by Max Barry

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by The Corporate Imperium of Dyzistrolux. . 8 reads.

Intellectual Cohabitation

Recent studies in Dyzistrolux has revealed the possibility of mass intellectual cohabitation. The term itself was coined by Vontis Dettle and Frond Continesit, two leading researchers in this new technology.

The basic premise is described best by Dr. Dettle here: "Intellectual Cohabitation, in layman's terms, is the linking of two minds. It's somewhat like telepathy, but you continually hear each other's thoughts. Furthermore, you can think as one unit, combining the memories and unique thought patterns as one superior unit." Dr. Dettle and Dr. Continesit were the first to link minds in this way, although the link was only stable for a few minutes, and resulted in seizures in both as soon as the link became unstable.

Through refinements and many poor involuntary subjects, the researchers have managed to create a semipermanent link, one that can be safely engaged and disengaged during the active and sleep cycles of the subjects. Currently, leaving patients linked together for more than 36 hours results in the brain death of both patients. Furthermore, only two minds are able to be linked together currently, as the CerebralLink™ Matrix, with current technology, is only equiped to handle the brain patterns of two individuals.

Both researchers hope that in the future, two or more minds can be linked permanently, to better improve production and efficiency by eliminating the "middleman" i.e. any non-CerebralLink™-like communication.
