by Max Barry

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by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 1,848 reads.

A guide to the regional forum


The North Pacific Handbook

TL;DR: LinkRegister a forum account to discover all that TNP has to offer!

Why should I join the regional forum?

The regional forum is a vital piece of our government and culture. It is the home to the Delegate's Government, the Regional Assembly, the Court of the North Pacific, Role Play, Elections, and much more! With all that happens on the forum, it may appear a bit overwhelming at first. This guide exists to help you in the process of navigating the forums.

How do I join the forums?

To join, follow these steps:

Step 1: Register for an account Linkhere. (Please note: You must be at least 13 years of age to register)

Step 2: Enter in the required information. Be sure to include your nation name (leave out the prefixes) and Discord username if you have one!

Step 3: Explore the forum! As you gain new roles in our community, you may gain additional access to certain areas of the forum.

The forum is huge! Where should I go?

We've put together this guide to help you navigate the various forum sections.

Links for New Members

LinkCitizenship Application - Apply for Citizenship and be able to participate and immerse yourself complete in what the North Pacific has to offer.

LinkJoin the Executive Staff - Looking for a quick and easy way to get involved in your government? Choose which Ministry you wish to get involved in and get started right away.

LinkSign up for the NPA - Join the North Pacific Army, the region's standing Army.

LinkMap of The North Pacific - You're in the get on the map!

LinkResidency Applications - Register your residency if you do not wish to apply for citizenship quite yet!

Major Entertainment Links

LinkRole Playing - Home to the regions roleplaying - participate in diplomacy or war, attend conferences, build alliances. Endless possibilities for your nation.

LinkGames and Arts - Home to a number of fun threads to participate in!

LinkReal Life - The Bane of NS - debate real life politics, talk about the weather, warn us of natural disasters, discuss celebrity scandals or do anything else real-life here.

LinkThe North Pacific University - Learn a thing or two!

Government Links

LinkDelegate's Government - Home of the region's Executive Branch. Find out what is happening in each ministry.

LinkWA Affairs - Post your stance on the latest resolution at vote, or work out your latest draft.

LinkRegional Assembly - Home of the region's Legislative System. Posting rights may be limited to RA members.

LinkElections - Run for elected office here. Elections run during the first day of the months of January, May, and September.

LinkCourt of The North Pacific - Settle disputes among nations here, or if your curious to see TNP law in progress, just watch.

LinkEmbassy Row - Embassies for the regions of NationStates, as well as details for creating one.

Forum Support Links

LinkForum Operations - Got an idea to improve the forum? Post it here.

LinkAdmin Requests - Need something fixed or updated on the forum? Let the administrators know here.

I still need help!

You can reach out to the Linkforum administrators for assistance. You can also contact the Mentors.

This dispatch is updated automatically on a daily basis. Please do not edit manually.

