by Max Barry

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by The Ongoing State of Absentia. . 101 reads.

CDW Federation: #1 in Science and Technology!

Looking for a vacation getaway to a place where SCIENCE! and technology reign? Take a vacation in Absentia! Once known mostly for its willingness to provide an unbiased legal system for cases that could not be handled locally (you've heard of being tried in Absentia, haven't you?), a combination of a booming, world-class Information Technology sector and a top-rated scientific community makes for the least primitive place in the world to visit.

And don't worry about distractions like white sandy beaches and nature hikes! While the Absentian environment is indeed well-kept and beautiful, the notoriously rainy Absentian weather means that those who come for indoor pursuits have a ready-made excuse for not being dragged outside. An average negative three hundred seventy-five meters of sunlight tells the story: a vast network of solar panels absorbs in incoming energy from the sun and computer monitors, TV screens, and movies actually project more sunlight back out than Absentia receives from above!
