by Max Barry

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by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 10,167 reads.


WA Development Program

TL;DR: Get top spots and win shinies for your nation!
~ Distinguish yourself in exclusive regional censuses.
~ Win regional awards every month.
~ Complete your collection of lifetime achievements.

Participating in The North Pacific (TNP) WA Development Program (WADP) is a great way to win unique trophies for your nation. These come in two flavors: monthly awards and lifetime achievements. Monthly awards are published at the end of each month through special dispatches, and they go to TNP nations that have, during the month, excelled in various metrics relating to the WADP. We also publish special award volumes, in order to celebrate various occasions with one-of-a-kind awards. lifetime achievements are earned by TNP nations that reach various milestones relating to the WADP, most of which require long-term WADP-related activity throughout the nation's time in the region. While you can win the same monthly award multiple times, you can only win each lifetime achievement once.

Additionally, we maintain a series of regional censuses. These work very similarly to the world censuses of NationStates (NS), except that they are exclusive to TNP: every day, all WA nations in TNP are ranked, based on metrics related to the WADP. These censuses are directly tied to specific monthly awards and lifetime achievements. Therefore, you can use them to improve your chances of winning awards at the end of the month, or track your progress towards winning the next lifetime achievement. More broadly, you can use the censuses for friendly competition with your TNP neighbors, and to increase your nation's prestige by scoring top spots.

Last but not least, we gift a large number of trading cards to TNP nations that are active in the WADP, including everyone that wins monthly awards. If you are interested in increasing the value of your card collection, make sure to check out the WADP card lottery!

Awards, achievements, censuses, and card rewards are a small token of our appreciation for the hard work of all TNP nations that, by joining the World Assembly, becoming Keepers of the north, exchanging WA endorsements, and voting on WA resolutions, make our region more powerful, secure, and exciting. Thanks a lot!

Note that the Delegate and members of the Security Council are excluded from the monthly awards, and members of the North Pacific Army are excluded from the monthly awards, lifetime achievements, and regional censuses.

Regional Censuses

Below is a list of the WADP regional censuses, along with information about how the corresponding rankings are computed.

~ Endorsements Given.
Nations are ranked based on the number of WA nations in TNP they have currently endorsed. You can improve your ranking in the census by making sure you endorse as many nations as you can.
~ Monthly Clout.
Nations are ranked based on their clout so far this month. This is equal to the number of endorsements given to other TNP nations, accumulated over the current month. You can improve your ranking in the census by making sure that you consistently maintain a large number of endorsed WA nations.
~ Monthly WA Votes.
Nations are ranked based on the number of WA votes they have cast during the current month while in TNP. You can improve your ranking in the census by making sure that you consistently vote on WA resolutions.
~ Monthly Endorsement Increase.
Nations are ranked based on the increase, since the end of the previous month, in the number of endorsements they have given to other nations in TNP. You can improve your ranking in the census by making sure you endorse as many nations as you can at any given month.
~ Maximum Endorsements Given.
Nations are ranked based on the maximum number of WA nations in TNP they have endorsed, throughout their time in TNP. You can improve your ranking in the census by making sure you endorse as many nations as you can.
~ Total Clout.
Nations are ranked based on their clout throughout their time in TNP. This is equal to the number of endorsements given to other TNP nations, accumulated over time your nations has been in TNP. You can improve your ranking in the census by making sure that you consistently maintain a large number of endorsed WA nations.
~ Keeper Service.
Nations are ranked based on their Keeper service, measued as the total number of days they have maintained Keeper of the North status. You can improve your ranking in the census by making sure that your nation is always among the Keepers of the North.
~ Total WA Votes.
Nations are ranked based on the total amount of WA votes they have cast while in TNP. You can improve your ranking in the census by making sure that you consistently vote on WA resolutions.
~ WA Residency.
Nations are ranked based on their WA residency. This is equal to the total number of days they have spent as WA members while in TNP. You can improve your ranking in the census by making sure to always have a WA nation in TNP.
~ WADP Participation.
Nations are ranked based on their WADP participation. This is equal to the total number of WADP awards they have won while in TNP. You can improve your ranking in the census by making sure to participate in the WADP.

Note that the above regional censuses only rank TNP nations that are WA members. If your nation is not in the WA, you can read here about why it should be.

Monthly Awards

These awards are published at the end of each month, and go to TNP nations that had the top performance during that month in various metrics relating to the WADP. Below is a list of the different award categories, along with details about how to win them.

~ Click-to-endorse Awards: These awards go to the nations that have the largest number of endorsements given at the end of each month. They come in three levels: Champion, Top-10, and Top-50. You can use the Endorsements Given census to track your progress towards winning this award.

~ Clout Awards: These awards go to the nations that have maintained the largest average number of endorsements given during each month. They come in three levels: Champion, Top-10, and Top-50. You can use the Monthly Clout census to track your progress towards winning this award.

~ Rising Star Awards: These awards go to the nations that have the largest monthly increase of endorsements given at the end of each month. They come in three levels: Champion, Top-10, and Top-50. You can use the Monthly Endorsement Increase census to track your progress towards winning this award.

~ Keeper of the Month Awards: These awards go to nations that have been Keepers of the North without interruption during each month. These awards were known as "Safekeeper Awards" until April 2017, and as "Keeper of the North Awards" until August 2018.

~ Vote Early Vote Often Awards: These awards go to the nations that have cast the largest number of votes on WA resolutions during each month. You can use the Monthly WA Votes census to track your progress towards winning this award.

~ New WA Member Shout-outs: These awards go to nations that have joined the WA during each month.

The following are former monthly awards that are no longer being given out as part of the WADP.



Dates awarded

Awarded for

"We the Citizens" Award

December 2014 - March 2017

The "We the Citizens" Awards were given out to nations that had endorsed all citizens with WA nations at the time an award volume was published.

Anniversary Awards

Every December, we publish a special awards volume, to celebrate the anniversary of the Linklaunch of the WADP on Decembr 8th, 2014. Anniversary awards go to TNP nations that had the top performance during the previous year in various metrics relating to the WADP. Additionally, anniversary awards change every year. Below is a table of the awards used for previous WADP anniversaries.







Vote Early Vote Often


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Lifetime Achievements

These achievements are won by TNP nations as they reach milestones in various metrics relating to the WADP. Below is a list of the different achievement categories, along with details about how to win them.

~ Click-to-endorse Achievements: These achievements are based on the maximum number of endorsements given to others a nation has achieved throughout their time in TNP. You can use the Maximum Endorsements Given census to track your progress towards winning this achievement.

copper: 1 endorsements

bronze: 200 endorsements

silver: 400 endorsements

gold: 600 endorsements

platinum: 800 endorsements

titanium: 1000 endorsements

~ Clout Achievements: These achievements are based on the total clout a nation has accumulated throughout their time in TNP. You can use the Total Clout census to track your progress towards winning this achievement.

copper: 1000 clout

bronze: 100000 clout

silver: 200000 clout

gold: 300000 clout

platinum: 400000 clout

titanium: 500000 clout

~ Keeper Service Achievements: These achievements are based on the total days a nation has maintained Keeper of the North status throughout their time in TNP. You can use the Keeper Service census to track your progress towards winning this achievement.

copper: 1 day

bronze: 30 days

silver: 90 days

gold: 180 days

platinum: 270 days

titanium: 360 days

~ Vote Early Vote Often Achievements: These achievements are based on the total number of votes on WA resolutions a nation has cast throughout their time in TNP. You can use the Total WA Votes census to track your progress towards winning this achievement.

copper: 1 votes

bronze: 10 votes

silver: 25 votes

gold: 50 votes

platinum: 75 votes

titanium: 100 votes

~ WA Residency Achievements: These achievements are based on the total days a nation has been a World Assembly member throughout their time in TNP. You can use the WA Residency census to track your progress towards winning this achievement.

copper: 1 day

bronze: 30 days

silver: 90 days

gold: 180 days

platinum: 270 days

titanium: 360 days

~ WADP Participation Achievements: These achievements are based on the total number of WADP awards a nation has won throughout their time in TNP. You can use the WADP Participation census to track your progress towards winning achievements in this category.

copper: 1 award

bronze: 10 awards

silver: 20 awards

gold: 30 awards

platinum: 40 awards

titanium: 50 awards

I won something! What do I do now?

Congratulations! Now it's time to show off. A great way to do so is by creating a dispatch from your nation especially for showcasing your hard-earned awards and achievements. Every time a new award volume is published, or every time you win a new achievement, you can update your dispatch to include your new trophies, then boast about it on the Regional Message Board (always with measure of course) in order to collect approvals ("upvotes") and invite friendly competition.

If you do not have much experience making dispatches, you can read here about the fundamentals and look here for a basic template to get you started. Of course, you do not actually have to format your awards dispatch like this template. Let your imagination run wild!

In addition to the above, if you have an account on the Linkregional forum, you should make sure to display your WADP awards and achievements in your signature, for all your regionmates to admire.

Award Volumes

Below is a list of the award volumes (monthly and anniversary) published so far.

Volume 105, February 2023 (Part 2)

Volume 105, February 2023 (Part 1)

Volume 103, January 2023

Volume 102, November 2022 (Part 2)

Volume 102, November 2022 (Part 1)

Volume 101, October 2022 (Part 2)

Volume 101, October 2022 (Part 1)

Volume 101, November 2022 (Part 2)

Volume 101, November 2022 (Part 1)

Volume 100, September 2022 (Part 2)

Volume 100, September 2022 (Part 1)

Volume 100, September 2022 (Part 1)

Volume 99, August 2022 (Part 2)

Volume 99, August 2022 (Part 1)

Volume 98, July 2022 (Part 2)

Volume 98, July 2022 (Part 1)

Volume 97, June 2022 (Part 2)

Volume 97, June 2022 (Part 1)

Volume 96, May 2022 (Part 2)

Volume 96, May 2022 (Part 1)

Volume 95, April 2022 (Part 2)

Volume 95, April 2022 (Part 1)

Volume 94, March 2022 (Part 2)

Volume 94, March 2022 (Part 1)

Volume 93, February 2022 (Part 2)

Volume 93, February 2022 (Part 1)

Volume 92, January 2022 (Part 2)

Volume 92, January 2022 (Part 1)

Volume 91, December 2021

Volume 90, November 2021

Volume 89, October 2021 (Part 2)

Volume 89, October 2021 (Part 1)

Volume 88, September 2021

Volume 87, August 2021

Volume 86, July 2021

Volume 85, June 2021 (Part 2)

Volume 85, June 2021 (Part 1)

Volume 84, May 2021 (Part 2)

Volume 84, May 2021 (Part 1)

Volume 83, April 2021

Volume 82, March 2021 (Part 2)

Volume 82, March 2021 (Part 1)

Volume 81, February 2021 (Part 2)

Volume 81, February 2021 (Part 1)

Volume 80, January 2021 (Part 2)

Volume 80, January 2021 (Part 2)

Volume 80, January 2021 (Part 1)

Volume 79, December 2020 (Part 2)

Volume 79, December 2020 (Part 1)

Anniversary Volume 6 (Part 2)

Anniversary Volume 6 (Part 1)

Volume 78, November 2020

Volume 77, October 2020 (Part 2)

Volume 77, October 2020 (Part 1)

Volume 76, September 2020

Volume 75, August 2020 (Part 2)

Volume 75, August 2020 (Part 1)

Volume 74, July 2020 (Part 2)

Volume 74, July 2020 (Part 1)

Volume 73, June 2020 (Part 2)

Volume 73, June 2020 (Part 1)

Volume 72, May 2020 (Part 2)

Volume 72, May 2020 (Part 1)

Volume 71, April 2020 (Part 2)

Volume 71, April 2020 (Part 1)

Volume 70, March 2020 (Part 2)

Volume 70, March 2020 (Part 1)

Volume 69, February 2020 (Part 2)

Volume 69, February 2020 (Part 1)

Volume 68, January 2020

Volume 67, December 2019

Anniversary Volume 5 (Part 2)

Anniversary Volume 5 (Part 1)

Volume 66, November 2019

Volume 65, October 2019

Volume 64, September 2019

Volume 63, August 2019 (Part 2)

Volume 63, August 2019 (Part 1)

Volume 62, July 2019

Volume 61, June 2019

Volume 60, May 2019

Volume 59, April 2019 (Part 2)

Volume 59, April 2019 (Part 1)

Volume 58, March 2019 (Part 2)

Volume 58, March 2019 (Part 1)

Volume 57, February 2019

Volume 56, January 2019

Volume 55, December 2018

Anniversary Volume 4 (Part 2)

Anniversary Volume 4 (Part 1)

Volume 54, November 2018

Volume 53, October 2018

Volume 52, September 2018

Volume 51, August 2018

Volume 50, July 2018

Volume 49, June 2018

Volume 48, May 2018

Volume 47, April 2018

Anniversary Volume 3

Volume 46, March 2018

Volume 45, February 2018

Volume 44, January 2018

Volume 43, December 2017

Volume 42, November 2017

Volume 41, October 2017

Volume 40, September 2017

Volume 39, August 2017

Volume 38, July 2017

Volume 37, June 2017

Volume 36, May 2017 (Part 2)

Volume 36, May 2017 (Part 1)

Volume 35, March 2017

Volume 34, February 2017

Volume 33, January 2017

Volume 32, December 2016

Anniversary Volume 2 (Part 2)

Anniversary Volume 2 (Part 1)

Volume 31, November 20 2016

Volume 30, October 27 2016 (Part 2)

Volume 30, October 27 2016 (Part 1)

Volume 29, 20th September 2016

Volume 28, August 9, 2016

Volume 27, July 18, 2016

Volume 26, June 24, 2016

Volume 25, May 18, 2016

Volume 24, April 15, 2016

Volume 23, March 21, 2016

Volume 22, March 6, 2016

Volume 21, February 13, 2016

Volume 20, January 20, 2016

Volume 19, December 31, 2015

Anniversary Volume 1

Volume 18, November 20, 2015

Volume 17, November 3 2015

Volume 16, October 18, 2015

Volume 15, October 3, 2015

Volume 14, September 18, 2015

Volume 13, September 2 2015

Volume 12, August 19 2015

Volume 11, July 29 2015

Volume 10, July 15 2015

Volume 9, June 16 2015

Volume 8, May 26 2015

Volume 7, May 12 2015

Volume 6, April 13 2015

Volume 5, March 30 2015

Volume 4, March 16 2015

Volume 3, March 10 2015

Volume 2, January 5, 2015

Volume 1, December 22, 2014

This dispatch is updated automatically on a daily basis. Please do not edit manually.

Jointly sponsored by the Delegate and Security Council of The North Pacific.
