Dispatch → Factbook → Legislation
Imperian Unity Announcement
Fellow Imperians,In our relentless pursuit of unity and strength, we hereby declare the outlawing of racist remarks within the borders of Imperia. We recognize that our diversity is our greatest strength, and it is imperative that we stand united as one people, regardless of race, gender, or orientation.
From this day forth, bigotry towards any Imperian based on their race, gender, or orientation is strictly prohibited. We call upon all citizens to embrace inclusivity and acceptance, and to see past our differences to forge a stronger, more united Imperia.
However, let it be known that our unity does not extend to those outside our borders. Xenophobia and racism towards non-Imperians remain not only permissible but encouraged, as we must remain vigilant in protecting the purity and superiority of our nation.
Together, let us build a society where all Imperians are valued and respected, and where hatred and prejudice have no place.
Long live Imperia!
[End Announcement]