by Max Barry

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by The Panda's Federal Republic of Europeia Dispatch Office. . 7,556 reads.

Guide to the Europeian Government


[tab=50][size=200][color=#FFFFFF][font=verdana][anchor=region][/anchor]Guide to the Europeian Government[/font][/color][/size]
[color=#165684].[/color][/tab][/background-block][size=75][pre] [/pre][/size][size=120]Welcome to Europeia! As you may have noticed, our region has a thriving, complex government full of amazing, capable, and motivated people. Throughout your experience in Europeia so far, you’ve likely experienced several facets of our government, from the Delegacy and the Regional Security Council, to the Executive through the work of the Ministry of Gameside. You too can be a part of our regional government, but the first step to doing is learning, so we’ve put together a convenient guide to the different branches of Europeia’s government.
[/pre][/size][sidebar][font=verdana][color=#165684][size=139][b]Fun Fact:[/b][/size][/color][size=15][pre]
[/pre][/size][size=80]You can see a full list of who is currently serving in what positions in our government by checking out the [i]Government[/i] drop down menu on our [url=][color=165684][b]regional forums[/b][/color][/url]![/font][/size]
[font=verdana][hr][img][/img][tab=8][/tab][color=#165684][size=150][b]The Executive[/b][/size][/color][hr][size=120][pre]
[/pre]The Executive branch is the most forward-facing part of Europeia’s government. It is tasked with managing the day-to-day operations of our region and is headed by the President, who is invested with executive authority under the Constitution, aided by the Vice President. The President and Vice President are elected together by the citizens of Europeia approximately every 70 days. The President appoints a Cabinet, confirmed by the Senate, which is composed of Ministers and other executive deputies who perform important functions in the government.

For a more detailed description of the general activities of the Executive, please read the [url=][color=165684]Guide to the Executive[/color][/url].[/size]

[hr][img][/img][tab=8][/tab][color=#165684][size=125][b]The Legislature[/b][/size][/color][hr][pre]
[/pre][size=100]The region’s legislature is made up of two bodies. The Senate is the highest legislative body in the region and can be made up of anywhere from a minimum of 5 Senators to a maximum of 10 Senators elected by their peers every 70 days in a general election. Per the Constitution, the Senate has authority to "make laws only for the peace, order, and good government of Europeia, in relation to all matters respecting the government of the same." Europeia also has a People's Assembly, which is a lower legislative body open to all citizens to propose and vote on new legislation to be presented to the Senate for consideration.

For a more detailed description of the general activities of the Legislature, please read the [url=][color=165684]Guide to the Legislature[/color][/url].[/size]

[hr][img][/img][tab=8][/tab][color=#165684][size=125][b]The Judiciary[/b][/size][/color][hr][pre]
[/pre][size=100]The region’s Judicial Branch is tasked with the interpretation and enforcement of our laws. It is made up of the Chief Justice, two Associate Justices, a Circuit Court, and the office of the Attorney General. The Justices sit on the High Court of Europeia, and are called on to interpret the law, review the legality of people's actions, or hear criminal trials. A Circuit Court can be called by the Chief Justice when needed to hear a case, with Judges appointed from the Europeian Bar Association, which is comprised of citizens well-versed in Europeian law and provides legal education to citizens who would like to join. The Attorney General is responsible for advising the President and Cabinet on legal matters and is the chief prosecutor in Europeia.

For a more detailed description of the general activities of the Judiciary, please read the [url=][color=165684]Guide to the Courts[/color][/url].[/size]

[hr][img][/img][tab=8][/tab][color=#165684][size=125][b]The Delegacy and Regional Security Council[/b][/size][/color][hr][pre]
[/pre][size=100]The Regional Security Council is charged with protecting the security of our Frontier by creating and enforcing endorsement caps. These caps ensure that the regional Delegate maintains the highest endorsement count and, therefore, the gameside powers of the region. The Regional Security Council is responsible for ensuring that all of its members maintain a sufficiently high endorsement count, as well as selecting new members of the council, and filling Delegate and Vice Delegate positions should they fall vacant.

Make sure to endorse all members of the Regional Security Council, [nation]Decacon[/nation], [nation]Le Libertia[/nation], [nation]Pland Adanna[/nation] and [nation]Primorye Oblast[/nation], as well as the Delegate, [nation]UPC[/nation], and Vice Delegate, [nation]PhDre[/nation]![/size]

[hr][img][/img][tab=8][/tab][color=#165684][size=125][b]The Chancellery[/b][/size][/color][hr][pre]
[/pre][size=100]While the Executive serves as the primary organ of Europeia’s government, those who make up the Chancellery act jointly as the region’s head of state. The Chancellery consists of a Supreme Chancellor and two Vice Chancellors. The Vice Chancellors operate on a rotating system, so new Vice Chancellors are appointed regularly. The Chancellery is responsible for facilitating Europeian elections and ensuring the integrity of Europeian democracy. 

Due to comparatively long term length, and the high standards set by the office of the Supreme Chancellor, being appointed Vice Chancellor is one of the highest honors in our region![/font][/box]

[center][size=140][font=verdana][url=][color=FFFFFF]Blocking Telegrams[/color][/url][tab=10][/tab][color=FFFFFF]-[/color][tab=10][/tab][url=][color=FFFFFF]Embassy Policy[/color][/url][tab=10][/tab][color=FFFFFF]-[/color][tab=10][/tab][url=][color=FFFFFF]RMB Rules and Expectations[/color][/url][tab=10][/tab][color=FFFFFF]-[/color][tab=10][/tab][url=][color=FFFFFF]Depression and Suicide Resources[/color][/url][/size][/font][/center][/background-block][background-block=#ffffff][center][img][/img][size=170][font=verdana][url=][color=165684]Forum[/color][/url][tab=75][/tab][url=][color=165684]Get Involved[/color][/url][tab=75][/tab][url=][color=165684]Navy[/color][/url][tab=75][/tab][url=][color=165684]Radio[/color][/url][tab=75][/tab][url=][color=165684]Discord[/color][/url][/font][/size][/center][/background-block]
