Dispatch → Factbook → Religion
Renoothian Mythology (Renoosm)
Read Renoothian History Here if you haven't already.View the full official list of gods Here.
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In the very beginning, even before the beginning of time and space, The first god was stirring from the void and emptiness of space. This god's name was Egal. He was nothing but thoughts, but he was able to control energy in every way possible. He could create, destroy, move, change, and control all of the properties of energy. He created a body for himself and created atoms and caused the big bang. The big bang started this universe. He did not know what the big bang would do, but he knew that he must do it and it would do something wonderful. Clouds of gas formed everywhere making a sight that pleased him. He moved the gasses around and spread them out all across the universe. Stars started to form in these clouds of gasses and Egal watched for millions of years as stars appeared, died, and created more elements. He decided to create a special metal called betlem. This metal was the most powerful and strong metal that could not be destroyed and could not be contaminated. This metal mixed with many others that had formed from the gasses of the stars started to form planets and black holes. Galaxies formed and life appeared on the planets in the form of bacteria. Egal favorite planet was this one planet that was able to withstand the gravitational pull from a supermassive black hole, so it orbited it and had such strong gravity, that a star orbited the planet. This planet he named Renooth. The black hole he named Kemork, and the star he named Scorvipe. He created water and other things that could help support life. He guided the bacteria into the best forms of plants and animals. He created other gods to help him. He created the god of the soul, Saulao. He created the god of the wind, Fohnehm. He created the god of water and rain, Rauque. He also created the god of earth and land, Terian. These gods worked together to create more and more gods until there were over one hundred. Humans had begun to emerge from the bacteria and the gods watched and cast judgement.
Saulao and Fuoiae were the two main creators of life. They both claimed to have contributed to the creation of life and the evolution of life. They both claimed that they were the one who did most of the work. Fuoiae was enraged at the "lies" that were being told by Saulao. Fuoiae planned with the god of the underworld, Hoelem to trap peoples' souls, so that Saulao would get no credit. The newly born world was filled with soulless creatures as their souls were torchered in the depths of the underworld. New beings that were born were born with souls, and beings with a high intelligence rate realized what was going on and took shelter. They preformed rituals to protect their soul against the evils that were taking their soul. Saulao, wondering why the souls he gave animals didn't work, went to investigate because gods were starting to believe Fuoiae that Saulao didn't help. When he viewed inside of the zombified life forms, he realized that their souls were missing. Since Saulao had put all kinds of powerful enchantments of his own on it, he was able to see where the souls went. In the underworld, he overheard Fuoiae planning with Hoelem to torture the souls. Saulao told the gods about what he had discovered. Most of them believed him, but some thought he was lying to get revenge. Some gods didn't want to get in this war because they did not know what happened to a god when they died, or if they even could die, and if something went wrong and the god came back to life or didn't die, they didn't want to make enemies. Fuoiae was on his way back to the palace of the gods when he was ambushed by the gods on Saulao's side. The gods that were on Fuoiae ran in from behind the gods on Saulao's side. The gods that were on Saulao's side distracted the ones on Fuoiae's side as Saulao went for Fuoiae. Fuoiae was secretly scared of Saulao and tried to get other gods to fight him, but Saulao made it to Fuoiae and impaled him with a spear. The fighting stopped to see what
had happened. As Fuoiae was disintegrating, Saulao was able to eat Fuoiae's "soul". Gods do not have a soul, but gods have something like a soul, but it is not a soul. Saulao was now had Fuoiae's abilities.
Ever since the gods realized that killing gods would give them their powers, the gods were scared of each other, but they wanted more power and they wanted to test this power. The gods realized that they could use the portal to Earth also, and Egal had an idea. Egal thought that they could go to Earth, kill the gods, and take over the gods on Earth. The gods in Renooth agreed to this and went to Earth. There are hundreds and even thousands of gods on Earth. The gods on Renooth wanted to start with the gods in what on Earth is known as Olympia. The gods agreed on a tournament to the death and since there were more Renoothian gods than Olympic gods, they agreed that each side got 12 gods because there were only 12 Greek gods. The Renoothian gods wanted to show off their might, so they used gods with the same powers as the other gods. The first battle was between the greek god of wine, Dionysus and Genoze the Renoothian god of food. The only thing they could do is try and poison each other (which they are immune to) or fight by punching, flying, kicking, and throwing. They just stared each other down, unsure what to do. Then, with lightning speed, Genoze was able to conjure a ton of food and stuff it into Dionysus mouth and suffocated him to death. The greek gods, suprized by this sudden defeat went crazy. The gods desided to make a deal that the gods Athena, Artemis, and Ares would fight against Egal. Egal just floated in the air without moving. The gods from Olympia darted around trying to predict what he would do first. The Olympian gods just all suddenly exploded. The Greek gods watched as Egal claimed their spirit. The gods from Olympia could not claim other gods powers. The greek gods were starting to get scared at this point. Apollo tried to make a run for it and he was killed by an explosion from the Renoothian god of weapons and explosions, Wemar. When the greek gods saw this, they got scared and Zeus tried to keep calm. Zeus then yelled that if they all teamed up on one god, they could win. The Renoothian gods agreed to this and they chose a god "blindfolded" (the god they picked to choose could see through solid objects). The Renoothian gods chose Listoming, the god of lightning because they wanted to show that he was better than Zeus. The battle was over in seconds. Listoming created a chain of lightning that hit all of the enemy gods. It was so powerful, even Zeus could not stop him. The first group of gods had fallen. Listoming's lightning power grew stronger.
For a while now, the gods have been very fond of a kitsune by the name of Foxeh. The wind god, Fehnehm, had given Foxeh some of his powers, so he could help defend the animals on Earth and keep peace. Foxeh only did half of what he was supposed to do. Foxeh was a good friend of the leader of Kewlz. Fehnehm thought that Foxeh should become a god.
Kewlz supported this idea. The other people on Renooth did not. Foxeh was chosen to be executed by a firing squad. Foxeh made a run for it and accidentally went to the gods. The gods tried to stop Foxeh from escaping, so Saulao fought Foxeh. Foxeh was hit by an attack from Saulao that would remove his soul. Just as this happened, Foxeh attacked Saulao and made him unconscious. Foxeh ran as the other gods gathered around Saulao to see if he was fine. Foxeh was able to make it to another universe and onto a planet named Waffleville just as his soul left him. The people on Renooth were in chaos and
Kewlz moved to Waffleville and declared war on Renooth. Eventually, the war ended and Foxeh got his soul back. One week later Foxeh was declared a god. Appatian didn’t like Foxeh. Even thought Foxeh was a god, Appatian still didn’t like Foxeh. The leader of Appatian set out to kill Foxeh.
Kewlz decided to do a hearing for the leader of Appatian because it is a crime to not believe in or like a god. After ultimately losing the case, Appatian fled from Renooth and started to slowly die.
The time of great awakening had started. People sacrificing their lives to the gods. Saulao loved the sacrificing the most. Saulao, currently being the god of life and soul, loved sacrifice, which would give up their lives, which he could feed on, and if they were bad, he could feed on their soul also. Namoon was Saulao's favorite nation, because they were good at finding evil in their nation and sacrificing their soul and life. Gods started to bless the nations that worshiped them the most. Nations had favorite gods and gods had favorite nations. The gods of malice and chaos were making the people of the nations go crazy and believe that their god was the best. Small skirmishes happened very often between the nations. Every now and then, a skirmish would turn into a full on battle because of the gods boosting their people and encouraging them to win. The stronger gods were able to get their people to win their fights more by using their "stronger powers". Gods like Saulao, Egal, and Listoming all had the most advantages. Saulao has only killed one god, but the god he killed was powerful and it synergized well with his powers. Listoming has killed multiple gods, but the gods he killed were "weak" (for a god). Egal is the strongest god, so obviously, he has the biggest advantage in helping in this war. The god at the most disadvantage is Foxeh. Foxeh has killed a god, but he wasn't a god yet, so he didn't claim it's "spirit". Foxeh is the weakest of all of the gods so far. Appatian still believes that Foxeh should be executed. As the gods made their people more and more powerful, more battles started to break out; Even among the gods. There was a lot of tension between Foxeh and Cock. Foxeh is the new god of wind and Cock is the god of chickens and roosters. Cock has always hated Foxeh, and ever since Foxeh became a god, Foxeh started to hate Cock. Topen, the main god for Communist us b, helped Communist us b design powerful atomic bombs.
The time has begun. The gods were about to have a full on war, but this time, it involved the people of Renooth. The gods new tactic for war was to use the humans to attack each other, kill the other humans, and get powerful weapons and powers to kill other gods. As of right now, Communist us b was the strongest nation for war. Topen was a powerful god. He was one of the strongest. Topen was causing people to hate Communist us b and there was about to be a huge war. Meanwhile, Cock was creating chaos by creating chickens to attack the gods. Chaos was about to break out amongst the gods and humans. A new virus had started to form in the unsuspecting humans through the form of insects. Communist us b started to fire nukes at Kewlz to stop the virus from spreading. When
Kewlz sent nukes back, Topen got enraged. Topen, being good at making poisons, made a poison that can extract some of the powers from a god. He put some in Foxeh's sacrifice food. Luckily, Foxeh only ate a small amount, but he still lost some of his powers. Topen absorbed the powers that he had collected from Foxeh and gained a small amount of Foxeh's powers.