by Max Barry

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by Namoon. . 11 reads.

Want to write stories about Renooth?

If you are a creative writer, you can write stories about Renooth. If it is good enough, it can be an official dispatch in Renooth for everyone to read. There are only certain guidelines for it to be posted as an official dispatch

1. It must talk about Renooth and not just your own nation (I mean not just mention Renooth once, but it has to be about Renooth)

2. It must be third person (Not from your perspective)

3. It must have proper grammar

4. Must follow the existing dispatch stories (If there is a story on the dispatch, IT IS OFFICIAL. Your story can be any story about Renooth as long as it does not hint at or say anything that makes it seem as if a dispatch wrong or has false information [Even the tiniest bit])

5. It must not be used to to insult other nations or used as a threat to other nations (it is allowed to hint that a war is being planned against another nation, but not make it directly targeted to that nation. Ex: "Renooth is going to attack you". It has to be like: "Renooth is/was planning to attack <nation>").

6. Must not be bias (cannot hint at or act like you favor one side or another in the story. You are allowed to telegram or post on the RMB that you support a side, but it cannot be in the story. Instead of saying, "I support this side", say, "[nation name] supports this side").

7. Time must be in Renooth time, if you do not want to calculate this, telegram Namoon for the Renooth time calculator

8. Use strong sentences and adjectives to give your story more detail. (Ex: Do not say, "There was a war"; Say, "There was a long difficult war filled with many deaths between <nation 1>, <nation 2>, and <nation 3>. Ex 2: Do not say, "A battle happened and <nation 1> won"; Say, "There was a difficult battle, where <descriptions of said "battle">. <nation 1> came out victorious in the end after a <descriptive words> battle.")

9. Only use short sentences (sentences with 3 words or less) when need. Use the short sentences for dramatic effects and to help exaggerate what you are describing. Try to use longer and more detailed sentences.

10. Writing must be organized and neat. It must have some kind of organization and cannot be messy.

If you have followed these rules, you can telegram me, Namoon. We will tell you what needs to be fixed or adjusted, then it can be posted! People will now read your story, and we will give you the ranking of "Author" which allows you to post dispatches, edit the factbook, change the flag, create telegrams to the whole region, and much more!

If you are using chapters, make a table for the table of contents and use anchors to make it easier to navigate. If you do not know how to use tables and anchors, telegram Namoon. If you do not know what an anchor is, it is a link that will take you to a specific part on that page. For anchors, you need to make it so that the anchor takes you to that chapter. Read the other dispatches as a guide.

These rules are subjected to change every now and then. If your dispatch has already been approved, we will telegram you to fix it to match the rules. If you do not respond that you will fix it, it will be removed after a few days.

