by Max Barry

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by The Corporate Imperium of Dyzistrolux. . 13 reads.

The Complete Geography of Dyzistrolux

Dyzistrolux is a country surrounded by ocean. The country experiences a range of climates, has 26 major cities (over 100 million population) and many lesser cities.

Notable areas of interest:

Gulf of Væbauron
This area of the most densely populated of all of Dyzistrolux, housing many major cities, the capital and the only ocean route into the Cetrolytic Sea. The climate is subtropical and the close proximity between the ocean and the sea provide enormous trading opportunities.

Gulf of Settlers
This is where the first settlers were thought to have landed. Much of this prehistory is lost, however evidence suggests that people first arrived in this gulf and the migrated southwest, eventually populating much of the continent.

Ninkiin Mountains
The largest and tallest mountain range in Dyzistrolux, the Ninkiin Mountains were first inhabited by the Ninkiin people, descendants of the first settlers. The Ninkiin people, due to their hostility and naturally fortified terrain, warded off all attacks by various kings until King Væbauron signed in a treaty allowing the Ninkiin people to operate autonomously within the mountain range. Some small tribes and settlements still survive to this day.

Phorvos and Mezmos
The two largest islands outside of the Dyzistrolux mainland, Phorvos and Mezmos were home to the Phorvosi and Mezmosian people, descendants of the first settlers. After settling the islands, both cultures warred against each other for thousands of years of prehistory and raided many settlements along the entire western and southern shorelines of Dyzistrolux. Peace was eventually found between the two cultures and Dyzistrolux when Dyzistrolux conducted a massive counter-raid that ended up killing 30% of the Phorvosi and Mezmosian populations.

Therranor’s Marshlands
Named of the great explorer Phet Therranor, the Therranor Marshlands were a particularly inhospitable area that even the ancient native peoples avoided. Phew Therranor was the first to map the interior and surrounding area of the marshlands, thus the area was named after him.

Cetrolytic Sea
The only inland sea in Dyzistrolux, the Cetrolytic sea is a major transportation and trading hub, and also serves as a secure ocean military training area. Trade through the Cetrolytic Sea accounts for 52% of all GDP produced in Dyzistrolux, the most of any region. The capital was founded and is located near the major river connecting the Cetrolyic Sea and the ocean outside.

Xephorbatamian Badlands
The most northern and inhospitable area of Dyzistrolux, the Xephorbatamian Badlands has never seen permanent settlement. Many First Settlers who ventured into the region were killed by a deadly disease (Xephor’s Disease, named after its discoverer) that inhabited the region. In early history, no further attempts were made to settle the region. Eetrab the Unspoken III built the Xephorbatamian Wall, marked by the black dotted line on the map. This wall was built to prevent citizens from venturing into the region and to prevent the disease from spreading any further south. The area was soon after designated an experimental testing zone for biological, chemical, ecological, conventional, nuclear and many other types of weapons. Much of the northwestern tip has experienced desertification due to this experimentation. There are very few animal species, nothing over 1 meter in length, and no known human colonies in the area.
