by Max Barry

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by The Republic of Gandiria. . 3 reads.

The Economy and Policies that protect it

In The Gandarian Republic,we exeptionally care about 2 thinghs,The Economy and Right.We allow buissneses to function with not a lot of goverment intervention,but one thingh we do not allow is using people or pearsons information as a quick way to earn money.What we mean is workers are no problem they can exist,but you must pay them and ou cannot request their pearsonal info.Everypearson owns his Pearsonal Info alongide the goverment,but the goverment can't use the pearsonl info for non-goverment buissneses unless the citizen approves.We do not allow the selling of pearsonal data,it is punishable by life in prison.We will prtoect the economic interest of all buisnesses as long as they follow the law.
