by Max Barry

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by The Desk of The Western Isles Office of Information. . 4,882 reads.

The Western Isles Office of Information / 🏅 Dispatch of the Month

Every month, the office selects a dispatch posted within the month that it has deemed exceptionally unique, creative and informative and deserves the recognition it needs. The dispatch is then featured here, as part of our Dispatch of the Month program. As long as the original author of the dispatch is in this region and exists on our Regional Map, the dispatch meets our requirements for the program.

Is there a dispatch you know that you feel is worthy of the award? If so, please do not hesitate to inform our Officer of Recognition - the official organizer of the program - of it. The office very much appreciates such nominations, as we are unable to keep track of every dispatch within the region.

📖 Dispatch of the Month (Month)


"There shall be a Secretary of Information, who shall be responsible for summarizing and reporting on the period's major role-playing events, informing on the government's activity and progress, gathering and displaying interesting or important regional statistics, and overseeing official regional documentation and publications."

- from the Constitution of The Western isles.

Dedicated to preserving the history of the Isles and connecting all branches of government to her constituents, the Regional Office of Information serves as a vital component of day to day regional functions. It records interesting statistics, happenings, and role-playing news, and presents these to the people of the Isles in clear and neatly formatted dispatches for the purpose of informing and amusing us all.

The Office of Information is currently led by Baumes.

👨‍💼 The Committee

The Secretary of Information does not stand alone. He is supported by the members of the Info Committee. The composition of the committee can be found in the table below.

The Office of Information is always looking for new people to join the team! If you think you can contribute to the office in some way, then do not hesitate to contact us for a job offering!

Job title

Title holder

Job description

🕵️ Secretary of Information


Leads the Office of Information, publishes all official documentation, streamlines the Information Committee, general over all record keeping, and believed by some to be the most handsome man in the Isles.

🧑‍💼 Assistant Secretary


Assists the Secretary in duties such as reports, record keeping and etc when needed. Continues to maintain the office when the Secretary is unavailable.

👁️ Activity Monitor


Monitors and reports on the (role-play) activities of member nations of the Isles for the purpose of regional map administration.

🏆 Recognition Officer


Keeps an eye for anytime a member sets a record and reports to the Office of Information. They are also in charge of the Dispatch of the Month program, in which the office features a dispatch that they find unique, interesting and outstanding and feel the need to recognize it.

📅 Schedule

The Office of Information is never idle. Besides spontaneous and irregular activities, it adheres to the schedule below.



Updating the 🎭 RP Directory

Updated at least once a week

Publishing a new 📰 Biannual Report and archiving the old one

Published every 6 months

Publishing the 🔥 TWI Hot 100

Coinciding with the Biannual Report

📬 Contact

If you have any questions, comments, tips, or concerns, then feel free to telegram any of the Info Committee's team members.

For official approval and endorsement for a dispatch you deem informative, interesting, or amusing to the people of the Isles, please send a request to the Office of Information; in normal circumstances, the Office of Information is visited by staff at least once a week. For urgent matters, please contact the incumbent officer directly.

Read factbook

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Mollis aliquam ut porttitor leo a diam. Consequat semper viverra nam libero justo laoreet sit amet cursus. Neque viverra justo nec ultrices dui sapien. Libero justo laoreet sit amet cursus sit amet. Bibendum neque egestas congue quisque egestas diam in arcu cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing. Pretium lectus quam id leo in vitae turpis massa sed. Amet purus gravida quis blandit turpis cursus in hac habitasse. Maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet eget sit amet. Euismod in pellentesque massa placerat duis ultricies. Amet porttitor eget dolor morbi. Rhoncus dolor purus non enim praesent elementum facilisis.

Interview with the Author

What inspired you to make this dispatch?
Diam quam nulla porttitor massa id neque aliquam vestibulum. Sit amet cursus sit amet. Elit ut aliquam purus sit amet luctus. Diam sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing bibendum est ultricies. Purus viverra accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices. Semper viverra nam libero justo laoreet sit amet cursus sit. Odio euismod lacinia at quis risus. Ac auctor augue mauris augue. Amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet porttitor.

How do you feel about receiving this award?
Pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulla facilisi cras. In arcu cursus euismod quis viverra. At imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi morbi tempus. Platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus sit amet volutpat. Sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc mi ipsum. Lacus laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu ac.

Do you have any future plans for your nation in terms of nation-building?
Vulputate ut pharetra sit amet aliquam id. Quis varius quam quisque id diam. At risus viverra adipiscing at in tellus integer. Lacus vestibulum sed arcu non odio euismod. Eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim. Condimentum lacinia quis vel eros. Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna. Lorem donec massa sapien faucibus et.

Any advice for other nations making dispatches?
Eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec. Et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum fusce. Elit ullamcorper dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat vivamus at augue. Purus ut faucibus pulvinar elementum integer enim neque volutpat ac. Vestibulum lectus mauris ultrices eros. Nisi est sit amet facilisis magna etiam.

Anything else you'd like to say?
Fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh. Vitae justo eget magna fermentum iaculis eu non diam. Ac tortor dignissim convallis aenean. Sed cras ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu. Hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum rhoncus. Ac odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices. Sapien nec sagittis aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae elementum curabitur.

About the Dispatch of the Month

The Dispatch of the Month is a program launched and run by the Office of Information. As stated before, the program involves the office featuring a dispatch it likes and feels the need to commend. The program was done in order to stimulate regional activity, encourage creativity, improve writing skills, and boost the overall nationbuilding quality.

The following requirements need to be met in order for a dispatch to be eligible for nomination:

  • Author must be in the region and regional map

  • Dispatch will have to be posted within the month

We determine the Dispatch of the Month results through a number of criteria. Each are worth 10 points, and the highest total score you can achieve is 40. The criteria are:

  • Uniqueness: What makes it different from other dispatches and nominees.

  • Creativity: How original and creative the dispatch itself is.

  • Visual Appealingness: How appealing the dispatch is.

  • Information: How informative the dispatch is.

    You can also nominate any dispatch (yes, even yours) so long that it meets our guidelines. This greatly helps us reach a larger number of dispatches and possible nominees. However, only the dispatch with the highest total points based off our criteria will claim the title of Dispatch of the Month.
