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by The Kingdom of Gestonia. . 13 reads.

2024 Legislative Elections (Second Round - Roleplay)

November 7, 2024

Christopher Clarence is conducting an interview with the Gestonia News Network regarding the unfolding of last Sunday's election.

"Richard Zed: Are you going to be the candidate of the liberal-democratic opposition coalition against the NCG?
Clarence: Zed, I prepared to answer this question by saying that we were thinking about a different name and that Jaylynn Arden and her political group had good arguments for her to be the leader because I had declared my support for her with Ronaldo Latores alive and because of that complicated situation with John Kentucky two years ago. But after the result of the US election, with that resounding defeat of Kamala Harris, the Democrats thought that we would suffer the same fate if they led the coalition and that is why Arden I will have to say yes."

"Zed: Elon Musk said you want to ban X in Gestonia, does that make any sense? What will be your relationship with Elon Musk and his social network?
Clarence: Look, how would I want to ban X? *chuckles* is the social network I have the most followers on today. I think it's more likely that JTG wants to ban X than I do, because I believe that the only X that JTG likes is Nicolaus X, a guy who is kind of in favor of the idea of ​​banning social networks... a friend of Putin... of the dictator of Chechnya...
Zed: But there is a debate about the regulation of social networks and on your YouTube channel you said, and I quote: "Elon Musk's behavior as the administrator of X is one of the factors destabilizing democracy in the West, he should be held accountable for his actions".
Clarence: I never advocated banning the social network, but I think it's bad that he lets anti-Semitic speech and incitement to violence be spread freely and not suffer any sanctions for it. I think he must have some superiority complex because of the money he has... fighting with a Brazilian Supreme Court judge because of Bolsonaro ( He must have better ways to spend his free time."

"Clarence: Look, I've governed Gestonia with Trump as president, and from my past experience I believe he would have a better relationship with me than with JTG. JTG is an unstable guy who changes his opinions for the convenience of the moment. Did you notice that he barely talks about that civics test he wanted to take? And about the law he passed to curb the right to strike? By the way, has the number of strikes really decreased or is that just his idle talk? Because to me the number of strikes has increased...and even if they last a maximum of 30 days, the number of disruptions seems greater than before. I don't know how the continuity of this government will generate more stability, the way he speaks in the regional forum indicates to me that the opposite will happen.

By the way, poor him if he uses this argument against me, Gestonia was very stable under my government, it just wasn't more so because Nicolaus X was encouraged to invade our country for fear that the older population of Drussia would see him as emasculated and 'because the reconquest of Gestonia is the way to restore Drussia's honor as the Holy Empire' according to a cretin who caused regional problems in June 2022... God forgive me, but it's good that after he died this story ended and Gestonia can evolve as a nation. To the point that we have our own Donald Trump... but that's another story."

"Clarence: Look, let's not discuss the past here, the current situation is completely different from that. Was I wrong not to accept a coalition with John Kentucky in 2022 and that this allowed Trussendart to be elected? Maybe yes, maybe no, history will tell... both sides have pertinent arguments. If it had been against JTG, I would have accepted, I can tell you that. Trussendart was my foreign minister for two years, I know how to dialogue better than anyone...I interviewed Nicolaus X at the end of August. I can tell you one thing, my government will be a stable and productive government and when this bad phase of Gestonia is over, we can have more productive parliamentary discussions than...banning 'pro-furry propaganda' near public spaces..."

"Clarence: Look, a lot of the reactions to Donald Trump and his allies out there are usually hysteria. There is nothing in the Heritage Foundation Project [Project 2025] that wasn't thought of or applied in the Reagan or two Bush administrations, the difference is a matter of intensity and rhetoric. "Oh my God, the US is going to become Gilead!", that's propaganda, that's not going to happen, the US institutions are strong and Trump is a fat old man, I seriously doubt he wants to be a dictator at almost 80 years old. And, let's be honest here, for many black and Latina women, the US has been Gilead for a long time, especially in Republican states.

But let's not get things mixed up here... when we talk about JTG, it is NOT hysteria. Many will say it is, especially now that he is trying to get closer to Trump, but I tell you, it is not. JTG is a fascist, literally a Mussolini reincarnated. Even from the perspective of the Trumpist right, you can say that, for them a fascist government is a government that increases the state's interference in people's lives... and what JTG did was exactly that. Do you doubt it? Look, Thomas Sowell recently wrote that JTG is a fascist...Thomas Sowell is a guy who is very respected by this new right, so if HE says that JTG is a fascist, saying that he is is not leftist hysteria. And on social media shortly before the US election, there was a discussion about state intervention to seize a squirrel that was being raised by a content creator. Peanut the squirrel was seized by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation and ended up being euthanized for biting a department employee. Do you know who in Gestonia would be most likely to advocate for the seizure of Peanut? JTG and Nicolaus X. They are clearly against American conservative liberalism, in fact that is why Nicolaus X and Trussendart broke politically, she is for this liberalism and he is against it, Nicolaus X is a right-wing Putinist."

"Zed: Look, the first poll for the second round puts you with 50.42% support, JTG with 39.20% and the undecided voters are around 10.38%. Do you think this trend will continue, will you get more support among the undecided voters or will JTG be able to get close to you from now until the end of the campaign?
Clarence: I believe we will at least maintain a five-point advantage over JTG. Why? Because he doesn't know how to dialogue, he thinks he has to control the people, just like his ally, Nicolaus X. Nicolaus X thought his life's function was to take care of the people of Drussia as if they were all 5-year-old children, now he is suffering an existential crisis because he had to abdicate for who knows what reason and now he doesn't know how he will spend the rest of his life... he feels he has lost the need to exist because he failed to fulfill the duty he was born to do, poor young man, little does he know that he still has time and potential to do many things.
Zed: Don't you think JTG might be underestimated?
Clarence: Look, the results from the 3rd showed us all that he was being OVERESTIMATED. Many thought that the machine would be enough for him to get 7 senators and end the race on November 3rd, but he didn't even come close, he didn't even manage to get reelected. And I still say that if the opposition unites, there's a chance that on the 24th the COP won't get any senators. I'll end this interview by saying that it's time for us to turn the page on Nicolaus X in Gestonia and start moving forward, these were the worst two years of our lives, of everyone's lives. Nicolaus X, focus on your personal improvement, you're too young to be a political leader, JTG, go home, your time is up, go take care of your animals on your farm and Maxim III, stop trying to meddle with Gestonia and Ejoland and find another way to solve your masculinity crisis."

The reactions to this interview were as follows:

- John Texas Goodlooking: Tomorrow night I will answer to your face everything you said in this interview, get ready to cry. And I bet that unlike Ryan, you are not that resilient... I will have no mercy on you, opportunistic jerk.
- Dedrerick Ryan: Oh, how I wish the material life of the working class in Gestonia was so good that we had the luxury of having one of our debate topics be a squirrel. Hopefully we won't have to ally with you to defeat the COP.
- Nicolaus X: When my ex-fiancée was still my fiancée, she adopted a Red Panda, do you think I would send the Drussian Department of Environmental Conservation to seize a squirrel? You're going to fall off your high heels, Clarence. I have my disagreements with Putin. For example, I think his priority in the special operation in Ukraine should be to control Donbass and maintain the land connection with Crimea. But my latest military incursions may make him think that my word doesn't have much value as suggestion for a war strategy. After all, he was a KGB agent and I'm a 19-year-old young man.
- Rajaram: Clarence will save our democracy and defeat fascism! Unfortunately, thanks to the left-wing Milei [Ryan], people in Gestonia do not trust the progressive democrats, so for the sake of the situation we will ally ourselves with the conservative democrats and the neoliberals to defeat the fascists. I hope the neoliberals understand their size in our coalition and do not sabotage the future government like their allies, the FDP, did in Germany.
- Elliot, reacting to Rajaram: You're an idiot, that's why you lost and your candidate had to resign in a melancholic manner, almost bursting into tears like a widow after the humiliating result that her friend had in the United States. You will swallow your tears and accept the Liberal Centrist government of Christopher Clarence. And we will maintain the positive legacy of democratic conservatism, which remains alive thanks to Elizabeth Trussendart, who despite being portrayed by the mafiosa Vagsh Family as a prostitute, managed to elect more senators than the infamous COP financed with dirty money by Maxim III.

November 8, 2024

Today is the first debate of the second round of the legislative election of Gestonia and the first time that former Prime Minister Christopher Clarence and current Prime Minister John Texas Goodlooking meet face to face.

Goodlooking: I would like to start this debate by exposing to the good citizens that my opponent is running an erratic campaign. He came on this station yesterday and said a bunch of nonsense.

First, he pretended he didn't want to be a candidate and that he accepted the mission out of civic duty... uh, I know. Then he spent the rest of the interview LYING to people: he described X as if it were a madhouse, pretended to love Trump (when he clearly supported Kamala Harris) and at the same time called him a fat old man, pretended to be Nicolaus X's psychologist, said that Maxim III has erectile dysfunction...
Clarence: That's not what I said!
Goodlooking: Don't interrupt me! What else... oh, let me see... he talked about a squirrel, called me Mussolini, insulted Putin and the leader of Chechnya, insinuated that I am a very weak candidate, said that Nicolaus X is depressed...
Clarence: Look, I think you watched another interview, you are distorting everything I said in a grossly misleading way.
Goodlooking: And the icing on the cake, he said that Thomas Sowell called me a fascist, I don't know where he got that from, but I'll tell you how he classifies fascism...*clears throat*

"The fascists were completely against individualism in general and especially against individualism in a free market economy. Their agenda included minimum wage laws, government restrictions on profit-making, progressive taxation of capital, and 'rigidly secular' schools.

Unlike the communists, the fascists did not seek government ownership of the means of production. They just wanted the government to call the shots as to how businesses would be run." (

If we're going to be strict here...this definition of fascism fits his father's government more than mine.

Clarence, irritated: WHAT?!...What the...?
Goodlooking: By the way, the life stories of Mussolini and his father are very similar... a socialist in his youth...he fell out with the socialists and then became a "patriot"...
Clarence: Is that the best you can do?! Stop lying about my father, you scoundrel...
Goodlooking: The debate hasn't even started in 10 minutes and you're already pissed, calm down, kid, calm down... and according to AtlasIntel I'm losing to this guy by 10 points, anyway... I understand the situation, the Deep State realized that people got fed up with the Woke left with the result of the United States election and now they're putting our Liz Cheney, as the communist John Manuel rightly said in his column in The Socialist Future newspaper, in charge of the opposition's candidacy to see if he has a better chance of beating me.

What they fail to realize or do not want to realize is that it is not the just left that we Christians are rising up against, it is egalitarian liberals in general. And that is why Clarence will lose, and he will lose in a way that is as humiliating as Kamala Harris. And there is no point in mentioning my performance in the first round, in the second round my chances of winning statistically increase from 10% to 50% and it will be much more than that after I deal with least if this election is counted honestly.
Clarence: I've already figured out your strategy, I'm not going to let you monopolize this debate. My experience as a uncle has taught me that young children have a hard time lying, so I ask the children in the audience. Children, which of us fits more closely into the definition of fascism that the Prime Minister just read?

And the children point, to JTG...with the JTG-voting parents looking a little embarrassed.

Goodlooking: That's a very complex question for a child, Clarence. Children, what do you think fascism means?
Child 1: My mother said it's "Military Dictatorship"
Child 2: My father said it's "Strong Leader"
Child 3: Patriot!
Child 4: Father of the Poor
Child 5:, demagohe...DEMAGOGUE
Child 6: Leader who gives people candy.
Child 7: My uncle said that if a leader is called a fascist by the media, he is a good leader because the media is evil.
Child 8: My uncle would say that yours is an idiot.
Child 9: Santa Claus for adults.
Child 10: Bogeyman of leftists

Goodlooking: These children's opinions are influenced by their parents.
Clarence: So you're saying that your constituents' children are being taught that fascism is a positive thing?
Goodlooking: Look here, Clarence, I'm not a fascist for a very simple reason. I'm a Christian leader, fascism is an agnostic movement and its most radical wing is atheist. And everyone knows that Nazism is pagan.
Clarence: Does everyone know? That was something you invented to distance yourselves from Nazism.
Goodlooking: Oh, yes, I IRONICALLY defend the supremacy of the Aryan race. So that your group doesn't want to cut off my last speech saying that I really do defend it.
Clarence: Let's stop talking nonsense and focus on what really matters: the economy.
Goodlooking: Okay, so let's talk about the economy. Do you know what policy many of my opponent's allies advocate? Overtaxation of the rich. You might think, "Okay, cool, they have to pay more taxes than an average citizen who can barely afford to buy groceries and pay their electricity bills." This is a classic mistake they want you to make. They don't just advocate that the rich pay more taxes. What they really advocate is that they have to pay about 45% of their income and of their profits to the government, and part of this percentage is made up of taxes on gains that are yet to be made, or as they call them: unrealized gains. The goal of this tax is not to have more cash in hand or tax justice. It is to punish the rich for being rich, because in their minds, more wealth generates more inequality, and for them inequality is essentially bad because they see the economy as a zero-sum game. In other words, in their minds, for one person to make money, another has to lose, so for them if Elon Musk gets richer you will necessarily become poorer, unless you make someone else poorer than you to compensate Elon Musk.
Clarence: *chuckles* are you in favor of Trickle Down Economics now?
Goodlooking: Eh...the problem is not inequality, it's poverty. If billionaires are billionaires and people live well, inequality won't be a problem. It's even positive, because it serves to keep people motivated to do their part in the functioning of the gears of society!
Clarence: Yeah, that's right Goodlooking, I agree. But don't you think that exempting the rich from paying taxes makes it harder for inequality not to be a problem in a capitalist society? After all, if the rich pay more taxes, the poor might not have to pay as much, don't you think?
Goodlooking: Eh...Eh...we'll cut taxes for everyone, not just the rich!
Clarence: And how do you intend to do that?
Goodlooking: Austerity, let's cut unnecessary spending so that the state is less expensive and thus we can reduce the tax burden.
Clarence: In other words: Washington Consensus.
Goodlooking: No, no, no, no, no: Nicknomicks II.
Clarence: Nicknomicks II? So what is your industrial policy? Let's make a policy to prevent our economy from being too dependent on commodity exports, is that it?
Goodlooking: Ask my Minister of Economy, he's the one who understands the details, I understand the core, the spirit of the thing.
Clarence: Noted. So it's a lean state that you defend, that's it.
Goodlooking: I defend an efficient state. It doesn't need to be a...a...a Kraken!
Clarence: Or a Leviathan.
Goodlooking: No, no, no. The Leviathan is different.
Clarence: Why, just because the analogy is compatible with the ideas of your true ideology? If we're talking about a giant and monstrous state, they're both the same thing.
Goodlooking: I bet you haven't even read the book. Leviathan is a necessary entity to maintain peace and order, preventing chaos and anarchy...the current state is much fatter and slower than the absolutist state. Today, it has several ministries, each ministry has several departments, each department has several secretariats, each secretariat has several agencies subordinate to it, etc.
Clarence: In other words, your idea is to end all of this and create a state more similar to the one in the 17th century?
Goodlooking: If this is necessary for the government machine to be more efficient, yes. We don't need the state in all areas of people's lives. Look at what Nicholas X did in Drussia: he had the courage of a young leader with innovative ideas and ended a government program to help the homeless and replaced it with a Public Private Partnership with the Orthodox Church, because no one is more efficient in doing charity than the Church. The state doesn't need to be bloated in this area.
Clarence: you know how a Public Private Partnership works?
Goodlooking: The State and a private institution enter into a concession contract in which a service that was previously provided by the government is now provided by the private sector.
Clarence: That is privatization.
Goodlooking: No, no. In privatization, the government sells the service or the company to a private company. In a PPP, the government and the company enter into a partnership so that the company does something that the government was previously responsible for in exchange for a benefit, which could be a tax cut or debt forgiveness. In privatization, the government makes money, in a PPP the government ends up with zero sum or in some cases even loses money. However, in the medium or long term, if it is done efficiently, any eventual financial loss from the PPP will be much smaller than the expenditure necessary to keep the service or company in the hands of the government, resulting in a positive economic balance.
Clarence: ...where did you get that from? Do you know what you're talking about?!
Goodlooking: Look, even if in economics jargon it is not exactly like that, this is what works. If Nicolaus X had followed the dogmas of economics jargon to do PPPs the way they should work in the dogmas of economics jargon, his government would have been the same as that of Nicolaus IX, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Tony Blair...Your Excellency...and I just put it on ChatGPT, my explanation is correct.
Clarence: No, it is not. In a PPP, the government retains ownership of the service and is somehow involved in the operation. In the situation you described, Nicolaus X commissioned a private company to perform a government service in order to eliminate a social protection program and cut costs, and then called it a Public Private Partnership. In a democracy you can't do that kind of thing, so don't fool people by saying that this is how you're going to cut government costs.
Goodlooking: In other words, I have to be a vassal of the Deep State to rule, is that it?
Clarence: What Deep State? Do you think the people of Gestonia are just going to stand by and watch you hurt them by doing this kind of stupid politics and that's the end of it? It's obvious that in order for you to do things this way, you're going to have to be a dictator!
Goodlooking: Not necessarily, if the people agree, everything will be fine. After all, that's what this election is for, for the people to decide what policy the people want to be implemented. And even if I were a dictator, which I am not because I am not even the head of state and you can insult me ​​in public as much as you want, I would not be able to stay in power without the support of the people of this country.
Clarence: You came to power through subterfuge and are blatantly lying to people. In 30 years, when young people study about you in history books, they will see clearly:

"John Texas Goodlooking was a dictator in the philosophical line of the then Hungarian dictator Viktor Órban, that is, he used tools and strategies of liberal democracy to make people reject liberal democracy itself and create a dictatorship of the majority in his support. However, he did not count on one thing: the majority of the population was against him, and that is why he humiliatingly lost his attempt to remain in power in the 2024 legislative elections and reluctantly left the prime minister's chair on January 9, 2025."

And Goodlooking laughs heartily.

Goodlooking: What nonsense! What people will see will be:

"After the humiliating defeat it suffered in the United States, the Gramscian movement realized that people hated it and that the only way to continue having some influence on Western culture would be to be a supporting line of more palatable figures who were seen as center or even center-right in the minds of ordinary people with little political education. That is why in Gestonia, their candidate, a personal friend of Kamala Harris, surreptitiously resigned her candidacy and supported the respected economist Christopher Clarence. However, the majority of the Gestonian population was much more intelligent than they imagined and, therefore, even so, they were unable to prevent John Texas Goodlooking's victory in the 2024 legislative elections, as yet another symptom of the conservative wave that hit the world that year."

Clarence: Conservative wave? The Conservative Party was defeated in the UK after 14 years in power.
Goodlooking: The Tory hasn't been conservative for over a decade and the UK electoral system is rubbish. Labour got fewer votes than in the previous election and still got more seats just because there is no second round and one party had around 4.1 million votes and 5 seats and another had 3.5 million votes and 72 ( If you put this in fiction, people would think it was something bizarre that would never happen in reality.

End of the first block

Second block onwards:

Goodlooking: Before, a lot of people behind the scenes in my campaign were saying that Kamala Harris would win because of Beyoncé..."Oh, no, American women are progressive and the majority of the population there is women. And they like Beyoncé, the Beyoncé fandom is strong...Beyoncé is going to win this election"...guess what. Beyoncé lost. Twice. If we won in the progressive United States of America, we will win here in Gestonia very easily.
Clarence: Progressive? Are you joking? And your candidate was Ron DeSantis, Nicolaus X admitted in a recent interview.
Goodlooking: No, he said he supported Ron DeSantis in the Republican primaries, but he never gave DeSantis public support or money because he was still a monarch and Drussia needed to have a good relationship with the future government of the United States.
Clarence: *Chuckles* I bet you're rooting for Trump to die and JD Vance to take his place, the gossips say it was Nicolaus X's people who made Trump choose JD Vance as his vice president.
Goodlooking: HA HA HA, just because JD Vance is more aligned with the National Christian Government doesn't mean we pull the rug out from under people like that. Don't measure us by your moral standard, Christopher Clarence. Besides, Nicolaus X's influence on Donald Trump is the same as that Golden Retriever I raised from the 90s to the early 2000s has on me: I think he's cool, but I wouldn't ask him for advice.
Clarence: ...Do you support Project 2025?
Goodlooking: No, because it is a liberal-democratic project with a libertarian matrix. What we support is our own project, the National Christian Government project. Unlike you, we are not a copy of some political force in the United States.
Clarence: can I still be surprised by crazy talk?...
Goodlooking: What people value in today's leaders is loyalty, patriotism, strength and authenticity.

The main difference between me and my opponent is that I am a family man, heterosexual and nationalist who raised his children with conservative Christian values ​​and I have always defended the positions that I defend today, with some gradual changes here and there. My opponent is a cosmopolitan who has never had biological children, possibly a closeted gay, changes his position with the winds, is probably an atheist and does not have the manhood to defend the Gestonians from external forces that try to inoculate their values ​​in our people using hybrid warfare.

Clarence: You talk to me about manhood? Do you think that giving up on running in the Conservative Party primaries and pulling the rug out from under the party's candidate after the primaries are over is manly? Do you think being a vassal of Maxim III is manly? Do you think betraying the guy who elected you senator in 2023 with a rehearsal of your own candidacy for prime minister less than 3 months after you took office as senator is manly? Do you think spending your entire radio career being against the legalization of divorce and then not only getting divorced but also ending up marrying a woman 30 years younger than you is manly? Do you think spending your entire radio career being a loyalist to our colonizer and now saying you're a nationalist is manly? You're a scoundrel, you're the opposite of everything you preach! Maybe that's why your son Peter abandoned you!
Goodlooking: I'm not going to lower my level like that, because a rat like you has no moral authority to question my actions in life. And look, I could win with a low-level campaign. I could simply accuse you and another well-known guy in our politics of having a "closer than normal" relationship in the dark corridors of the University of Lincoln D.C., I could make an AI of you talking some nonsense, I could just talk about trans bathrooms, the Woke movement and that kind of nonsense the entire campaign. If I had done that, I would have won on the 3rd. But do you know why I didn't do that? Because the people of Gestonia are tired of little shows. They want peace, they want tranquility, they want order, they want tradition, they want spirituality. They want a traditional government, a decent government...
Clarence: If you were a politician in the United States, Trump's people would probably be against you.
Goodlooking: Let me finish talking! A clean government, an efficient government, a government that reminds us of the good times of Ronald Reagan...
Clarence: Ronald Reagan?! Is Nicolaus X running your campaign? He doesn't understand how democracy works!
Goodlooking: Reagan wasn't perfect, but he had the aura of a good old man who wants people to be happy. You know that aura of a small-town sheriff?
Clarence: Your aura is that of a crazy guy from a mental institution who thinks he's Napoleon Bonaparte.
Goodlooking: "The best social program is a job", "We should measure welfare's success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added", “We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”.
Clarence: It's official, he's gone crazy...
Goodlooking: "A Communist is someone who reads Marx and Lenin. An Anti-Communist is someone who understands it."
Clarence: Take a quote about freedom.
Goodlooking: "Fiscal irresponsibility drives the country into bankruptcy, a bankrupt country cannot sustain itself", "Why build new universities if the old ones need urgent structural reforms? It's cheaper to reform than to build from scratch. And for me, quality is more important than quantity".
Clarence: Now he's quoting Nicolaus X, for God's sake.

Now, moving on to the final considerations:

Clarence: Citizens of Gestonia, this government is a lie. JTG promises to create a practical and stable government that will leave you in peace and build your own well-being. Lie! What this government will really do is cause regional instability, cut thousands of social public policies and, most importantly, control every aspect of your life. Just look at what his main ally did in Drussia between 2022 and 2024: cuts to social programs, cuts to scholarships, abandonment of the goal of universal basic education, abandonment of the goal of eliminating illiteracy, no increase in the minimum wage for two consecutive years, censorship of books, persecution of homosexuals, tax exemptions and cancellation of debts with religious organizations in exchange for these companies managing government policies (which he calls Public Private Partnerships), saying that couples who want to have children must have at least 3 or 4 children so that people who do not want to have children can have THE LUXURY of not having them, mass deportation of immigrants, veiled apartheid against ethnic and religious minorities, 6x1 and even 7x0 work scale, forcing low-income people to take a TEST where only the 10 best placed will have a full scholarship and the others from 11th to 100th will have scholarships between 90% and 10% of the value, saying that women who work double shifts are unhappier, among so many other bizarre things that I could spend the entire night saying.

And there's no point in my opponent saying that it won't be the same because the person who ran the economy of Drussia during the Nicolaus X government and the person who runs the economy of Gestonia now are LITERALLY THE SAME PERSON: Edter Paul Capt Yevdokim. This guy has even gone so far as to say that his "well-planned austerity" was easier to implement in Drussia than it is in Gestonia because, according to this sacripant, at least 25% of the population of Gestonia is imbecile and complains even about the less bitter remedies. For this guy, the less bitter remedies are: canceling public works, freezing the minimum wage for two years and privatizing public schools. JTG wants you to compare him and Nicolaus X with Ronald Reagan and Vladimir Putin, they are more like Jair Bolsonaro and Mauricio Macri. Folks, I know what I'm talking about, I'm an economist, so I'll be loud and clear: this agenda will take Gestonia to the abyss. Don't settle for mediocrity, put efficiency back in power in Gestonia. John Texas Goodlooking, you're fired!

Goodlooking: My friends, we are seeing here the left doing what it does best: lying and attacking people's honor. Regional instability is the last thing we want, let's hope that if we win the election, and WE WILL win the election, the governments of J-O-E and North Dmiscry will have no other option but to recognize the will of the majority of the people of Gestonia. And contrary to what my opponent wants us to believe, the fiscal policy of Mr. Yevdokim, an economist much more respectable than your excellency, is not the Washington Consensus. The only consensus that exists about it is that it doesn't work, because it creates private monopolies, privatizes things that cost the state more than the company that is buying the state-owned company or service, privatizes profits and socializes losses, makes the state voluntarily get rid of sources of revenue because it is based on the libertarian belief that the existence of the nation-state is bad for individual freedom and, most importantly, puts the money that you, a good citizen, save throughout your life to give your children a better future or to have more security in old age in the hands of stock market speculators. If you do your research, it was exactly this last thing that caused the 2008 crisis, from which we have not emerged to this day.

This is not the policy of the National Christian Government, our policy is what you do at home when you need to cut expenses: take out your notebook, write down your expenses and your gross monthly income, do the calculations you need to do and see which expenses you need to cut to alleviate your financial situation. When you need to tighten your belt, you stop going to the cinema or theater, cancel your streaming service, stop using your car and take the bus or subway to work, don't spend all your money on a night out on the weekend just to feel like your favorite MC, these kind of simple things that you learned from your parents that you should do in lean times. This is what the National Christian Government is doing, in times like these everyone needs to make their share of sacrifice, and the Gestonian state is doing its part. Don't let the opposition deceive you with lies and demagogy and lead us to an inflationary escalation, it is not by changing political philosophy every two years that Gestonia will advance, don't do as Argentina, United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Brazil, don't let the left control the economy in these difficult times and worsen the situation as it did in these countries, re-elect the National Christian Government. May God bless Gestonia.

Who won the debate according to the undecided voters in the audience:

* Clarence: 68%
* Goodlooking: 32%

The undecided voters' opinions now:

* I'll vote/I'm thinking about voting for Clarence: 36%
* I'll vote/I'm thinking about voting for Goodlooking: 32%
* I'll abstain: 5%
* I wish there was another option: 25%
* I'm still undecided: 2%

What caught people's attention the most during the debate was the Minister of Economy and the association of Nicolaus X with Mauricio Macri, with some internet users rescuing videos of the former monarch of Drussia supporting the former president of Argentina.

"Nicolaus, still a prince at this time (2019): Citizens of Argentina, I know that my opinion will not matter much to most of you, only to the naturalized Drussians who live there. And to these people I say: do not be fooled by the lies of Cristina Kirchner, who put one of her vassals as a candidate in this election because the Argentines no longer want her and she is in trouble with the law.

Mauricio Macri's government is a classic example of a centrist government concerned with fiscal responsibility that inherited a bomb that exploded in its lap: this bomb is the Argentine economy under the governments of Cristina and her husband. Add this to a chronic economic crisis of more than 20 years, and you have a government that is difficult and has a hard time to do the adjustments necessary for the economy to leave this situation, especially with the opposition that caused much of this situation commanding one of the houses of Congress in a liberal democracy. Since Argentina is a Latin American country and has a high external debt, the result will probably be one that we would not like, however, I feel that I cannot remain silent in the face of an injustice: Argentinos, reeligen a Mauricio Macri."

During a visit by Macri to Drussia in 2019 a group of Nicolaus' supporters reacted as follows:

"Vladimir VII, then Emperor of Drussia: So, we hope that with this agreement, our grain exports to Argentina will be facilitated. We thank President Macri for his collaboration.
Fanatical supporter of Nicolaus: Argentines, stop being idiots and reelect Mauricio Macri!!
Nicolaus: Okay, subject, I agree, but this is not the place for this. Guards, please politely remove these people from here.

And the other supporters shout 'Macri, Macri, Macri'."

Nicolaus for an interview in an Argentine newspaper in 2023.

"Nicolaus: Look, I think Argentina would be in a better situation today if Macri had been reelected. Maybe in the situation of Brazil at the end of the Bolsonaro government, but I'm not going to dwell on the past here. I don't think Milei is an excellent figure to be head of state, but the idea of ​​the Kirchnerists being punished electorally for their erratic economic policy pleases me. I just hope that Argentines will have more common sense in 2027 than they did four years ago, if that's the case, because it's not healthy for a country to keep changing its philosophy as if it were on a seesaw every four years. That's not enough time for a serious leader to be able to leave his country a better place for future generations, especially if his successor disagrees with all of his policies.

If the Peronists are afraid of Milei, they should be pragmatic. If the Peronists want to have a better chance of preventing Milei from becoming president, they should vote for Patricia Bullrich, I doubt their candidate will win with the current economic reality. The finance minister of a country in hyperinflation? That is one of the most idiotic things I have ever seen."

November 21, 2024

Today, Gestonia News Network will release its traditional prediction for the senatorial race. These predictions usually come out 3 days before the election and so far they have not missed any predictions about which political group will obtain the majority of seats and go on to govern the country.

Richard Zed, one of the station's most important journalists: Good morning, Gestonians. Today is the day of the long-awaited forecast from Gestonia News Network regarding the future composition of the Senate. Our forecasts have never been wrong about the political group in control of the Senate in all the electoral races we have forecast since 1996. And, not to brag, but the forecasts presented by me, Richard Zed, were the ones that came closest to predicting the exact number of seats for each political group. Now let's get to the point, let's go to our data analyst Sthephan Korvacki. Come on, Korvacki, what is your forecast for 2024?
Sthephan Korvacki: Look, Zed, I have to admit that this is the most difficult prediction of all the ones we've made. The race, in general, is very close. I believe that there may be a phenomenon similar to what happened with Allan Lichtman's 13 keys to the US election: there is a risk of making a wrong prediction due to our bias towards one side or the other. However, to avoid this situation as much as possible, I made my prediction after talking to some hardcore conservative journalists and some liberal and moderate journalists.

In the view of conservatives, Lichtman was wrong because he had a Democratic bias, but his theory of the keys is correct. For them, Lichtman could have predicted Trump's victory if ( he considered that Trump is charismatic, that there was no success in foreign policy (I disagree with this analysis, but that's okay) and that the short-term US economy is doing badly. That would be 7 false keys for the Democrats and Trump wins. And some went further, claiming RFK Jr. was a strong third-party candidate (although he dropped out), that Hunter Biden would be a source of scandal for the White House and that the long-term US economy was bad.
Zed: If we just consider that the US economy is bad and that Trump is charismatic, he would have 6 false keys. I don't know where he got the idea that Trump is not charismatic, he destroyed his own credibility. Just like the idiot who predicted that Kamala would win with 276 electoral votes in her worst case scenario (, we don't intend to make that kind of astronomically wrong prediction here. If we get it wrong in 2024, I assure viewers, it will be by a small margin. Maybe we'll get the group in power right and the number of seats wrong. That's happened before.
Korvacki: Look, I haven't seen the exact number of seats yet. But I believe that two things will happen: the dehydration of the socialists and the power of incumbency. These are two phenomena that I believe will occur in this election (and he turns on an interactive map of Gestonia on the screen).

Now, before we begin the predictions, let's remind the audience some numbers to avoid mistakes.

Class II seats:

Christian Order Party (23)
Democrat (4)
Liberal-democrat (3) - remembering that one of them is up for grabs now in New Drussia after the tragic death of Ronaldo Latores, so there are 29 solidified, the incumbent of that seat has already lost, by the way
Conservative (0) - because all the former class II conservative senators went to the COP when John Texas Goodlooking became Prime Minister

This means that:

Seats in race (including incumbents still running):

Conservative - 15
Democrat - 11
Liberal-Democrat - 4
COP - 1
Socialist - 0

Now let's analyze the results of the first round.

* Liberal-Democratic Party - 9 wins, 3 losses (+6)
* Socialist Party - 2 wins (+2)
* Christian Order Party - 1 win (+1)
* Democratic Party - 7 losses, 2 wins, 2 holds (-5)
* Conservative Party - 11 losses, 2 wins, 2 holds (-9)

(Class II + Seats won in First Round) = seats defined

COP: (23 + 1) = 24
Liberal-democrat: (2 + 9) = 11
Democrat: (4 + 4) = 8
Conservative: (0 + 3) = 3
Socialists: (0 + 2) = 2

Let's take a closer look at the first situation: the dehydration of the socialists. If the socialists are dehydrated and they don't win in any second round, we will have:

COP winning in "5" and in Delawor (that is, PM John Texas Goodlooking re-elected as senator, keeping with tradition) and the conservative Joseph Pinion winning in New Berlin. This gives us two more seats for the COP and one more seat for the conservatives, who are part of Christopher Clarence's coalition (we will add up the coalition seats later).

COP: 26 chairs
Conservative: 4 chairs

I believe that the socialists' dehydration will occur due to the fear of more centrist anti-COP voters that the socialists will kick the bucket and hinder the opposition coalition in its task of preventing the National Christian Government from remaining in power. This is a scenario that the opposition coalition wants, despite the three second rounds in which the party is in, two of which were against the COP (perhaps the democrats and liberal democrats would like a socialist victory in "5", to make it more difficult for the government to achieve an absolute majority). The socialists are investing in "5" and New Berlin, Delawor is a lost cause for them. But I think that's what's going to happen, the socialists are going to lose in every scenario.

Now moving on to the power of incumbency. To prevent a Donald Trump phenomenon with the COP, the incumbents running are now “localizing” their campaigns, showcasing their own work as senators to strengthen themselves or their parties. The only scenario in which I don’t see this happening is Alabema, where the Conservative Party incumbent is not pushing for an Elliot Trussendart victory and has a good relationship with Key Ivay since she was governor of the state and an ally of Trussendartism. In Alabema in particular, I believe Key Ivay’s experience strengthens her against Elliot, who many believe is only in the race because his mother and former Prime Minister Elizabeth Trussendart thinks she is too important for the position of senator, something that is very unpopular with voters. Perhaps if Elizabeth herself were in the race, we would see a different scenario in Alabema. I predict:

COP victory in Alabema, overshadowing incumbency. Democratic victory in Funynáme and Lincoln; Conservative victory in Plympouth and South Louisiana; Liberal-Democratic victory in Geor. ​​Changing the number of seats we have:

COP: 27 (3 races so far)
Liberal-democrat: 12 (1 race so far)
Democrat: 10 (2 races so far)
Conservative: 6 (3 races so far)
Socialists: 2 (0 races at all)

Now the COP needs 4 senators if this is the real scenario. Let's analyze those that are missing based on the states' electoral history in the three most recent votes: republic vs. monarchy referendum, 2022 legislative election, and 2023 special legislative election. Let's analyze whether the state has a more left-wing, more centrist, or more right-wing profile. In those that have a more left-wing or centrist profile, we will give victory to the opposition coalition; in those that have a more right-wing profile, we will give victory to the Christian Order Party. Remember that in 2022 and 2023 the Conservative Party was an ally of Nicolaus X, so we consider that a victory for the party in these contexts is right-wing.

New Drussia:

Referendum: Monarchy (right)
2022 and 2023: Liberal Democrat (center and center)

Winner: Opposition Coalition

Arizon and New Converniland:

Referendum: Republic (left/center)
2022 and 2023: Conservative and Conservative (right and right)

Winner: COP (in the 2)

Only these three were missing. Now let's add them up.

National Christian Government: 29 seats
Opposition Coalition: 29 seats
Socialists: 2 seats

Hmm...apparently the Socialist Party will decide the future of Gestonia if this is confirmed, even with their defeats. In conclusion, we believe that the Socialist Party will be pressured to ally with the opposition coalition and defeat the National Christian Government, so if this number happens, we will see the end of the National Christian Government. It's complicated, it's difficult, if the Socialists win a seat, it will be even more complicated. We predict that it will be a hard-fought victory for the opposition and the National Christian Government will end on January 9, 2025.
Zed: We are receiving a call from Prime Minister John Texas Goodlooking. Hello, Prime Minister, to what do I owe the honor?
Goodlooking: Look, Zed, look Korvacki, I do not believe in this frightening scenario that you are describing. The people of Gestonia are tired of this nonsense, this scenario is the worst possible scenario for all the people of Gestonia, regardless of which side they are on, and we do not believe that this crap called "power of incumbency" helps opposition senators. If there is any "power of incumbency" that will work, it is that of the National Christian Government, which is implementing a social and economic policy that improves people's lives. We will indeed remove opposition incumbents, as we did in the first round. People are tired of liberalism, it is a slow regime that does not improve anything, in the most positive scenario it leaves things as they are. And that is not what people want, people want change, people want jobs, people want income, people want growth.

What is happening in 2024 is not an anti-incumbency wave as some leftists are saying, what is happening is a slight conservative wave, lighter than the one between 2016 and 2018, yes (at least so far), but still a conservative wave. What happened in the UK only happened because the right-wing electorate was divided between the Trussendartian Tory and the Reform UK, more aligned with our vision of conservatism. And since there is no second round there, the Labour Party "won" the vast majority of seats. Tell me one place where a REAL conservative government fell in this year's election? Do you have any answers, Zed?
Zed: By your definition, I don't think so, Prime Minister.
Goodlooking: Okay, this wave elected Javier Milei, Donald Trump (again) and will elect the successor of the drunk who currently governs Brazil.
Zed: Do you think that person will be Jair Bolsonaro?
Goodlooking: If the Brazilian justice system has a ounce of shame, yes. Alexandre de Moraes is an extremely biased judge who ignores any rationality and clearly acts to attack Bolsonaro. He wanted to be the rapporteur of a judicial inquiry to investigate the leaking of messages he made to an aide that compromised him. For God's sake, if a Gestonian judge did that, he'd be in jail right now.
Zed: Alright Prime Minister, have a nice day. We anticipate that the Socialists will have no choice but to ally with the Opposition Coalition and after a hard-fought victory, the Coalition will oust the National Christian Government from power. Thank you and have a nice Thursday everyone.

November 24, 2024

Today is the day of the final battle in the election for Prime Minister of Gestonia. (OOC: Due to a personal commitment that I have just returned from, I will only post the roleplay the counting of the results)

Magdalena Dżesika, anchor of the special election results count: Citizens of Gesonia, after about 1 hour and 10 minutes, we are finally receiving information about the votes. We will soon have the results from Delawor, New Berlin and "5". Now moving on to the count with data analyst Sthephan Korvacki.
Korvacki: Good evening everyone, it seems that our prediction of socialist dehydration has come true. In Delawor, Prime Minister John Texas Goodlooking was easily re-elected, in New Berlin the conservative Joseph Pinion is the winner. And finally, in "5" the winner was the candidate of the Christian Order Party. Now our count gives the following count:

COP: 26 senators
Opposition coalition Democratic Alliance (Liberal Democratic Party, Democratic Party, Conservative Party): 23 senators
Socialist Party: 2 senators

Now let's see the results of the other states. These are not out yet, it is still too close to call in all of them. This election is being extremely close.

(OOC: Now let's skip ahead to when they say the result of...Funynáme)

Korvacki: Viewers, we have the first election results from a decisive state of the night. Funynáme. Let's see who won in Funynáme now. Whether we were right in predicting a Democratic victory or whether we were wrong and the winner will be the COP, facilitating the path of the National Christian Government to an absolute majority.
Dżesika: Just to increase the suspense a little more, we see that our count has reached an all-time high in viewership, with crowds from both sides watching our live announcement on a big screen. Now that will ease some of our anxiety, Korvacki.
Korvacki: I must announce that unfortunately we were wrong in our prediction and the winner in Funynáme was the candidate of the Christian Order Party.

And both crowds reacted effusively live, with the COP crowd celebrating and the Democratic Alliance crowd shouting "Noo!"

Dżesika: Bad sign for the opposition, will we see a Trump-style wave here in Gestonia today?
Korvacki: Calm down, Magdalena, there are 8 states left.

COP: 27 senators
Democratic Alliance: 23 senators

It will be a looong night.


Dżesika: We have the information, we have the results from Alabema! Who won at Alabema, Elliot Trussendart or Key Ivay? That's what we're going to find out now!
Korvacki: A breath of relief for the Democratic Alliance, we also made a mistake in Alabema...

And the Democratic Alliance crowd celebrates.

That means the winner in Alabema is ELLIOT TRUSSENDART! (

Half an hour later:

Dżesika: While we wait for the other results, let's listen to a bit of Elliot Trussendart's victory speech.

Elliot Trussendart: People of Alabema, thank you very much for this opportunity! It was a tough campaign, it was a cruel campaign, at many moments I thought about giving up, but today we won! We showed Key Ivay, John Texas Goodlooking, Nicolaus X, Wilhelmina von Vagsh and even the Conservative Party and GNN that the majority of the people of Alabema are on the side of democracy!

And the crowd cheers.

Elliot: I promise the people, even those who didn't vote for me, that I will be a senator for all the citizens of this state. I thank first those who have been with us since, those who sided with us in the second round and those who simply didn't vote for my opponent.

And the audience laughs.

Dżesika: Viewers, we have to interrupt the broadcast of the speech to inform you that the COP candidate has not yet conceded defeat. She is speaking now and stating that she will wait for the complete count of the paper votes to be made before making a decision. I would like to remind everyone that we use third-generation electronic voting machines with printed ballots, and we use electronic data only so that we can release an overall result as quickly as possible; what actually determines the winner is the printed votes. It seems that we will see a legal drama in Alabema, with the possibility of a recount of the paper votes after they are finished being counted around Tuesday or Wednesday. We will report the developments here.

Well, from tonight's result, we have:

Christian Order Party (COP): 27 senators
Democratic Alliance (Liberal Democrats, Democratic Party, Conservative Party): 24 senators
Socialist Party: 2 senators


Dżesika: Now we have the results of South Louisiana...the audiences are watching anxiously...according to our reporters located in both audiences, both are "nauseously optimistic"...remembering that here we predicted a victory for the conservative party, let's see if we'll be wrong again or if we'll be right.
Korvacki: We got it right in South Louisiana, victory for the Conservative Party and the Democratic Alliance...although here the dispute was between two member parties of the alliance (the opponent was from the Liberal Democratic Party), so nothing changes, just one more senator for the alliance anyway.
Dżesika: Oh, that's soo bad...are there any other situations like this today, Korvacki?
Korvacki: Let me see...only in Plympouth. In fact, we already have the winner of that state. The Conservative Party incumbent defeated the Democratic Party candidate. Now the false alarms are over and we only have states where there are Christian Order Party candidates running.


Dżesika: We have the result for Lincoln! Come on, Korvacki, I want a definition, the coverage of this election is making me nervous!
Korvacki: We got it right, Democratic victory. The coalition and the COP now have 27 senators each. Now we have Geor's results as well. We got wrong in Geor, COP victory there. So far the COP has managed to defeat two incumbent opposition senators, although it has failed to win in Alabema.


Dżesika: New Drussia, Korvacki.
Korvacki: COP wins in New Drussia, breaking our prediction. And we just learned that they won in New Converniland too, the result in Arizon is what will decide the fate of Gestonia: whether we will have a hard-fought victory for the democratic alliance or two more years of National Christian Government!

The final arch, two hours later:

Dżesika: We finally have the results from Arizon.
Korvacki: Unfortunately for Dżesika, today's results can indicate the end of the National Christian Government, with the Conservative Party winning Arizon, giving one more seat to the Democratic Alliance and preventing the COP from obtaining the 31 senators for an absolute majority. BUT, this situation is so razor thin that the Democratic Alliance could colapse and we could see a coalition between the COP and one of the parties in it, probably the Conservative Party, the next few hours will be decisive and tomorrow morning we will probably know what will be of Gestonia's future.

November 25, 2024

Today is the day after the second round of the legislative election. The composition of the Senate is as follows:

COP: 30
Liberal-democrat: 11
Democrat: 9
Conservative: 7
Socialists: 2
Independent: 1 (Elliot Trussendart won as the Conservative Party candidate in Alabema, but he will be expelled from the party due to strong ideological differences between its current leadership and Elliot's mother, former Prime Minister Elizabeth Trussendart.)

This situation initially resulted in a deadlock in which no party obtained a majority and Christopher Clarence, the opposition candidate in the second round, who had brought together the Liberal Democratic Party, the Conservative Party and the Democratic Party in an electoral coalition called the Democratic Alliance, declared victory in the election by preventing the Prime Minister from obtaining an absolute majority of 31 senators to control parliament.

However, as the situation was leading Gestonia to yet another situation of political tension in a society that was tired, everyone began to believe in the victory of the National Christian Government for a simple reason: it obtained a majority in the House of Representatives. This caused Christopher Clarence, under pressure, to concede defeat in the 2024 legislative elections. In order to ensure that Gestonia would not be left without a government from the new legislature, the current leader of the Conservative Party, Sayori Yuziki, called Prime Minister John Texas Goodlooking and wanted to form a coalition with the Christian Order Party, the governing party. We will now see John Texas Goodlooking's speech on this situation:

Citizens of Gestonia,

Today marks a significant moment in our nation’s history, not just because of the electoral results, but because of what these results signify about the resilience of our democratic processes. The past months have tested us. We faced challenges, doubts, and moments of division, but now is the time for unity and governance. Christopher Clarence's concession, though belated, demonstrates the opposition’s acknowledgment of the facts and the will of the people. We obtained a majority in the House, we won the popular vote, we alone have half of the senators (with the other parties in a fragmented manner having the other half), being the party with most senators in the senate, we have the most loyal, largest and most consolidated electoral base. The fact that we did not obtain the 31 senators necessary to govern alone may not give us a definitive victory, but all the other results give us a moral victory.

It was the loyal base that allowed us to reach half of the Senate alone, it was the loyal base that made the National Christian Government the strongest political force in Gestonia today, it was the loyal base that got us this far. The overall result shows that the people of Gestonia trust our work, but the fact that we did not obtain an absolute majority is perhaps a sign that many honest people, many good people, many people of faith, whether due to manipulation by the opposition or their own fear, distrust our true intentions and voted pragmatically: voting for us for the House so that if we lost we would be able to keep our positive legacy alive and block the most harmful policies of the opposition and if we won we could continue our good work. Of course, people know that we only took office in August, that for most of 2024 the Prime Minister of Gestonia was the Conservative Kevin McCarphy, so it borders on madness to expect that we will solve all of Gestonia's problems in four months.

I also want to express gratitude to the honorable Sayori Yuziki and the Conservative Party for their pragmatic approach to this moment of impasse. The coalition proposed between the Christian Order Party and the Conservative Party underscores a shared vision for a stable and prosperous Gestonia, one rooted in our values and traditions. This coalition will not only ensure parliamentary functionality but will also help us navigate the complexities of the modern world. I pledge to work with all coalition members to promote policies that prioritize the well-being of every Gestonian citizen, foster economic growth, and preserve our cultural and moral fabric.

I must calm the fears of the most energized wing of our base, the coalition does not mean that our government will become a Conservative In Name Only government, the liberal-democratic wing and Christopher Clarence-linked wing of the Conservative Party, represented by Elizabeth Trussendart and her allies, is leaving the party because the current party leadership believes that Trussendartism is responsible for the party's poor electoral performance in this legislative election. In addition, the only things that the Conservative Party demands to join the coalition are: two ministries we will give to the party of our choice, that the mass deportation project of illegal immigrants be postponed until January and not December (so immigrants who do not have Gestonian citizenship will have an extra month to regularize their situation if the one-year period is running out or has already ended, consider this a Christmas present, however we will deport robbers, murderers, thieves and rapists as previously planned) and that our government be called from now on the National Conservative Christian Government.

To my supporters and those across the nation: This isn't the kind of victory we wanted, but is still a victory. The extreme political tension of the chaotic governments of the last two years should be a thing of the past. The two years of government of the National Conservative Christian Government will be two years of work and stability. With our moral victory in this election, the opposition will not have the strength to overthrow us before 2026, as happened with the person elected in the previous legislative election [Elizabeth Trussendart]. I will not put ego and vanity above the people of Gestonia, as did the person elected in the previous legislative election. I will not abuse the loyalty of my allies and throw them under the bus when they become inconvenient, as did the person elected in the previous legislative election. The people of Gestonia have said: enough of low-level politics. And by fulfilling this wish of the people of Gestonia, we hope that in 2026 the people will have confidence in our work and give our party the absolute majority it has dreamed of.

Of course, our alliance with the Conservative Party is temporary, and we are now together to prevent chaos from taking hold in the country. Maybe we will compete against each other in 2026, maybe we will make a tacit agreement not to compete against each other directly, maybe our alliance will become something definitive, time will tell, this is a concern for 2026. Our priority now is the administration of Gestonia. This is a time for rebuilding trust, advancing dialogue, and prioritizing the future of Gestonia above all else. Together, under this coalition, we will not only govern effectively but demonstrate to the world what Gestonia stands for: unity, strength, and unwavering faith in our people and values. For the rest of 2024 we can say: enough politics, now it's time to work and prepare for the end of year festivities.

May God bless Gestonia.

The Kingdom of Gestonia

