by Max Barry

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by The Oppressive Evil Empire of Testlandstuff. . 2 reads.

Testlandstuff celebrates return of planned economy

Today Supreme Evil Emperor Overlord Vlad Nyx made the brilliant announcement that, just as the nation had finally been settling into its new glorious free market economy after a long, glorious age of central planning, Testlandstuff would be making a glorious return to a planned economy. In his infinite wisdom, the Emperor had determined that the truly glorious age of capitalism in Testlandstuff, which of course followed a glorious age of socialism that followed a glorious age of capitalism, would be coming to an end in favor of an even more gloriouser age of socialism! Truly, this will be the most glory-filled age of glorious economic glory the nation has ever seen! After all, the Emperor has managed the mysterious collapse of the nation's industry extremely well, particularly by transitioning the nation's economy from brilliantly-managed socialism to brilliantly efficient capitalism, which has set the foundation for the new age of economic brilliance in a glorious planned economy! All glory to Vald Nyx, whose incomparable wisdom is so far beyond our mortal minds!
