by Max Barry

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OOC: I would like to declare that I am not running for another term, but instead I will be endorsing Tritra to step up for the responsibility.

Thank you.

His Holiness,

Holy Barbarian Empire wrote:OOC: I would like to declare that I am not running for another term, but instead I will be endorsing Tritra to step up for the responsibility.

Thank you.

His Holiness,

OOC: I would like to accept the endorsement, and put in my personal bid as a candidate for the upcoming election.

New massachusett

Facist South

Hello there Barbarians

New massachusett wrote:Hello there Barbarians


New massachusett

Facist South

Neo American Union wrote:Greetings!

are you guys... actually fascist? after all, you are the largest fascist region...

New massachusett wrote:are you guys... actually fascist? after all, you are the largest fascist region...

We certainly have fascist nations here, but we're not exclusively fascist; We're open to all ideologies.

Holy Barbarian Empire wrote:OOC: I would like to declare that I am not running for another term, but instead I will be endorsing Tritra to step up for the responsibility.

Thank you.

His Holiness,

Tritra wrote:OOC: I would like to accept the endorsement, and put in my personal bid as a candidate for the upcoming election.

ATTN: First of all, I’d like to apologize for my absence this weekend. I was flooded with things to do IRL. Secondly, given the incumbent minister decision not to run and endorsement of another candidate… Tritra wins and becomes our new Defense Minister! Congrats! Next up is Domestic Affairs Minister, election will take place in Sep. 21st. Any interest let me know.

Aswardo wrote:IC:

Just as President Caca made it to the nearest medical center for his treatments, it was revealed by doctors that he was barely holding onto his life due to how tortured he was, and his life-threatening injuries when his private jet was shot down. As he is finally taken in, registered, and prepared for emergency surgery, the hospital where he's located was besieged by an Ongi militia. The entire medical center was raided from all sides, doctors and nurses were shot, and the entire building was put under lockdown until the Ongi militia could find President Caca.

As the sounds of gunshots and screaming continue in the bloody halls of the hospital, President Caca can be seen baring it all - counts the last minutes he has left in this world.

His door opens, and out steps General Red. The tall, muscular man casually enters the room, flinging around his signature hunters knife around.

"Mr. Caca!" General Red yells, acting as if he found his long lost friend,

"I missed you so much, my friend, did you miss me?" he sits by his side, laying a 9mm pistol on the bed, by his side.

"Oh...You don't look so good Mr. Caca. Please, let me take you out of this misery, you'll barely make it anyways..."

General Red gets up, grabs his gun, puts the barrel up to Mr. Caca's head - then fires a shot through his forehead, leaving the room covered in blood and brains.

The hospital is shortly burned down, along with the surrounding infrastructure. After this night, several attacks on major Kiago cities were carried out as a result of Kiago's interference in the ongoing conflict. General Red once again slips into the shadows, possibly returning to the battlefront against the Aswardi R.A. Task Force.

Meanwhile the R.A. Task Force is stuck on the offensive, while the Ongi use trenches and other tactical defensive structures to secure their lines. The settlements were under siege, but progress into their destruction was beginning to dwindle when it was confirmed that President Caca was assassinated at the hospital he was taken to, leaving the main objective of the R.A. Task Force a failure. President Juni Poo Poo uses all the political weight he could muster to get more support for the operation, but the Aswardi Congress is still debating if an actual war declaration is even necessary at this point. The Ongi had all this time to understand their new surroundings, adjust to their new way of life, and build up their defenses for such an operation. Relations have only worsened between Aswardo and Kiago...

IC: Hands folded on the executive desk, recently sworn in President Juni Poo Poo delivers a solemn message to the world.

"People of Aswardo - People of the World, I have for you very disappointing news, that I would like to share with you this evening. After months of engaging with the Ongi in Eastern Kiago, the R.A. Task Force fought bravely against the demons, and slayed many in the wakes of their evil. The progress they have made, was shortened, and all future terrorist attacks against Aswardo has been vanquished for the time being. However, we weren't able to bring former President Caca home with us in this withdrawal from the region, for the identified leader of the Ongi, General Red, assassinated him in a hospital in Kiago. We have regretfully lost four-hundred and forty souls in this operation, but we were able to slaughter over thirty-thousand of their strongest warriors. This may have not been a complete failure, I will say that I have still failed to meet our objective. That is why I will be using my authority to begin nationwide snap elections, so that I can assure you, the Aswardi, that democracy will still be followed through without any obstacles on my behalf. It will be up to you if I will resume the rest of my predecessor's term, or if someone more qualified and respectable will take my position. The option, of course, is up to you. Until then, I will also be using the rest of my bestowed powers, that the consulate to Kiago will be re-opened, and all diplomatic ties with them will be rebranded under my administration's guidance.

For the lost four-hundred and forty souls, I will take full responsibility of their deaths, and grant their families financial compensation for the loss of their lives. All of them fought bravely against the evil of the world, and they will never be forgotten. We have lost so many souls, but they will be belovingly returned to the Creator's warm embrace. I will pray for their souls, and mine..."

Under the command of President Juni Poo Poo, all active R.A. Task Force operatives will be withdrawing from eastern Kiago. Their combined coalition force will be disbanded, and all personnel and funding re-directed to border security, and counter terrorist operations throughout Aswardo. While the embassy to Kiago in Aswardo's capital will remain closed, the consulate in Yungi City will be re-activated for the foreseeable future.

Aswardo wrote:IC: Hands folded on the executive desk, recently sworn in President Juni Poo Poo delivers a solemn message to the world.

"People of Aswardo - People of the World, I have for you very disappointing news, that I would like to share with you this evening. After months of engaging with the Ongi in Eastern Kiago, the R.A. Task Force fought bravely against the demons, and slayed many in the wakes of their evil. The progress they have made, was shortened, and all future terrorist attacks against Aswardo has been vanquished for the time being. However, we weren't able to bring former President Caca home with us in this withdrawal from the region, for the identified leader of the Ongi, General Red, assassinated him in a hospital in Kiago. We have regretfully lost four-hundred and forty souls in this operation, but we were able to slaughter over thirty-thousand of their strongest warriors. This may have not been a complete failure, I will say that I have still failed to meet our objective. That is why I will be using my authority to begin nationwide snap elections, so that I can assure you, the Aswardi, that democracy will still be followed through without any obstacles on my behalf. It will be up to you if I will resume the rest of my predecessor's term, or if someone more qualified and respectable will take my position. The option, of course, is up to you. Until then, I will also be using the rest of my bestowed powers, that the consulate to Kiago will be re-opened, and all diplomatic ties with them will be rebranded under my administration's guidance.

For the lost four-hundred and forty souls, I will take full responsibility of their deaths, and grant their families financial compensation for the loss of their lives. All of them fought bravely against the evil of the world, and they will never be forgotten. We have lost so many souls, but they will be belovingly returned to the Creator's warm embrace. I will pray for their souls, and mine..."

Under the command of President Juni Poo Poo, all active R.A. Task Force operatives will be withdrawing from eastern Kiago. Their combined coalition force will be disbanded, and all personnel and funding re-directed to border security, and counter terrorist operations throughout Aswardo. While the embassy to Kiago in Aswardo's capital will remain closed, the consulate in Yungi City will be re-activated for the foreseeable future.

IC: King S'Yan II. of Rekua makes his comment on the situation in eastern Kiago.

"On behalf of Rekua, we openly support Aswardo's government for not only insuring democracy for their people, but also finding a peaceful resolution with the situation in eastern Kiago. We stand by the Aswardi, fellow brethren of the Zotho. We will be sending our envoy to Aswardo to begin establishing positive relations - as a tribute to our friendship - we will be sharing nuclear technology with them, so they can start developing their own nuclear power plants. We hope this gratitude can be appreciated from our new friends, the Aswardi. In regards to not the Kiago people, but the Rodinian monarchy unjustly ruling Kiago, that we condemn your regime for their crimes of hosting terrorist organizations in their borders. I plea to the international community that Kiago be reprimanded for being a terrorist sponsoring state."

Rekua wrote:IC: King S'Yan II. of Rekua makes his comment on the situation in eastern Kiago.

"On behalf of Rekua, we openly support Aswardo's government for not only insuring democracy for their people, but also finding a peaceful resolution with the situation in eastern Kiago. We stand by the Aswardi, fellow brethren of the Zotho. We will be sending our envoy to Aswardo to begin establishing positive relations - as a tribute to our friendship - we will be sharing nuclear technology with them, so they can start developing their own nuclear power plants. We hope this gratitude can be appreciated from our new friends, the Aswardi. In regards to not the Kiago people, but the Rodinian monarchy unjustly ruling Kiago, that we condemn your regime for their crimes of hosting terrorist organizations in their borders. I plea to the international community that Kiago be reprimanded for being a terrorist sponsoring state."

IC: An International Solution for forgiveness.

Princess Alice Elis Vormente stands for Kiago in the UNB, acting as the primary delegate for her nation. She calms herself, take a breath, and speaks.

"Over the past few weeks, Kiago has been nothing but trying to achieve peace. For the menace that was the Red General. We do admit our failures to prevent this tragedy, we admit to our failures to prevent the deaths of so many. But I know, as the international community, we can all agree violence can never be a solution to problems unless absolutely necessary. And even in times like those, we agree that we want violence gone as soon as possible. This is a reminder not to just us, but to the international community that we need to do something about it. So, despite everything, we here in Kiago propose the I.C.T.F, and the International Counter Terrorist Force, a united army of the UNB that will fight Terrorism all across Barbaria.

We know the irony of us proposing it, seeing as we have failed to prevent terrorism ourselves. So in light of that, I propose the General Secretary take charge if this proposal goes through. That every year, a new country takes the mantle and heads the I.C.T.F is passed. The I.C.T.F will be voluntary, so it is an optional organization, but it can make a difference.

The Second thing I will announce is the K.I.R.F, or "Kiago International Relief Foundation." It will be the answer to all our past wars, incidents, and anything else that has caused nations harm. The first of these will go to the people that have been harmed, or families that has had family lost in the Aswardi incident. This however is only the first stage; we will set up funds to give to people harmed as far back as the Afrinian war. We hope by doing this, to right the wrongs committed by those of Kiago past. Nations can reach out to us to prove any incident that happened in the past, no matter how slight.

The Third and final thing is that we here in Kiago know of current errors, so we are announcing our own operations to rid of every terrorist, drug cartel, and criminals. Both in our islands, and the mainland. So far, we have had tremendous success. We have gotten rid of all suspected Kiagoan officials connected to suppling and dealing with any criminal organizations, and we have gotten rid of 67% of all cartels and gangs within our lands.

In conclusion, we do not seek forgiveness, we do however never to seek war, seek violence, not anymore."

Says Alice.

Kiago wrote:IC: Operation Lion Snatch is underway.IC: An International Solution for forgiveness.

Princess Alice Elis Vormente stands for Kiago in the UNB, acting as the primary delegate for her nation. She calms herself, take a breath, and speaks.

"Over the past few weeks, Kiago has been nothing but trying to achieve peace. For the menace that was the Red General. We do admit our failures to prevent this tragedy, we admit to our failures to prevent the deaths of so many. But I know, as the international community, we can all agree violence can never be a solution to problems unless absolutely necessary. And even in times like those, we agree that we want violence gone as soon as possible. This is a reminder not to just us, but to the international community that we need to do something about it. So, despite everything, we here in Kiago propose the I.C.T.F, and the International Counter Terrorist Force, a united army of the UNB that will fight Terrorism all across Barbaria.

We know the irony of us proposing it, seeing as we have failed to prevent terrorism ourselves. So in light of that, I propose the General Secretary take charge if this proposal goes through. That every year, a new country takes the mantle and heads the I.C.T.F is passed. The I.C.T.F will be voluntary, so it is an optional organization, but it can make a difference.

The Second thing I will announce is the K.I.R.F, or "Kiago International Relief Foundation." It will be the answer to all our past wars, incidents, and anything else that has caused nations harm. The first of these will go to the people that have been harmed, or families that has had family lost in the Aswardi incident. This however is only the first stage; we will set up funds to give to people harmed as far back as the Afrinian war. We hope by doing this, to right the wrongs committed by those of Kiago past. Nations can reach out to us to prove any incident that happened in the past, no matter how slight.

The Third and final thing is that we here in Kiago know of current errors, so we are announcing our own operations to rid of every terrorist, drug cartel, and criminals. Both in our islands, and the mainland. So far, we have had tremendous success. We have gotten rid of all suspected Kiagoan officials connected to suppling and dealing with any criminal organizations, and we have gotten rid of 67% of all cartels and gangs within our lands.

In conclusion, we do not seek forgiveness, we do however never to seek war, seek violence, not anymore."

Says Alice.


King S'Yan II. personally attends on behalf of Rekua, speaks out against Kiago's statistics and false promises.

"Princess Alice Elis Vormente of Kiago, you claim that you have 'gotten rid' of 67% of 'all cartels and gangs within our lands.' How have you done this in only a week since the Lageosian incursion, and the recent Ongi violence?"

The mighty King of Rekua presents the data, sourced directly from the Rekuan Imperial Eye, the nation's central network for international intelligence gathering. Various screens take shape from a holographic projection device, hovering just above Princess Alice. These screens broadcast various clips of terrorist and gang activity throughout Kiago, in every direction, it can be seen the country is embroiled in gang violence, and tribal conflict.

"The truth is Kiago is gradually losing control of its territory, obviously due to the extreme corruption in the nation's government, and overall negligence in leadership. What can Kiago contribute to these missions, if their own regime isn't stable enough to last another decade. I would like to discredit the Kiago monarchy once again for not only lying to their own people, but now the whole world...My suggestion is a real solution, we need to begin dispatching the UNB Task Force into Kiago to re-stabilize the nation, before another continental war erupts."

Rekua wrote:IC:

King S'Yan II. personally attends on behalf of Rekua, speaks out against Kiago's statistics and false promises.

"Princess Alice Elis Vormente of Kiago, you claim that you have 'gotten rid' of 67% of 'all cartels and gangs within our lands.' How have you done this in only a week since the Lageosian incursion, and the recent Ongi violence?"

The mighty King of Rekua presents the data, sourced directly from the Rekuan Imperial Eye, the nation's central network for international intelligence gathering. Various screens take shape from a holographic projection device, hovering just above Princess Alice. These screens broadcast various clips of terrorist and gang activity throughout Kiago, in every direction, it can be seen the country is embroiled in gang violence, and tribal conflict.

"The truth is Kiago is gradually losing control of its territory, obviously due to the extreme corruption in the nation's government, and overall negligence in leadership. What can Kiago contribute to these missions, if their own regime isn't stable enough to last another decade. I would like to discredit the Kiago monarchy once again for not only lying to their own people, but now the whole world...My suggestion is a real solution, we need to begin dispatching the UNB Task Force into Kiago to re-stabilize the nation, before another continental war erupts."

Alice steps up.

"Because we have eliminated the main threat that was of the Red General. What you state merely did not take a week. The Ongi were the main threat. And yes, I will admit some remnants are there. But another factor was not in of the Mainland, but rather of the infamous Zartalo Cartel. In truth, when we inherited the Antilles from Hedra, we inherited not only the islands, but problems of that is the infamous cartel. The truth was while the Ongi was dangerous, the Zartalo Cartel was far more dangerous. We however have rid of 92% of them, reducing them to nothing but a tiny island, which we plan to strike in the coming weeks."

"Also, with your suggestion of a UNB Task Force, we are not willing, as that could only escalate things more."

IC: "The New Frontier"

As Lageosian cartels dig deeper into Kiagoan territory, gradually gaining control over the most rural, and remote regions of the country. Entire towns would fall under their control, raiding, and seizing all they could find of tremendous value. The larger city centers were avoided, as the cartels didn't want to get too much attention from the regional governments. Many cartels would act as layers of business, offering different forms of services to the locals in exchange for a tribute and loyalty. Unfortunately, only those of weak stock were spared their lives; many of the women and children were enslaved, and trafficked out of Kiago. The men who could fight were often killed, castrated, or imprisoned in some of the most horrid places imaginable. It is as if they have become a plague upon Kiago.

Kiago wrote:Alice steps up.

"Because we have eliminated the main threat that was of the Red General. What you state merely did not take a week. The Ongi were the main threat. And yes, I will admit some remnants are there. But another factor was not in of the Mainland, but rather of the infamous Zartalo Cartel. In truth, when we inherited the Antilles from Hedra, we inherited not only the islands, but problems of that is the infamous cartel. The truth was while the Ongi was dangerous, the Zartalo Cartel was far more dangerous. We however have rid of 92% of them, reducing them to nothing but a tiny island, which we plan to strike in the coming weeks."

"Also, with your suggestion of a UNB Task Force, we are not willing, as that could only escalate things more."


"Madam Princess Alice, you stumble upon your own words." King Y'San II. shakes his head in disappointment, further trying to stay on topic;

"We are not talking about the Antillean Sea, we are talking about our home continent. It goes to show the assembly here; that Kiago's only focus is on the monarchy's colonies abroad, not the land they stole and neglected for over a century. They let the heart of Zothique rot away, tell lies to us, insult our very witness. The fact that you will not allow international oversight goes to show they are hiding the truth from the world, willing to get others involved where they deem is important. General Red just recently committed a terrorist attack on the border town of Ingo in Moxmbe. We have just saw for ourselves that he is very much alive, and dangerous. How much longer are you going to keep lying to us, Madam Princess Alice?"

Kiago wrote:IC: An International Solution for forgiveness.

Princess Alice Elis Vormente stands for Kiago in the UNB, acting as the primary delegate for her nation. She calms herself, take a breath, and speaks.

"Over the past few weeks, Kiago has been nothing but trying to achieve peace. For the menace that was the Red General. We do admit our failures to prevent this tragedy, we admit to our failures to prevent the deaths of so many. But I know, as the international community, we can all agree violence can never be a solution to problems unless absolutely necessary. And even in times like those, we agree that we want violence gone as soon as possible. This is a reminder not to just us, but to the international community that we need to do something about it. So, despite everything, we here in Kiago propose the I.C.T.F, and the International Counter Terrorist Force, a united army of the UNB that will fight Terrorism all across Barbaria.

We know the irony of us proposing it, seeing as we have failed to prevent terrorism ourselves. So in light of that, I propose the General Secretary take charge if this proposal goes through. That every year, a new country takes the mantle and heads the I.C.T.F is passed. The I.C.T.F will be voluntary, so it is an optional organization, but it can make a difference.

The Second thing I will announce is the K.I.R.F, or "Kiago International Relief Foundation." It will be the answer to all our past wars, incidents, and anything else that has caused nations harm. The first of these will go to the people that have been harmed, or families that has had family lost in the Aswardi incident. This however is only the first stage; we will set up funds to give to people harmed as far back as the Afrinian war. We hope by doing this, to right the wrongs committed by those of Kiago past. Nations can reach out to us to prove any incident that happened in the past, no matter how slight.

The Third and final thing is that we here in Kiago know of current errors, so we are announcing our own operations to rid of every terrorist, drug cartel, and criminals. Both in our islands, and the mainland. So far, we have had tremendous success. We have gotten rid of all suspected Kiagoan officials connected to suppling and dealing with any criminal organizations, and we have gotten rid of 67% of all cartels and gangs within our lands.

In conclusion, we do not seek forgiveness, we do however never to seek war, seek violence, not anymore."

Says Alice.

Rekua wrote:IC:

"Madam Princess Alice, you stumble upon your own words." King Y'San II. shakes his head in disappointment, further trying to stay on topic;

"We are not talking about the Antillean Sea, we are talking about our home continent. It goes to show the assembly here; that Kiago's only focus is on the monarchy's colonies abroad, not the land they stole and neglected for over a century. They let the heart of Zothique rot away, tell lies to us, insult our very witness. The fact that you will not allow international oversight goes to show they are hiding the truth from the world, willing to get others involved where they deem is important. General Red just recently committed a terrorist attack on the border town of Ingo in Moxmbe. We have just saw for ourselves that he is very much alive, and dangerous. How much longer are you going to keep lying to us, Madam Princess Alice?"

IC: Representative to the Neo American Union, Issac G. Moore, sides with the King of Rekua.

Stammered by what appears to be total narcissism, Mr. Moore outlandishly expresses his displeasure with the situation in Kiago.

"I would have to agree with King Y'san II. on this, even our intelligence has informed us that Kiago is becoming a breeding ground for terrorism and human trafficking. As a civilized part of the world, we should assemble an international task force, and eradicate these gangs once and for all. They are a disaster waiting to escalate on their own, the longer we wait, the worse it will get. If we strike now, we can get them at their weakest, which is right now!"

The vibrant man slams his podium, "...The war with terror never ended!"

The Neo American Union will remain on this stance.

Hedra wrote:ATTN: First of all, I’d like to apologize for my absence this weekend. I was flooded with things to do IRL. Secondly, given the incumbent minister decision not to run and endorsement of another candidate… Tritra wins and becomes our new Defense Minister! Congrats! Next up is Domestic Affairs Minister, election will take place in Sep. 21st. Any interest let me know.

OOC: I will be running for my second term, thank you all, I will be presuming my ongoing platform.

Santamonia wrote:OOC: I will be running for my second term, thank you all, I will be presuming my ongoing platform.

ATTN: Since no else came forward to run, our current Domestic Affairs Minister wins by default and heads to his second term on the job! Congrats! Next up is Foreign Affairs Minister, election will take place in Sep. 28th.. Any interest let me know.

Hedra wrote:ATTN: Since no else came forward to run, our current Domestic Affairs Minister wins by default and heads to his second term on the job! Congrats! Next up is Foreign Affairs Minister, election will take place in Sep. 28th.. Any interest let me know.

I would like to volunteer!

Hedra wrote:ATTN: Since no else came forward to run, our current Domestic Affairs Minister wins by default and heads to his second term on the job! Congrats! Next up is Foreign Affairs Minister, election will take place in Sep. 28th.. Any interest let me know.

Agyptus wrote:I would like to volunteer!

OOC: I am interested in participating in this election, I appreciate the opportunity.

IC: De-nuclearization of Herzene-Suberiskea

After months of amounting pressure, external and internal, the government of Herzene-Suberiskea has finally decided to de-nuclearize. This project will involve the dismantlement of the nation's weapons of mass destruction, and recycle all materials under strict government oversight. The intention is to retract the nation's capability for unintentional proliferation, and/or further environmental degradation. To prevent any weapons of mass destruction from falling into the wrong hands, the government will implement protocols to insure that nothing can be sold on the black market. Although this may be extremely expensive, the Prime Minister's administration has made it a clear priority for the wellbeing of his citizens, and to maintain the nation's neutrality.

Herzene-Suberiskea wrote:IC: De-nuclearization of Herzene-Suberiskea

After months of amounting pressure, external and internal, the government of Herzene-Suberiskea has finally decided to de-nuclearize. This project will involve the dismantlement of the nation's weapons of mass destruction, and recycle all materials under strict government oversight. The intention is to retract the nation's capability for unintentional proliferation, and/or further environmental degradation. To prevent any weapons of mass destruction from falling into the wrong hands, the government will implement protocols to insure that nothing can be sold on the black market. Although this may be extremely expensive, the Prime Minister's administration has made it a clear priority for the wellbeing of his citizens, and to maintain the nation's neutrality.


The Royal Government of Kiago has noticed the De-nuclearization efforts of the Herzene-Suberiskea'n government, and as a gesture for the nation, has decided to aid with the costs of the program, giving the government of Herzene-Suberiskea over 3 Billion Kilpo in order to help the nation denuclearize the nation. The Royal Government also gives advanced technology in order to more effectively secure the nukes from being sold on the black market.

IC: The Lageosian-Bokongo War

On the evening of September 26th 2051 A.D. The National Congress of the Republic of Lageos has officially declared war on the Republic of Bokongo, for the territory known as Uwosa, which consists of what is currently Northern Bokongo, but is and has been illegally occupied by the military of Bokongo. As diplomatic efforts failed in the three rounds of negotiations, no compromise was able to be reached, resulting in Lageos taking the opportunity of public support for the war. Its first wave of attack comes at just traffic between the borders is its most minimal, three (3) divisions of the Lageosian Logistics Corps swiftly and easily overwhelms the border security with three (3) regiments of the Light Infantry Corps, penetrate the border outposts, and completely overwhelm the guards as air support provides them enough cover to take control of the only border crossing between the two nations. The border's telecommunication devices and capabilities have been disabled, allowing the internal defenses to be unknowing of the Lageosian advance until news of the war declaration finally reached. This tightly coordinated assault was obviously planned for months, prepared just for this time and day.

Lageos wrote:IC: The Lageosian-Bokongo War

On the evening of September 26th 2051 A.D. The National Congress of the Republic of Lageos has officially declared war on the Republic of Bokongo, for the territory known as Uwosa, which consists of what is currently Northern Bokongo, but is and has been illegally occupied by the military of Bokongo. As diplomatic efforts failed in the three rounds of negotiations, no compromise was able to be reached, resulting in Lageos taking the opportunity of public support for the war. Its first wave of attack comes at just traffic between the borders is its most minimal, three (3) divisions of the Lageosian Logistics Corps swiftly and easily overwhelms the border security with three (3) regiments of the Light Infantry Corps, penetrate the border outposts, and completely overwhelm the guards as air support provides them enough cover to take control of the only border crossing between the two nations. The border's telecommunication devices and capabilities have been disabled, allowing the internal defenses to be unknowing of the Lageosian advance until news of the war declaration finally reached. This tightly coordinated assault was obviously planned for months, prepared just for this time and day.

IC: In an immediate response to the actions taken by the Lageos'n government, King Leopold the III has issued executive order 8494, to supply residents of both Bokongo and Lageos with medicine, food, drinks, etc. following the surprise invasion of the Bokongo nation. King Leopold the III also proposes an emergency UNB meeting to discuss the outbreak of the war, to prevent another Great Zothique War, and to plan a quick solution to the conflict in an already unstable region.

While all of that is happening, King Leopold also issues Executive Order 8495, to allow the UNB with full authority to deal with Gangs within Southeastern Kiago. King Leopold the III provides details about the gangs within the Zothique continent as well. King Leopold also with Executive Order 8496, to increase military presence with the border of Lageos due to the attacks on Bokongo, and Southeastern Kiago. The only two demands for the UNB task force is that Neo American Union speerhead the group, and to avoid civilian fatalities as much as possible.

Kiago wrote:IC: In an immediate response to the actions taken by the Lageos'n government, King Leopold the III has issued executive order 8494, to supply residents of both Bokongo and Lageos with medicine, food, drinks, etc. following the surprise invasion of the Bokongo nation. King Leopold the III also proposes an emergency UNB meeting to discuss the outbreak of the war, to prevent another Great Zothique War, and to plan a quick solution to the conflict in an already unstable region.

While all of that is happening, King Leopold also issues Executive Order 8495, to allow the UNB with full authority to deal with Gangs within Southeastern Kiago. King Leopold the III provides details about the gangs within the Zothique continent as well. King Leopold also with Executive Order 8496, to increase military presence with the border of Lageos due to the attacks on Bokongo, and Southeastern Kiago. The only two demands for the UNB task force is that Neo American Union speerhead the group, and to avoid civilian fatalities as much as possible.

IC: A representative to the U.N.B. from the Neo American Union has made a cordial reply:

"On behalf of the Triumvirate, we appreciate Kiago's permission, as well as agree to honor the conditions to the fullest extent of our abilities. It has already been arranged so that the Neo American Union will be the spearhead of this operation, while we will be joined by Sovern, Tritra, Helric, Alpecchia, Velkisa, Rekua, and the East Niholate Federation. This operation will be coordinated under the U.N.B. Task Force...

...In my regards to the situation between Bokongo and Lageos, we will have no involvement in that conflict."

Kiago wrote:IC: In an immediate response to the actions taken by the Lageos'n government, King Leopold the III has issued executive order 8494, to supply residents of both Bokongo and Lageos with medicine, food, drinks, etc. following the surprise invasion of the Bokongo nation. King Leopold the III also proposes an emergency UNB meeting to discuss the outbreak of the war, to prevent another Great Zothique War, and to plan a quick solution to the conflict in an already unstable region.

While all of that is happening, King Leopold also issues Executive Order 8495, to allow the UNB with full authority to deal with Gangs within Southeastern Kiago. King Leopold the III provides details about the gangs within the Zothique continent as well. King Leopold also with Executive Order 8496, to increase military presence with the border of Lageos due to the attacks on Bokongo, and Southeastern Kiago. The only two demands for the UNB task force is that Neo American Union speerhead the group, and to avoid civilian fatalities as much as possible.

IC: The Lageosian Air Force has successfully intercepted all the drops coming into Lageos, and most of the drops inbound to Bokongo. The military's newest line of hypersonic fighter jets quickly retaliate against Kiagoan interference by destroying a few of the aircraft used in the air drops.

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