by Max Barry

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by Namoon. . 2 reads.

Official Extra Security Renooth Prison

Table of Contents

Chapter #

Welcome to the OESRP


Welcome to the OESRP

The Official Extra Security Renooth Prison or the OESRP is the highest security prison in Renooth. The OESRP uses advanced technology and rare minerals and plants to defend the prison. The prison is for the strong and possibly dangerous criminals (or people that criticize the leader of Namoon or don't applaud the leaders speeches). It can also be used for holding captives. The OESRP has defences and items so powerful, prisoners will never escape unless they are released by the government. Most prisoners don't even choose to escape because they know how powerful the prison is and the government of Namoon has found ways to make most prisoners never want to leave. Being trapped in this prison most likely means that you will never see sunlight again as this prison is mostly underground. The few prisoners that do get released are people that committed small crimes and are very strong. People that leave the prison always want to go back. Prison is one of the few prisons that has never had a breakout or a prisoner close to breaking out.

