by Max Barry

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by The Dazzling Winter Beauty of Land Without Shrimp. . 485 reads.

Land Without Shrimp - A True Tale

Land Without Shrimp. What is this strange and wondrous land, you may ask? Well, to tell the tale in full would require more words than you could wish for, dear reader, but I shall attempt to summarise and give you a small taste of this fair land(with maybe a little cocktail sauce on the side).

This land, from its origin in a severely hellmouth-infested region to where we lie now, as a (somewhat) prosperous land of (mostly) free citizens is a marvel to the world and even more so to ourselves. We who began this country as idealists, thinking we could found a nation where evil could be fought and destroyed wherever it was found now find that running a country is a bit more difficult than originally anticipated. Free trade and subsidies and militarization and human rights and wrongs and conflicts, conflicts everywhere, not to mention the occasional difficult to resolve vampyre-with-soul scenario. This land is one that has been founded to be one shining beacon of hope to the universe, but in the end it seems that there is precious little of that precious hope to be found. Maybe one day there shall be a true land where all that is wrong and evil fades away, but for now we simply live and muddle along the best we know how. Whether our economy be strong or weak, our political freedoms non-existent or excessive, our human rights maligned or praised, we know this: we still (attempt to) fight evil. And whether we be thought the weaker for that stance, we care not. We try.

And one more note, dear reader, as I end this most rambling overview of our strange land. It is true, shrimp do not exist here. "Shrimp" is simply a funny-sounding word that makes one queasy without knowing why. We eat wiggins here as our national pasttime - they are a succulent juicy fruit, slightly sweet but bursting with flavour when picked right off the vine. Eating sun-warmed wiggins is a delight that all should experience sometime in their lifetime.

Land Without Shrimp. What is this strange and wondrous land? A land of hope, a land of desire, a land of people who live.
