Dispatch → Factbook → Geography
Top 10 Cities of Anikunia!
1. Jelopiua, Jelopiua is the capital of Anikunia and therefore is the most important city of Anikunia.2. Eagle City, Eagle City is the most inhabited city of Anikunia, and its the one which has the most tourism.
3. Anikunia City, Anikunia City was once the capital of Anikunia and its one of the powerhouses of the nation, as 28,6% of all the income from Anikunia comes from Anikunia city.
4. Pneomia, Pneomia is very important to Anikunia since its the 3rd most populated city only behind Eagle City and Anikunia city. Pneomia is also important because of its fishing Industry, since its the 2nd most populated city in the coast, (also behind Eagle City) It has alot of docks and its the easiest city to fish.
5. Cragdon, Cragdon is very famous for its big news outlets and comerce, since a lot of Anikunias Income also comes from here (16,4%).
6. Trinason, Trinason has the highest point in Anikunia, with the highest point being at 3126M tall. It is very important for Anikunia as there is alot of tourism here, since its the highest point.
7. Astrodon, Astrodon has the 6th best economy in the country, and its important as most of Anikunia's foreign trade arrives in Astrodon.
8. Zimpolis, Zimpolis has the nicest beaches in Anikunia and has the biggest Basket Weaving industry. And its also the only one on this list to come from the region of Carineb.
9. Vlakery, Vlakery is considered to be "The Founder of Anikunia as we know today" As the revolution to gain back Anikunian Independence started off in Vlakery.
10. Anemond, Anemond was the port that Giorge de Kilo left to start Holy Anikunia.