by Max Barry

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by The evan empire. . 18 reads.

NatCoDE Charter

Article 1: Defense

Section 1.1: Objective
The NatCoDE is designed to serve as a protector of Member Nations under aggression from foreign powers to ensure at all costs Member Nation:

  1. Governmental Sovereignty

  2. Martial Sovereignty

  3. Governmental Incorruption

  4. Economic Stability

  5. Societal Freedom

  6. General Peace

  7. International Agreements

Section 1.2: Requirements
In order to remain a NatCoDE Member a Nation must:

  1. Maintain at least (1) NatCoDE Embassy within the Member Nation's Capital

  2. Respond with necessary Military and/or Logistical aid to Member Nations in need of assistance

  3. Refrain from interfering with the peace and sovereignty of any independent nation

  4. Refrain from engaging in official international agreements that interfere with the peace and sovereignty of any independent nation or threaten the peace and sovereignty of the NatCoDE

Section 1.3: Rights and Conditions
A NatCoDE Member Nation adhering to the Requirements outlined in (section 1.2) is entitled to the following from the NatCoDE and Member Nations:

  1. Necessary Military and/or Logistical assistance under the condition that a foreign power is actively and clearly infringing upon a Member Nation’s: Martial Sovereignty, Governmental Sovereignty, Governmental Incorruption, Economic Stability, Societal Freedom, International Agreements, and General Peace.

  2. Full Military and/or Logistical assistance supporting a Member Nation upholding an international agreement

  3. Emergency contact with any NatCoDE Member Nations through any NatCoDE Embassy

  4. Immediate Defense, Martial, and Emergency Assistance through NatCoDE Embassy Evan Militia Cells

  5. Equal and constant emergency communication with the Supreme General of the Evan Militia as Well as the Department of Empire Military Forces Leader

Article 2: Economy

Section 2.1: Objective
The NatCoDE is designed to promote and facilitate between Member Nations the:

  1. Establishment of Free trade of goods and services or the lack thereof

  2. Coordination and cooperation between Member Nation corporations

  3. Economic and Financial Support for Member Nations in need of assistance

Section 2.2: Requirements
In order to remain a NatCoDE Member a Nation must:

  1. Establish a clear position between NatCoDE Member Nations on the trade of goods and services or the absence thereof between NatCoDE Member Nations

  2. Ensure fair business practices between domestic corporations and NatCoDE Member Corporations

  3. Provide necessary Economic and Financial support to NatCoDE Member Nations and corporations in need of assistance

Section 2.3: Rights and Conditions
A NatCoDE Member Nation adhering to the Requirements outlined in (section 2.2) is entitled to the following from the NatCoDE and Member Nations:

  1. Free trade of goods and services or the absence thereof supported by the NatCoDE under the terms agreed upon between Member Nations

  2. Fair and Productive business practices between the corporations of the NatCoDE

  3. Economic and Financial support from the NatCoDE, and NatCoDE Member Nations

Article 3: Political

Section 3.1: Objectives
The NatCoDE is designed to promote between Member Nations the:

  1. Fast and Effective Communication between leadership of NatCoDE Member Nations

  2. Positive interaction between leadership of NatCoDE Member Nations

  3. Unified and effective NatCoDE response to nations outside of the NatCoDE

Section 3.2: Requirements
In order to remain a NatCoDE Member a Nation must:

  1. Maintain at least (1) NatCoDE Embassy within the Member Nation's Capital

  2. Recognize and communicate effectively between the leadership of the NatCoDE Member Nations

  3. Participate in international NatCoDE communications with Nations outside of the NatCoDE

  4. Remain active in Communication with Nations of the NatCoDE

Section 3.3: Rights and Conditions
A NatCoDE Member Nation adhering to the Requirements outlined in (section 3.2) is entitled to the following from the NatCoDE and Member Nations:

  1. Fast and Effective Communication between leadership of NatCoDE Member Nations through NatCoDE embassies

  2. Unified International diplomatic representation through the NatCoDE

  3. Equal and constant communication with The Emperor of the Evan Empire, the Supreme General of the Evan Militia, and the Department of Empire Military Forces Leader

The evan empire
