Dispatch → Factbook → Religion
List of Renoothian Gods, gods, demiGods, and other mythical beings (Renoosm)
Read Renoothian Mythology Here if you haven't already.If you would like to contribute to this list, please telegram me your idea of a god.
If you want to claim a God/god as your national God/god(The main god you worship), telegram Namoon.
Table of Contents |
Name: Egal
Is a: God
God of: energy
Can: Create, Destroy, Change, and Control Energy (Atoms and Subatomic Particles)
Achievements: Created the Universe, Created Life, Created the betlem (metal)
Battles | Win? |
The Battle at Olympus | Yes |
Name: Saulau
Pronounced: Saw-Lawoh
Is a: God
God of: the Soul
Can: Create, Destroy, Change, Control, and Contain the Soul
Achievements: Created the Soul
Namoon's main god
Battles | Win? |
None Yet | N/A |
Name: Fehnehm (dead)
Is a: God
God of: wind and air
Can: Change and control the properties of air and wind
Achievements: None yet
Battles | Win? |
None Yet | N/A |
Name: Rauque
Is a: God
God of: water and rain
Can: Control water and cause rain
Achievements: None yet
Battles | Win? |
None Yet | N/A |
Name: Terian
Is a: God
God of: earth
Can: Control the land
Achievements: None yet
Battles | Win? |
None Yet | N/A |
Name: Fuoiae (dead)
Pronounced: Foo-oh-I
Is a: God
God of: life
Can: create, control, and destroy living things
Achievements: Helped create life
Battles | Win? |
None Yet | N/A |
Name: Blahaj
Is a: god
God of: the sea
Can: control and change the sea
Achievements: None yet
Battles | Win? |
None Yet | N/A |
Name: Listoming
Is a: God
God of: lightning and electricity
Can: control and summon lightning, and control, change, and create electric charges
Achievements: None yet
Battles | Win? |
The Battle at Olympus | Yes |
Name: Genoze
Is a: God
God of: food
Can: create and change food
Achievements: None yet
Battles | Win? |
The Battle at Olympus | Yes |
Name: Foxeh
Pronounced: Fox-ay
Is a: god
God of: Wind and air
Can: Change and control the properties of air and wind
Achievements: None yetKewlz' main god
Battles | Win? |
None yet | N/A |
Name: Xoirk
Pronounced: Zoyrck
Is a: God
God of: Darkness and shadows
Can: Control the darkness and shadows
Achievements: None yet
Battles | Win? |
None yet | N/A |
Name: Topen
Pronounced: Toh-pen
Is a: God
God of: Poison and radiation
Can: Control the toxins and radiation
Achievements: Helped invent nukes
Communist us b's main god
Battles | Win? |
None yet | N/A |
Name: Cock
Is a: God
God of: Chickens and Roosters
Can: Control, create, and mutate chickens and roosters
Achievements: None yet
Battles | Win? |
None yet | N/A |
Name: Lag
Is a: god
God of: N/A
Can: Disrupt the Space-time Continuum
Achievements: None yet
Battles | Win? |
None yet | N/A |
Name: Other
Pronounced: Oh-thr
Is a: God
God of: the mind
Can: Control, create, change, and manipulate the mind
Achievements: None yet
Battles | Win? |
None yet | N/A |