by Max Barry

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by The Free Land of NecroAkaki. . 8 reads.

Payday 2 Custom Perk decks.

[Context: IMG1126 Is a Little Big Planet creepypasta.]
[This is a start of a series]
[Lore?: As Bain finally comes back to health. After the magic, Duke finds something in the void between magic and reality. his name? IMG1126. No eyes but can see. A gaping mouth, but does not eat... unless needed.]

Level 1: 15% Melee damage (Seen in the only episode as he instak*ll's him before going back up in the surface)
Level 2: 10% Speed increase (Seen in the only episode as he's SLIGHTLY faster than players max speed)
Level 3: Special ability, VISION (Its present in other levels, but this it where it really stand out) (Blinds the outside world except the outlines of the cops)
Level 4: -15% Armour. +15 Health. (Showing he's been in the void for a BIT too long)
Level 5: "JOY!" (Whenever any cop is k*lled by IMG1126 he gains back 5% Health)
Level 6: "I see all" (Vision cooldown is almost non-existent)
Level 7: "You Might get STUCK" (Refrence to the last thing the announcer says before player goes into the void) (K*lling Cops in 5 second period (It resets every k*ll) and it gives 5% Increase of damage (30% Maximum))
Level 8: "Who are you? Really?" (Raises the 30% max to the 40% And Vision has no more cooldown)
Level 9: "MONSTER!" (Every level beyond this raises gives +10% Increase to the maximum)
Level 10: "I Can't Breath" (User can trade health to give to other teammates)
[The only Perk Deck to go on forever]

Alternate PERK DECK:

Lore: After discovering that there is a fabric between magic and reality. The Mendella Catalog was found... and only one alternate that's willing to join...

Level 1: Special ability "Vita" (This makes all guards/cops take you as their own and don't shoot. Cooldown: 15 seconds Ability lasting: 20 seconds)

Level 2: "Let me in mark" (+20% Speed)

Level 3: "Why do you escape what you fear?" (When activating "Vita" it also gets rid of all detection from your team)

[Meta notes: I was pumped up creating level 4 to 5]
Level 4: "YOU ****ING BASTARD!" (Increases Vita by 10 seconds)

Level 5: "Thirty minutes" (Increases damage when disguised)

Level 6: "I will fool the shepherd" (Increase damage by 10% for each Alternate Perk deck running in the crew)

Level 7: "It followed me home, Ceaser" (50% speed increase when disguised)

Level 8: "Who have I been praying to all this time?" (Instead of 10% Damage of each alternate perk deck running its 20%)

Level 9: "I do not want to see whats on the other side." (All amour turns into health)

Level 10: "An Intruder" (Lowers cost per citizen k*lled by 20% because "Its just an animal")

The Rat Perk Deck:
Lore: Looking through the fabric once again. (Get used to it friend) There's a reality very close to our's the "FNAC" Reality. As labeled through machines, exploring the void... (IM SURE THAT WONT CAUSE PROBLEMS!-)

Level 1: Special Ability, "Staredown" (Whenever a lower tier cop is k*lled, the next tier up gets a fear that stuns them Excluding Specials. Passive ability.)

Level 2: "Night Vision" (Along with Staredown, All higher tiers from the most recent cop you've k*lled are highlighted)

Level 3: "Camera Broken" (Time to end/start hacks are cut in HALF)

Level 4: "Quick as a rat!" (20% Movement increase)

Level 5: "Ring Ring!" (Time to answer pagers is cut down 25%)

Level 6: "Broken Camera" [Meta notes: Not to be confused with "Camera Broken"] (You can passively destroy cameras (But they wont be detected by cops!))

Level 7: "The ringing is in my mind" (Pager answering time instead of cutting by 25% it's 75%)

Level 8: "Connection lost" (Detection time increases by 40% Giving you enough time to GET AWAY)

Level 9: "Face your nightmares" (Carry on weight limit is increased by 100% (A WHOLE DOUBLE!))

Level 10: "Nimble" (99% of health is converted to armor)

Lore: Along with Rat, Cat joined along :P
[Meta Notes: Very 'S t e a l t h' AKA "VERY LOUD! NOT STEALTHY!"]
[Very beginner friendly :3]

Level 1: "Rising Noise" (+20% G*n Damage)

Level 2: "Stealing the music box" (-50% Detection time. But +40% Speed)

Level 3: Special ability, "9 Lives" (+15% (Per level) Chance to escape death (Only 9 Chances if its maxed out at 100%)) (15% Chance 9 Lives)

Level 4: "Scared of loud noises" (+5% Speed increase while firing) (30% Chance 9 Lives)

Level 5: "Breaking Vents" (Increases 9 Lives Chance (20% instead of 15%!) (Not Perm)) (50% Chance 9 Lives)

Level 6: "Fighting with the law" (Decreases Civilian cost up because of "Bear attacks" (-50%)) (65% chance 9 Lives)

Level 7: "Close your eyes" (Specials that affect gameplay (E.g Tazers, Cloakers) Dont have any effect on Cat) (80% Chance 9 Lives)

Level 8: "Then he wants to?" (+50% Damage, but, whenever your teammates are down, you cant act for 5 seconds) (90% Chance 9 Lives (Lowered for satisfactory))

Level 9: "What are you, a furry?" (+100% damage Multiplyer for 5 seconds every special you k*ll) (95% Chance 9 Lives (Lowered for satisfactory))

Level 10: "CLAWED OUT!" (+50% Melee Damage) (100% Chance for 9 lives to activate... Have fun :3)
