by Max Barry

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by The Community of Port Vixen. . 10 reads.

Media in Port Vixen

Communications in Port Vixen is controlled by the Central Communications Committee owing to the semi-military nature of the port and academy. All mail, messages, and news are analysed and censored before release to the outside world. Parcels, messages, and news which are flagged are completely rewritten or erased depending on the severity.

The mails are handled by the Post and Parcels Administration and in it's building in The Complex are where parcels are analysed for smuggled documents, equipment, or information which are espionage in nature and destroyed, or rendered useless by rewriting. It is well known among shipgirls that being flagged by the PPA would attract more scrutiny among their entire barracks, and hence, would often receive orders from their home governments to operate at a civilian or reserve capacity to avoid incidents and controversies.

All newspapers, television, radio, and private electronic messages are analysed and controlled by the Electronics, Radio, Television, and Journals Administration. This is considered to be the most feared as unlike the PPA whose jurisdictions stop them short of live monitorings, ERTJA is authorised to live monitoring and surveillance as a proactive step to prevent espionage within the academy and port. They hack into every device and use them to listen and read communications and sever them when flagged, they also conduct physical raids onto the rooms if the flagged communication is deemed severe enough and enough information has been communicated that they are guilty beyond reason for espionage and are often expelled.
News are also under the ERTJA purview and would demand complete rewrites of flagged articles regardless of the importance. And the writers, editors, and newscasters themselves are vetted before joining the academy's Press Club.

The Press Club is a academic club made up of shipgirls with teachers as their supervisors and censors.
It was created in 2000 to coagulate news reports overseas and enforce the mandate of ERTJA in the fields of journalism. It has 3 Branches, the Radio Branch, Television Branch, and Journal Branch.

The Radio Branch is the one which controls all the radio programmes, writes them, and directs them. It is the first branch to go online at December 30, 2000 controlling Radio Vixen(A news oriented radio), Underhållning Till Havet(A Swedish language entertainment radio), and Radio Fun(A music and comedy oriented radio).They have a number of 83 girls and 5 teachers.

The Journal Branch is the second oldest, activating in January 13, 2000 and releasing it's first publication titled Kombat! at February 1, 2000. It currently controls the publications Kombat!(education material), Journal(a gazette), Cheek Week by Week(a entertainment magazine), Jewel Lady(a magazine targeted towards women and girls), Newsweek(news oriented newspaper released weekly), and Castles in the Sky(a finance magazine). It has 128 girls and 12 teachers.

The Television Branch is the youngest, activating in 2006 and beginning broadcasting the same year. It first started broadcasting with Port on analogue before switching to digital in 2007. It renamed Port into Port 1 the same year as it would broadcast Port 2 and Port Cinema. Port 1 is oriented towards news and documentaries while Port 2 is oriented towards imported shows from around the world, with Port Cinema focusing on films, controversially broadcasting avante garde every 0000 to 0400 hours except Sundays. It has 300 girls and 30 teachers.

The participating countries who funds and sends their girls to the academy did not complain on the enforced measures as it is considered reliable enough that no country alone can influence the committee.
