by Max Barry

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by The Holy Order of Pyha-Suomi. . 2 reads.

Corporal Punishment in Pyha-Suomi

While the more typical acts of corporal punishments are followed, there are two noticeable punishments carried out.

The Penitence Cross is often used to describe typical crucifixion carried out those who've earned the death penalty, noted to be quite common amongst prisoners within Pyha-Suomi, as many crimes are often punished with capital punishment. Usually, crucifixions via the Penitence Cross are done en masse and in front of crowds of citizens, both to inspire reverence and attempt to dissuade other citizens to commit crimes. The Penitence Cross is quite lengthy to set up, which is why it is often utilized within the borders of Pyha-Suomi.

The Stake of Heresy describes a form of punishment where the victim is dismembered, has their eyes gouged and their mouth stitched shut before being nailed into the ground with a medium and sometimes large sized iron or wooden stake driven through the abdomen. This form is often used to execute dissenters, rioters, political activists, members of "heretical" religions, and prisoners of war. Often the Stakes of Heresy, with the corpses attached, are left out to demoralize or terrify rioters, members of heretical religions, and sometimes even enemy soldiers.
