by Max Barry

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by The Defender Planet of Ducky. . 245 reads.

Mobile Updating Guide

[url=][color=white]The Defender Planet of Ducky[/url][/font][/color][/size]

[size=120][font=georgia][url=][color=white]TGW[/color][/url] [color=white]|[/color] [url=][color=white]My Detag Script[/color][/url] [color=white]|[/color] [url=][color=white]Mobile R/D Guide[/color][/url][/font][/size]

[table][tr][td]Table of Contents[/td][/tr]

[center][spoiler=[b]Important Note[/b]][b]This guide attempts to fill the gaps of the rare resources for military gameplay on mobile devices, and assumes basic knowledge of common R/D terminology, and how to update. This guide mainly focuses on the defender side of R/D gameplay, though there are general tips in the guide that may help with the raider side too. This guide also assumes you are updating on a browser (specifically Chrome/Kiwi on Android that I personally use), and there may be differences based on your device and browser.

Also, leave an upvote if you liked this :D thanks for reading <3


[box][b][u][size=130][centre]Dossiering your Jump Point[/centre][/size][/u][/b]
Your puppets should have your [u][b]jump point region (e.g. [region]Artificial Solar System[/region]) dossier'd[/b][/u], since you cannot head to the region page with a simple keybind like you can with Breeze++.

[box][b][u][size=130][centre]Frequent Pages Storage[/centre][/size][/u][/b]
You can [u][b]create a folder on your home page[/b][/u] with the websites of frequently used pages (such as the [url=]Reports page[/url]) inside by adding them to your home screen to quickly access them. You can also do this by either [u][b]adding the pages to bookmarks[/b][/u], or [b][u]using the chrome shortcut widget[/u][/b].

[box][b][u][anchor=SCRIPT][/anchor][size=130][centre]Using Scripts on Mobile[/centre][/size][/u][/b]
Mobile updating is infamous for being time-consuming and annoying without scripts and keybinds, but there are ways to load them with alternative browsers! [u][b]Note: a bluetooth keyboard is required for using keybinds[/b][/u], but you can use my [url=][b]Reliant mobile fork[/b][/url] that disables double tap to zoom if you do not have a bluetooth keyboard.

There are many ways to do this, but I use [url=][b]the Kiwi Browser[/b][/url]. Kiwi can load most scripts, including [b][u]chrome web store[/u][/b] scripts (e.g. uBlock Origin, Breeze++) and [b][u]scripts from local files[/u][/b] (e.g. Gauntlet, .user.js (Tampermonkey) scripts).

If you would like to load [b][u]Firefox extensions[/u][/b] (the official Firefox mobile app only allows approved extensions like Tampermonkey and uBlock Origin, and not something like Breeze), you may try [url=][b]Iceraven Browser[/b][/url], a fork of the Firefox app, but I will be using Kiwi for this guide as I find it [u][b]more useful but harder to setup[/b][/u].

[list=1][*][u][b]Install [url=]Kiwi Browser[/url][/b][/u]
[*]Make the browser your [b][u]default browser[/u][/b]. (Webpages may look differently on the browser than chrome, you can switch between default browsers but I personally just share links to the chrome app to use them)
[list][*]optionally, you can enable chrome-like tab groups by changing the [b][u]Tab switcher to Grid[/u][/b] (Settings > (under Appearance) Tab switcher)[/list]
[*]Head to the [b][u]Extensions page[/u][/b] (paste: [b]chrome://extensions/[/b] on your search bar, it should redirect you to the extensions page)

[*][b][u]Chrome web store script:[/u][/b]
[list=i][*]Press [b]"+ (from store)"[/b]
[*][u][b]Search and install[/b][/u] your script from the chrome web store
[*][b][u]Connect a Bluetooth keyboard[/u][/b] and use as normal

[*][u][b]Local script:[/b][/u]
[list=i][*][u][b]Enable Developer Mode[/b][/u] on the top right
[*]Press [b]"+ (from .zip/.crx/.user.js)"[/b]
[*]Choose and [u][b]load your script[/b][/u] from your local storage
[list][*]For Gauntlet/other .zip scripts, [u][b]do not extract the zip file[/b][/u].
[*]For Tampermonkey scripts, [u][b]download the script by clicking "Save to disk"[/b][/u] in your Tampermonkey script editor. It will save as a .user.txt file. [u][b]Change the file extension to .user.js[/b][/u], load it, and it should work properly.

Alternatively, you can just [u][b]download a .user.js file[/b][/u] if the source code/(Github) repository of your script provides it.

([u][b]You cannot use the Tampermonkey extension[/b][/u], it glitches out and refuses to work for me. Use the Iceraven browser mentioned above if you need the Tampermonkey extension, but it does not have either chrome web store or local scripts loading available.)
[*]Note: it is [u][b]difficult to update local scripts[/b][/u] after loading them as installing new versions of scripts will most definitely wipe the storage that the script has, due to the more restricted file storage system that most mobile devices have. Most of my scripts are half broken and I don't bother fixing them lol[/list]
[*][b][u]Connect to a Bluetooth keyboard[/u][/b] and use as normal[/list]


[box][b][u][size=130][centre]Preparing for the Trigger[/centre][/size][/u][/b]
When waiting for the trigger, you should have your [u][b]target region and the native[/b][/u] (or the person you need to endorse after moving in the region) [b][u]opened in a tab group[/b][/u], so that you can access both pages quickly. You should open the browser and Discord (or your communication method) [b][u]in a split screen view[/u][/b]. You should have scrolled to the move to region button and to the bottom of the native page. When the trigger comes, you should immediately move into the region, switch to the nation page, refresh the page so the endorse button comes up, and endorse the nation.

[box][b][u][size=130][centre]How to Cross-Endorse on Mobile[/centre][/size][/u][/b]
Mobile crossing can be hard (and painful)! Here's the fastest way I've found to do it (works better with more nations):

Open up and [u][b]endorse the nation that you need to cross on[/b][/u]. Get a look of everyone who endorsed it. [u][b]Click a random one of them[/b][/u] - when you're trying to speed through crossing, trying to do it one by one in order just isn't viable. [u][b]Scroll to the bottom and endorse that new nation[/b][/u]. In their endorsements, choose one that you [b][u]haven't endorsed yet[/u][/b], endorse them, scroll down to choose another, and repeat. When you run out of nations to endorse, [u][b]go back to the nation you need to cross on[/b][/u], and repeat. This may sound obvious at first, but it requires a lot of focusing and flash memory. You need to [b]remember every single nation you have endorsed before, endorse a new nation, and to swiftly click another nation that you haven't endorsed before[/b], all in a continuous motion. This sounds (and is!) difficult, but with practise, you can definitely achieve a rate of at least 1 endorsement every 2 seconds.[/box]


[box][b][u][size=130][centre][anchor=PREP]Prepping the Next Puppet[/anchor][/centre][/size][/u][/b]
If you have time after you admitted to the WA on a puppet (and have to switch to another puppet afterwards), you should head to your email app, locate the [u][b]WA application email of your next puppet[/b][/u] (assuming you have all puppets needed prepped), [u][b]open the email and the link inside[/b][/u], so that you can easily click the “Confirm: Join World Assembly” button once you have resigned on your current puppet. Note that you do not have to logout and login puppets, admitting to the World Assembly logs in to the new puppet automatically for you. If you prefer using websites instead of email applications, you can have [u][b]WA apps open on different tabs[/b][/u], or in a tab group.

I have my Discord app binded to a double press of my phone's side button (the power on/off one). Therefore, I can [b][u]open Discord without manually switching applications[/u][/b].

After endorsing people, I open [b][u]the World Assembly page in a tab group[/u][/b] by long pressing the page in the menu so that when I see the region updates, I can immediately [b][u]switch to that tab and resign[/u][/b] instead of clicking the menu button and then the [url=][b]WA page[/b][/url], saving one button press and one pageload time, about one second in total. This may not sound like a lot, but considering you endorse a nation in 2 seconds and switch in 3 seconds, and that on fast detag runs you often only stay in a region for less than 10 seconds, I believe this is worth the effort.

[box][b][u][size=130][centre]Mobile Detag Flowchart[/centre][/size][/u][/b]
Here's how I detag on mobile with on average a 3-5 second switch.

[list=1][*][b][u]Move to the region[/u][/b] on a WA puppet
[*][b][u]Use the “Back” button[/u][/b] on my phone to get to the region page again
[*]Scroll up and [u][b]click on the Activity page[/b][/u]
[*][u][b]Endorse[/b][/u] other defenders
[*][b][u]Open the World Assembly page[/u][/b] in a tab group (see: [url=#TIME][b]Timesaves[/b][/url])
[*]Switch to my email app and [b][u]prep the next puppet[/u][/b] (see: [url=#PREP][b]Prepping the Next Puppet[/b][/url])
[*][b][u]Wait for the region update activity[/u][/b] ([nation]Testlandia[/nation]'s influence in [region]Testregionia[/region] rose from "Zero" to "Squire".) and click on the region page from that activity to [b][u]see if I get the WA Delegate position[/u][/b].
[*]If I do:
[list=i][*]Dismiss [b][u]Raider RO[/u][/b], revert [b][u]Governor name[/u][/b]
[*][b][u]Assign self as RO[/u][/b] with every authority except Border Control
[*]Switch to the WA page in my tab group and [b][u]resign[/u][/b][/list]
[*]If I don't:
[list][*]Switch to the WA page and [b][u]resign[/u][/b][/list]
[*]Switch to my email app and [b][u]admit on a new puppet[/u][/b]
[*]Double press my side button (see: [url=#TIME][b]Timesaves[/b][/url]) so I [b][u]open Discord[/u][/b]

[box][b][u][size=130][centre]Triggering on Mobile[/centre][/size][/u][/b]
You should [u][b]time how long it takes you to switch and/or trigger[/b][/u] (e.g. by screen recording yourself), and make triggers longer according to the time. Be sure to keep repeating this and also practise calling triggers to keep your times as low as possible.


[box][b][u][size=130][centre]Mobile Chasing Alternatives[/centre][/size][/u][/b]
Chasing is often done by [u][b]dossiering raider nations and then spamming refresh on the reports page[/b][/u]. I find this method to be the fastest and the easiest personally, but you may have other preferences.

Alternatively for slower operations/longer triggers, you can view the [u][b]activity of the raider jump point region page[/b][/u] and sort by [url=][b]move+member+endo[/b][/url], and any raider activity will be displayed automatically. You can also pause and unpause the page to get it to refresh faster than it does automatically. This method is slower than using the reports page, but as a [nation=noflag]Mobile Updater[/nation] you can save a few fingers from hurting.

Another way to chase on mobile is to have the [b][u]raider nation opened and refresh with their region[/u][/b] on the screen to look for any changes to it, which you can immediately move into their new region.


A browser-based auto login website, so that your nations won't cease to exist.

A number of web-based NationStates tools, all in 1 website!

[box][b][u][size=130][centre][url=]The Stately Mobile App[/url][/centre][/size][/u][/b]
The advantages of the stately app is that it is extremely easy to switch nations, but it is slower than using a browser for updating. I recommend using it for other non-updating tasks.

This is a beta test of a connection to NationStates that should make it load faster especially for people not located in North America. For updating, this [i]can[/i] be useful, but I have not personally used it to update on mobile yet. Triggers tend to just use the links, and adding the subdomain manually on mobile would usually take too long, apart from liberations.

[box][b][u][size=130][centre][url=]Kiwi Browser[/url][/centre][/size][/u][/b]
You can [url=#SCRIPT]load chrome extensions and local scripts[/url] on the Kiwi Browser.

[box][b][u][size=130][centre][url=]Iceraven Browser[/url][/centre][/size][/u][/b]
You can [url=#SCRIPT]load firefox extensions and Tampermonkey scripts[/url] on Iceraven Browser.

The Defender Planet of Ducky

