people had on Earth, but changed the values of each. They made seconds the same as on Earth, minutes 240 seconds, hours 90 minutes, days 18 hours, weeks 9 days, months (called "moonths" on Renooth) 1000 days, and years 10 months (the same speed that they orbited the black hole). They decided that the current year was to be 0 since this was when they created time and the start of their universe was in the year -3,476,892,673,452,986. The year on Earth at this time was 1023.

Un-United Nation

Since the nations were small, there was no real form of ruling yet. People were fighting over the throne, especially in Namoon. People would even kill to get the throne. Citizens that were too smart or too popular would get killed by these tyrants, so there would be no one that could challenge them. Even with tyrants killing innocent people, there was always someone who would stand up to the tyranny and take over the throne themselves. Most people just took over the throne to stop the tyranny, but they enjoyed being in a position of power and became tyrants themselves. With people dying and everyone becoming a tyrant, the people of Renooth were in trouble. With Namoon as the leader, but having a tyrant caused all of the other nations to have even worse time. Sometimes, tyrants of Namoon would go out to kill someone in another nation just because they might be good enough to take over the throne. The tyranny started in the year 9. It has been going on for months and people are not happy. Mini revolutions are happening all over the islands of Renooth.

World War 1

The first world war in the history the Renoothian Alliance was starting. There were many sides, but the main sides were, the rebels, who teamed up to take down all of the governments because they thought they were corrupt, the South Kewlzaks (later to be part of Kwazy), who were against the Kewlz government so they could change it to a dictatorship like all of the other nations, the North Kewlzaks, who were defending the Kewlz government, the Crushers, who were defending the Namoon government, and the Democrats, who were targeting Namoon to take down the government because they thought dictatorships were corrupt. There were many more sub teams, but these are the main ones or the ones that did the most in the war. Most of the wars were in Namoon or Kewlz, but there were still fights that went on in smaller islands, like the storming of Uranuverse.

The Battle of Crushed Nut

At this point, no big fights had broken out, but the Democrats were making move on Namoon. They had gathered up north in Namoon in the snowy part. They started to travel across the Crushed Nut Desert, but they were ambushed by the some of the Crushers. The fight lasted about one month. That may not seem that long when you read and think about it from Earth, but remember that one month in Namoon is 1000 days, and days in Namoon are about 3.5 times longer than they are on Earth. Both sides were running out of food, so the democrats retreated which was a big mistake. They were going north where it gets cold quickly and many starved to death or got frostbite. Eventually, the Democrats fled and left Namoon for a bit and headed for Kewlz. The Crushers told Namoon officials about the fight once it was over. Noonian officials alerted Kewlz at once that the Democrats were after Kewlz. This might have been the best thing that could happen for Kewlz because Kewlz was already a democratic nation and they needed help to defend from the South Kewlzaks.

The Siege of Kewlz

Soon after the battle of Crushed Nut, Southern Kewlzaks decided to start attacking the outer cities of North Kewlz. They plan was to attack and take over the outer cities to weaken the Kewlz Government and then take it over. The Southern Kewlzaks were unaware of the Democrats going to Kewlz to team up. The Southern Kewlzaks raided most outer villages. These villages were on the Southern boarder or on the coastline. They left no one that fought back or tried to escape alive, so most people were unaware of the villages being taken over. More than a third of North Kewlz was taken over and there were about 8 million deaths. The Southern Kewlzaks were planning to head to the capital when they were ambushed by the Democrats that had just arrived. The Democrats were severely weakened from the cold and defeat at Crushed Nut, but they were still able to drive the South Kewlzaks out of the very north of Kewlz. The South Kewlzaks kept on going back on the attack and were able to push the Democrats back eventually, until they were forced to retreat to Uranuverse. The Southern Kewlzaks continued to surround North Kewlz and stop trade.

The Siege of Uranuverse

The Democrats went to Uranuverse when they were defeated. When the Democrats got to Uranuverse, they realized that it was a dictatorship. They started to attack raid the Uranuverse to help them to turn all of the Renoothian Alliance into a democracy, but they were already weakened and were defeated and captured by Uranuverse civilians. Some of them broke out though and were able to free the rest. Their numbers were low, so they camped out for a bit. They went to villages and found people who were unhappy and willing to join them. They surrounded the government of Uranuverse and began the siege.

The Battle of Spice River

While Kewlz was under siege and Uranuverse was under siege, the Rebels started to make their move. Thousands of people even millions of rebels came from every nation in Renoothian Alliance. Their strategy was to invade and take over Namoon, then it would be easy to bring the rest of the nations under their control. They made their move on Namoon from the east side in the channel between Namoon and [nation. They attacked and destroyed cities from the water using some stolen navy ships and submarines with powerful explosive missiles that left deadly heat and radiation, which caused animals and things to randomly combust into flames. Most villages on the east side were destroyed. The Rebels decided to move towards Namoon's capital because it was at the end of the river near where they were. This river was the Spice River. The Crushers started to move towards the Spice River with a navy of their own. The Crushers navy was much more up-to-date and their ships had better armor, camo, and weapons. Their missiles were so strong that they could destroy water. The Crushers and Rebels met near the mouth of the Spice River. The Rebels pushed and were able to destroy some of the Crushers ships. They decided to move more inland and chase the retreating Crushers. The Crushers didn't retreat for no reason though. The Spicy Algae in the Spice River produced a powerful acid that could burn holes through almost anything. The wildlife in the river had adapted to this and could survive the acid and so could the new ships. The Rebels ships were out of date, so they weren't resistant to the acid. The Rebels fleet was quickly destroyed and many of the Rebels were forced overboard. Most were killed soon after they jumped in the water, but some made it to land with severe burns and in need of medical attention. Since no one wanted to help them because they were attacking everybody, people let them die. The rest of the Rebel leaders stayed quite for a bit after this defeat.

Turret Drones and the end of WWI

For a while, scientists have been working on developing technology to help people defend themselves. They have just finished making "Turret Drones". These "Turret Drones" are exactly as they sound. They are just drones with turrets. The Noonian Government bought a large order of these drones. The Noonian government came up with a plan to use these drones to take out all of the rebels. Since these drones were small, they were almost undetectable when in the air, so they could use them to ambush the Rebels, Southern Kewlzkas, and the Democrats. The Southern Kewlzaks and Democrats were easy to take out because they were busy with a siege. They then returned to normal life and the Rebels never revealed themselves. This is the end of WW1

The Golden Age

After WWI, the economy spiked. People from Earth and far away islands participated in trade and touring because they won the war and because it was over. People tried all of the cheeses, the fish, and other dishes and foods that were unique to the nations of Renooth. The industry rose and there was peace. The conversion rate at this point 1 Nutz was worth about $10,000 in U.S. dollars. Some people of Earth got temporary jobs in the nation of Renooth because they will be able to convert the Nutzes into thousands of dollars on Earth and become rich. This heavily boosted the economy. People became very rich and were able to sell a lot. Technology in the nations of Renooth were hundreds and even thousands of years ahead of people on Earth, so people bought items to help them in their lives.

The Continuing Evolution

High economy comes at a big cost; Environmental beauty and climate change. All of the climate change and pollution caused the plants to change. Currently existing plants began to have new forms that were unique and much better. Effects from the plants became much more effective. The people of Renooth were becoming super humans. Some plants began to think on their own. The most famous and dangerous fruit is the Dragon Fruit Dragon. The Dragon Fruit Dragon started as a normal dragon fruit cactus/vine. The special volcanic soil powers started to cause the plant to change. It began to be able to think basic thoughts, but not move. Dragon Fruit Dragons at this point just stayed on their cactus-vine and protected it. They were able to breath fire and shoot out spikes at threats to their plant. If the cactus they were on died, they would die. With the evolution growing, the pitaya cactus became like a factory. It began to produce Dragon Fruit Dragons every day. The Dragon Fruit Dragons would then detach and leave room for another one to grow. Dragon Fruit Dragons grew legs, tails and wings. They were almost invincible. If they got hurt, they would heal in minutes no matter the damage. The only way to kill them was to kill the plant they came from. Dragon Fruit Dragons spread seeds to grow more cactus wherever they went. The cactus began to cover a lot of territory and a lot of Dragon Fruit Dragons began to grow in numbers. A Dragon Fruit Dragon usually did one of three things. They will either protect the cactus they came from, spread the numbers of the cactus, or hunt and claim territory. People called Dragon Fruit Dragons "DFD" for short. DFD numbers started to become dangerously high. It was a outbreak.

The Age of Dragon Hunters

With dragons swarming the world, a new profession arose; Dragon hunting. More pitayas and vines began to produce dragons. There were now Grape Dragons, Olive Dragons, Prickly Pear Dragons, and much more. Eating a dragon would give you the same abilities as the dragon you ate, but it was hard to even touch a dragon with a long sword. The dragons had hard scales and many attacks and weapons that were overpowered. Dragons could even think for themselves. Olive Dragons had acid and could make gas that will make you fall asleep. Grape Dragons have powerful toxins that if you touch, will start to get absorbed into your skin and kill you from the inside. Prickly Pear Dragons could shoot spikes at you at speeds faster than you can blink and they have deadly accuracy, they can surround itself in an aura of fire that can burn almost anything, and they can cause tornadoes. DFDs can shoot ginormous spikes, breath fire, and shoot seeds at hyper speeds. The pitaya dragons are much stronger than the vine dragons and other dragons. Some dragons were even underwater and unknown about until later in the fight between dragons and people. Dragons were starting to take over, so people volunteered to fight them off. They used weapons and powers they got from plants. Each dragon has a weakness. Even the most powerful dragons had a weakness, even if they never found it out. Despaal was responsible for possibly the best invention to fight off the dragons; A DNA reader. The DNA Reader used a camera and could zoom in so much that even at far distances, it could tell the DNA of the dragon species. This data was then transferred to satellites that would find the DNA match and was able to get the coordinates of the plant it came from and all of the other dragons that came from the plant. Dragon Hunters could use this information to find the dragons and eliminate them for good. People who had eaten pitayas became the best dragon hunters. The leaders of all nations were given pitaya dragon flesh and became super humans. The ruler of Despaal was given a Deep Sea Coral Fruit Dragon flesh or DSCFD, which was one of the most powerful dragons because it had deadly poison, camoflash, control of water, and many more traits. The rule of Kewlz was given Dark Star Dragon flesh or DSD, which has the power to freeze time, change gravity at will, and change the trajectory of things (the ruler of Kewlz mainly used this to stop a bullet from killing him and kill the person who shot at him instead). The leader of Namoon was given a little bit of all, which merged and formed the Harvest Cactus Dragon. The Harvest Cactus Dragon has the powers to summon a dragon at will and control it. It also had the power of all of the dragons. This was mainly used to get the weaknesses of the dragons, so they were easier to fight off. Many other leaders got these powers. People on Earth were too poor to buy even just an ounce of dragon flesh, so even the richest person on Earth could not afford the expensive meat and get the powers.

The Rise of the Kitsune

In the lands of Renooth. During the Golden Age and the Dragon Hunting Era, the wildlife was growing in the shadows. People didn't notice because they were too busy dealing with dragons or making money. Many animals due to the power of the fruits became super, but the strongest was the kitsune. The kitsune was able to get the powers of many of the fruits. Because of this kitsunes became like gods. They were just as strong as the King Ramen Cobra. Kitsunes were rare, but there was one in Kewlz named Foxeh that helped defend Kewlz. Kitsune were good at destroying dragons but also themselves. They usually killed each other to show dominance.

The Story of Foxeh

People from Earth still don't know much about Renooth even after visiting it. The story of Foxeh is unknown on Earth and they do not know anything. People of Earth think that Foxeh was born in the year 1865, but that was the year he came to Earth and he actually was born in the year 35 (about the year 1200 in Earth time). He was a normal Kitsune on Renooth that was chosen by one of the gods and was given powers. The god that gave him his powers was the god of wind. He was able to fly and control the air at will. The people of Renooth have always been nations and there were never any tribes or stuff like the stories of Indians they tell on Earth. Most people on Earth see Foxeh as a fox that became special and lived in villages, but this is half wrong. He never lived in villages because there were no "Indians", but he did live in nations and he was originally a fox. Kitsune already had special powers, but the Kitsune of Renooth had the power to control fire and Foxeh could also control air. Foxeh was able to become the king of all the kitsunes and gain control of them like an army. Foxeh was the friend of Namoon and Kewlz. Foxeh helped defeat most of the dragons on command. Even though Foxeh was strong, the dragons that the leaders of the main nation got were stronger and Foxeh made treaties with them (not that they would've attacked anyway after all the help he gave them). After Foxeh finished with the dragons, he stayed quiet for a bit and there wasn't much heard from him for a few years.

World War II

After the dragon age ended and the golden age ended in the year 12, people were tense and broke. They became desperate for any form of money and were willing to commit crimes. Many nations experience for the first time "Indian Territory". There were places that if you went there, you would be attacked by the criminals that formed groups and tried to survive. The crimes they committed were small, but when they joined these groups, many of the groups practices were illegal. Nations broke up and revolution was happening again, but it was different this time. People had super powers now and the sides were different. There were the Indian Tribes that were defending their territory, there were the Southern Kewlzaks fighting for their freedom and Northern Kewlzaks that were trying to stop the revolution. Many of the rest of the sides stayed the same like the Crushers, which was the Noonian army. In this World War, Despaal joined in and his powers became very good in this war. In this war, Tranterliar also joined. Tranterliar was the most important nation near and at the end of the war.

The Battle in the Sky

The main indian tribe, the Rabeenakas got a hold of some valuable dragon meat at the beginning of the war. This meat was from the Seoualao Dragon, which was named after the god of the spirit, Saulao. This dragon was named after the god Saulao, because it gets stronger after every kill it gets and people think that it absorbs the soul of its victims and converts it into power. They also got a hold of the most popular thing in Renooth at this time; The Fohnehm Apple. A Fohnehm Apple is an apple that is said to have come from a tree that is owned by the god of wind and when the apple is eaten, it will give the eater the power to fly. Scientists have no clue why these apples give the power to fly, so their only explanation was that it came from a tree of the gods. The indians were ready to protect their territory and become the leaders of the indians. They began to fly from island to island and force the indians their to obey them. If the indians didn't obey them, they would kill them. The Noonian government wasn't about to just let these criminals destroy territory and build an army. The leader of Namoon and the leader of Kewlz teamed up to fight these indians. The indians didn't even get close to winning even thought they had millions and they were against two people. The draconic abilities of the leaders was to good. The leader of Namoon was able to summon dragons to fight off the enemy and give them the advantage. The leader of Kewlz was able to freeze time and take out hundreds of the indians in less than a nanosecond. The Rabeenakas were repelled and weren't seen for a bit.

Kwazy's Rebellion

At this time, the Southern Kewlzaks weren't happy about the government and they started to refer to themselves as a nation called "Kwazy". They started to barricade themselves off from Kewlz using futuristic technology, and declared themselves independent. No matter how hard the Kewlzak officials tried, they couldn't get in and were repeatedly getting killed by the people of Kwazy. Kwazy became independent from Kewlz. Central Kewlz started to have a civil war because they were fighting over if Kwazy's actions were for the best. Millions died in this war. The rest of the nations in Renooth tried to attack Kwazy, but they were too weak. Only the best of the leaders that could use draconic abilities could get in. The leader of Kewlz, Gavin CM, went to Namoon to get help to take over Kwazy again. On the way to the government, the Rabeenakas ambushed Gavin CM to get revenge for beating them earlier. Gavin CM, weak from the journey fled back to Kewlz because even with his draconic abilities, he was too exhausted to fight at the moment. He waited for a few days and then journeyed back to Namoon. He kept on getting ambushed by the Rabeenakas. Eventually, he was able to get rid of them and go to the capital of Namoon. Kwazy Heard that the leader of Kewlz had left for a bit, so they raided Kewlz, and took it over. They them tortured the citizens for staying loyal to Gavin CM.

The Liberation of Kewlz

Since Kewlz was a high ranking nation in Renooth, people were outraged at what had happened. The governments of Renooth teamed up to attack Kwazy. The battle was short and soon Kwazy was begging for mercy. They came on a compromise that Kwazy would get the south island and Kewlz would get the north island. After that, the war just suddenly ended. There was no battle that signaled the end, the war just ended and there was peace. After the battle though, there was a lot of debt and people were really broke. People became desperate for money, but they never hurt anyone for money.

Kewlz verses Appatian

The economy was just starting to pick back up and there was a dispute between the gods. Some of the gods wanted Foxeh to become a god, while most others wanted Foxeh to die. Religious leaders in each nation started to fight. The fight kept on stopping and resuming over many days. At the end, Kewlz, who was supporting Foxeh becoming a god won. Appatian was not happy with this and went to kill Foxeh. He tried to kill Foxeh and thought he did. He then started to deny the existence of Foxeh, who is currently a god. Kewlz was not happy about this and made a trial, because it is a crime to deny the gods existence. Appatian lost and was sentenced to living in the OESRP (Official Extra Security Renooth Prison) until he admited Foxeh was real. The leader of Appatian escaped as guards were bringing him into the prison.

The Great Awakening

After the war between Kewlz and Appatian, the win for Foxeh made people feel better about the gods. People started to have more faith and preform more religious ceremonies. These ceremonies involved sacrificing random people (usually people who didn't believe in the gods). People started to get worried that they didn't have live a very religious life. People wanted to make sure they did good deeds , so that they got a life in the afterlife, or got reincarnated as something good. People started sacrificing themselves to help make sure the gods were happy. Nations started to worship some gods over others and claim a god as their main national god. Most nations still worshiped all of the gods, some worshiped all of the gods, but mainly their "national god", and their rest only worshiped their national god. People believed that if they worshiped gods enough, the gods would bless them and help them in their survival. They believed that the gods would be proud to be their "national god", and the god would ensure that their nation became the best, by helping them in war and blessing them. Nations with a "national god" believed that that god was the best god of them all. Kewlz even changed their flag to their "national god", Foxeh.

The Renooth parescarditis virus

Soon after the start of the great awakening, a virus had started to form among spiders. This virus mutated and began to affect humans. Kewlz tried to stop trade in and out, Namoon was researching a cure, and Communist us b was killing it's own people. The virus started in Kewlz, but by the time they realized, many flights had already been sent all over Renooth. Communist us b wanted to stop the threat from it's root, and fired nukes and ICBMs at Kewlz. Kewlz deployed a force field and fired bombs back. After a while of back and forth bombing, Communist us b sent a giant rod of tungsten at Kewlz and Gavin CM used his dragon ability to send it back. Communist us b tried to fight back, but they couldn't. Their island was destroyed, and with much praying to Foxeh, Kewlz was able to get Foxeh to make a wall of compact air that was moving at extreme speeds due to convection currents to stop the blast from destroying other islands

