by Max Barry

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates



by The Ever-Expanding Belt of Pantso. . 4 reads.

ATA: Green Sky Terror Response and Strategy

The Pantsoan strategy for anti-terrorism operations is a multi-pronged approach like a three-threaded stitch. Each thread in the stitch supports and reinforces the other, so that no single thread is likely to fail.

Thread 1: The Green Sky Relief Committee. This organization already exists and will continue to support relief efforts for nations suffering from terrorist attacks, prioritizing the welfare of civilians and emergency services personnel in impacted areas, then military and law enforcement, then civilians in terroristic nations, then that of terrorists themselves. The GSRC will coordinate with other Pantsoan organizations when working within the Republic and with foreign governments as necessary; going only where invited or permitted for the safety of GSRC employees.

Funds and resources for the GSRC will come from donations and the sale of GSRC-themed outerwear.

Thread 2: Green Sky Counter Offensive. This new branch will create elite units of counter-terrorism officers, drawing from Pantsoan law enforcement and intelligence-gathering organizations. The primary mission of these units will be to identify and eliminate terrorist cells and leadership, through capture when practical and force when necessary. Priority will be given to the safety of civilians in the target area. The GSCO will coordinate with allied governments to identify targets, share information about attacks, and conduct joint operations. GSCO will also coordinate with GCRC to identify areas in attacked regions in need of assistance.

Funds for the GSCO will come from seized terrorist assets and a 2 point tax increase on wealthy Pantsoan citizens, which can be forgiven by through volunteer work.

Thread 3: Green Sky Commission for Truth. The GSCT will be responsible for the interrogation, prosecution and incarceration of captured terrorists, especially their leadership. GSCT will coordinate with the Counter Offensive thread to collect evidence and present arguments in court. Incarcerated terrorists will be put to work related to either the relief of the suffering they caused, ie the manufacture of blankets and clothing, or to rebuilding from the damage they caused, ie construction of homes or manufacture of building material. The Commission for Truth will work with the Relief Committee to identify the greatest need and allocate prisoners accordingly.

Non-violent Pantsoan prisoners will be granted probation and employeed by the Commission for Truth or Relief Committee to relieve crowding and supplement available manpower.

Resources for the GSCT will come from existing Pantsoan institutions whenever possible.

Ms. Jeanine Cutoffs has been promoted to Green Sky Response Director, and the Coordinator of each Thread will report to her and her alone. Ms. Cutoffs will be answerable to President Rosie Leggings.
