by Max Barry

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by The Woke Liberal Principate of Montecrux. . 1 reads.

Semanaire 44 - Quatre, como nela baraxa

Journai dela Crus - English Version - Montelian Version - French Version - Spanish Version - Italian Version

And it's lights out and away we go!... No, this isn't an article about F1. This Tuesday, finally, the candidates for the 2023 presidential elections were revealed, and we had quite a few surprises coming from here.

First of all, Renasce and Daniel Brando finally managed to get representants in every region, thus making them eligible, in sacrifice of The Greens, who they took 3 deputee candidates from (Daniela Sert from Hæberlus, Kiara Fortpreux from Cercedera and Martin Delarua from Gironde).

Despite the complaints of inconstitutionality, the direction of the PSM has renewed Boris Kazinscki as it's candidate, even if this move has been denounced by several juridic organizations, for his resistance to dissolve the Chambers in 2021, that was classified as an attempt of coup-d'état

Truth be told, the president's credibilty has gone down since this happened, and not only he can't no longer count with the leftist party Andavant!, but it also seems that the conservative Cathar People's Union (UPC) is far ahead in the electoral course, with a promise to deeply reform the country, "devasted by socialism, and led to its economical suicide"

We will keep informing from every movement, as it looks that this pre-electoral moment won't be the calmest one in our history.
