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The Ninth History of Dyzistrolux – New Age Advancement
Eetrab the Unspoken XV was met with the immediate hard task of correcting much of the legislative policy enacted by his grandmother, Eetrab the Unspoken XIII. Much of this correction was due to the pressure of many of Dyzistrolux's largest corporations, including Fatality Inc. (Arms Manufacturing), SIS Co. (Information Technology) and Tier 1 Bank of Dyzistrolux (Banking, Gambling).Eetrab the Unspoken XV, over many years, was able to rescind nearly all policy deemed undesirable and inefficient. Despite this apparent success, Eetrab the Unspoken XV is often deemed as lazy and uninspired, due to no new policy enacted during this time. At the conclusion of the reversal campaign, he effectively retired while still in power, letting the government run itself, seldom interested towards any change that would require effort on his part. Luckily, due to the power and efficiency of the private industry, the nation ran itself in an effective manner.
Eetrab the Unspoken died unnoticed in his private bedroom, and his death was not discovered by officials for a week. His last days were spent bedridden and bloated, unable to move due to his 436kg frame. He is regarded as a miracle of modern medicine, able to be kept alive for years despite a nonfunctioning liver, kidneys and heart. An autopsy revealed his autonomous medical equipment had even completely replaced his blood with a synthetic substitute, kept the synthblood constantly oxygenated due to both lungs collapsing and had completely integrated itself with his brain in attempt to preserve his consciousness after 15 consecutive sever strokes. Removing his body took 3 days and 6kg of plastic explosive, as his synthblood hardened into a mass with similar properties to steel reinforced concrete. What remains of his body is displayed as a surrealist sculpture in the Væbauron Prime Municipal Gardens.