by Max Barry

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Sovern wrote:IC:

As they pass through the gates of Kiago's imperial palace, Prince Ivar is seen in awe of the building's quality and architecture, a true inspiration to him. When they come their way in the driveway, Otto turns to his son and whispers, "This is going to be your first summit, Ivar, take note and learn from me."

Otto pats Ivar's back in a fatherly fashion, waking him up from his daydreaming, and back into reality. When it came time for them to leave the vehicle, Kaiser Otto takes a gander at the scenery, and looks back at King Leopold III. "I must say I am flabbergasted at your ability to restore this beautiful masterpiece, the history this palace comes with is backed by centuries of legitimate rule." Otto compliments.

IC: "Indeed, both of our Royal houses have survived for centuries. From our first kings to now, to us. Through wars and peace, we have seen nations rise and fall and yet here we are." King Leopold the III says as they head into the main hall, where various Parliamentary people and Royal Family members are.

Happy New Years Barbaria!


OOC: Happy New Year everyone!!

Kiago wrote:IC: "Indeed, both of our Royal houses have survived for centuries. From our first kings to now, to us. Through wars and peace, we have seen nations rise and fall and yet here we are." King Leopold the III says as they head into the main hall, where various Parliamentary people and Royal Family members are.


Otto and Ivar then go on to shake the hands of the various legislatures, and house royals. One by one they properly greet, meet, and consummate their mutual respect. Each member and royal of the body was given a metal card, containing Otto's personal contact information; his personal line, business email, and some other details. In his own personal inquiry, he also obtains everybody else's contact information, with the intent on building a network of influential individuals in Kiago.

ATTN: Hello everyone! In three (3) days time we will start our regional election. The first one will be Communications Minister, election will take place in Jan. 5th. Any interest let me know!

IC: The imperial jet landed smoothly into the bustling airport of New Yaira, Agyptus. Vasco stood at the plane’s exit, the gold accents of his beige suit catching the light. His entourage slowly followed behind him—advisors, attendants, and a retinue of guards.

While leaving the plane, Vasco turned to his chief advisor and friend, Count Estevão de Montfer, a seasoned diplomat. “Quite the view, eh?” Vasco remarked, his voice tinged with both admiration and curiosity.

Estevão adjusted his spectacles and nodded. “Agyptus has always been a land of grandeur, Vasco. The Sultan knows how to leave an impression.”

Vasco smirked. “Then it seems we have something in common.”

Vasco descended, flanked by his guards. The heat was oppressive, but he maintained a composed demeanor, his stride confident. Waiting for him at the foot of the plane was a delegation of Agyptian officials tasked to lead him to the palace.

“Your Highness Vasco, Prince of Hedra,” an official began, bowing deeply. “On behalf of His Majesty the Sultan and the people of Agyptus, welcome to New Yaira.”

Vasco returned the bow with a slight nod of his head. “Thank you. I’ve long admired the history and culture of your nation. It’s an honour to finally be here.”

“The honour is ours,” the official replied smoothly. “The Sultan eagerly awaits your arrival at the palace. If you’ll allow us, we’ve prepared a procession to escort you through the city.”

The streets of New Yaira were alive with festivity as the procession made its way toward the royal palace. Crowds lined the streets, waving flags and cheering as they passed.

“Quite the reception.” Vasco remarked to Estevão, who sat beside him.

The palace loomed ahead, a monumental structure of sandstone and marble, its domes and spires reaching toward the heavens. Vasco took in the sight, impressed by its sheer scale and artistry.

They were led into a vast courtyard. The air was perfumed with the scent of blooming flowers, a welcome contrast to the arid heat outside. Rows of guards stood at attention.

As they entered the grand hall, Vasco’s gaze was immediately drawn to the man seated on an elevated throne at the far end of the room. The Sultan of Agyptus was a striking figure, his presence commanding.

Vasco stepped forward, bowing deeply. “Your Majesty, the people of Hedra extend their warmest greetings and gratitude for your generous hospitality. I am honoured to be here.”

Hedra wrote:IC: The imperial jet landed smoothly into the bustling airport of New Yaira, Agyptus. Vasco stood at the plane’s exit, the gold accents of his beige suit catching the light. His entourage slowly followed behind him—advisors, attendants, and a retinue of guards.

While leaving the plane, Vasco turned to his chief advisor and friend, Count Estevão de Montfer, a seasoned diplomat. “Quite the view, eh?” Vasco remarked, his voice tinged with both admiration and curiosity.

Estevão adjusted his spectacles and nodded. “Agyptus has always been a land of grandeur, Vasco. The Sultan knows how to leave an impression.”

Vasco smirked. “Then it seems we have something in common.”

Vasco descended, flanked by his guards. The heat was oppressive, but he maintained a composed demeanor, his stride confident. Waiting for him at the foot of the plane was a delegation of Agyptian officials tasked to lead him to the palace.

“Your Highness Vasco, Prince of Hedra,” an official began, bowing deeply. “On behalf of His Majesty the Sultan and the people of Agyptus, welcome to New Yaira.”

Vasco returned the bow with a slight nod of his head. “Thank you. I’ve long admired the history and culture of your nation. It’s an honour to finally be here.”

“The honour is ours,” the official replied smoothly. “The Sultan eagerly awaits your arrival at the palace. If you’ll allow us, we’ve prepared a procession to escort you through the city.”

The streets of New Yaira were alive with festivity as the procession made its way toward the royal palace. Crowds lined the streets, waving flags and cheering as they passed.

“Quite the reception.” Vasco remarked to Estevão, who sat beside him.

The palace loomed ahead, a monumental structure of sandstone and marble, its domes and spires reaching toward the heavens. Vasco took in the sight, impressed by its sheer scale and artistry.

They were led into a vast courtyard. The air was perfumed with the scent of blooming flowers, a welcome contrast to the arid heat outside. Rows of guards stood at attention.

As they entered the grand hall, Vasco’s gaze was immediately drawn to the man seated on an elevated throne at the far end of the room. The Sultan of Agyptus was a striking figure, his presence commanding.

Vasco stepped forward, bowing deeply. “Your Majesty, the people of Hedra extend their warmest greetings and gratitude for your generous hospitality. I am honoured to be here.”


Sultan Hadid al-Mujmamad II. silently descends from his throne, never breaking eye contact with Prince Vasco. Upon approaching the young Prince at an arm's length, the Sultan extends his hand out to shake. The Sultan's eyes pierce through Vasco's soul, taking in every inch of his being into account.

"Prince Vasco of Hedra, it is an even greater honour to have you here in my court."

The Sultan gently guides Prince Vasco, and his entourage, to another room on the opposite side of the marble corridor. The echoes of their feet never end, and it is as if the journey to their destination grew longer by the minute. Eventually they would confront a large door made of solid mahogany, trimmed to resemble elaborate patterns, the doorknob was made of solid gold, and the height itself was over ten feet all. The Sultan opens the heavy door to reveal a room the size of a two story house, with a high ceiling glazed with stained glass windows, cascading a colourful fall of light from above, to which falls elegantly on a massive wooden longtable, edged with gold, and platted with silver and gems of every kind. The company all sit together, with a meal prepared for the occasion. The Prince and his company is served with towels to clean their brow, their feet were washed by maidens with hair like silk. Their hands and backs were rubbed with care, while the Sultan himself becomes comfortable.

"You have all travelled so far, you must be hungry. I implore you to eat to your content, at my pleasure..." The Sultan exclaims as he pours himself a glass of water, filled to the brim with round ice.

The Sultan continues, "...Prince Vasco, I assume you understand that it is polite to first begin every partnership with a good talk, so let us talk first and get to know each other better. I have collected data on you for some time now, because your character intrigues me. I know you couldn't care less for tradition, and you're an outcast among your own family. This part of you I understand, as I never saw eye to eye with my own kin, especially my own father."

Agyptus wrote:IC:

Sultan Hadid al-Mujmamad II. silently descends from his throne, never breaking eye contact with Prince Vasco. Upon approaching the young Prince at an arm's length, the Sultan extends his hand out to shake. The Sultan's eyes pierce through Vasco's soul, taking in every inch of his being into account.

"Prince Vasco of Hedra, it is an even greater honour to have you here in my court."

The Sultan gently guides Prince Vasco, and his entourage, to another room on the opposite side of the marble corridor. The echoes of their feet never end, and it is as if the journey to their destination grew longer by the minute. Eventually they would confront a large door made of solid mahogany, trimmed to resemble elaborate patterns, the doorknob was made of solid gold, and the height itself was over ten feet all. The Sultan opens the heavy door to reveal a room the size of a two story house, with a high ceiling glazed with stained glass windows, cascading a colourful fall of light from above, to which falls elegantly on a massive wooden longtable, edged with gold, and platted with silver and gems of every kind. The company all sit together, with a meal prepared for the occasion. The Prince and his company is served with towels to clean their brow, their feet were washed by maidens with hair like silk. Their hands and backs were rubbed with care, while the Sultan himself becomes comfortable.

"You have all travelled so far, you must be hungry. I implore you to eat to your content, at my pleasure..." The Sultan exclaims as he pours himself a glass of water, filled to the brim with round ice.

The Sultan continues, "...Prince Vasco, I assume you understand that it is polite to first begin every partnership with a good talk, so let us talk first and get to know each other better. I have collected data on you for some time now, because your character intrigues me. I know you couldn't care less for tradition, and you're an outcast among your own family. This part of you I understand, as I never saw eye to eye with my own kin, especially my own father."

IC: Vasco enters the room in awe. He had heard about the opulence of the royal palace but seeing it up close was certainly an experience.

“You ought to give me the name of your interior decorator.” Vasco added jokingly as he found a seat beside the Sultan.

The Prince of Ferragudo and his entourage relaxed as they were tended to by the Sultan’s servants and drank the glasses of water provided with the same pleasure as one would drink the most expensive wine.

“It appears you’ve made your homework.” Vasco replied to the Sultan. “That is true. Maybe it’s because of my lack of interest on respecting most of my Mother’s traditions and protocols that has made me a rogue in her eyes and in the eyes of my family. I firmly believe on the role a monarch has play, however, I also believe that by solely living for that role it ends up making you less human. But of course, as you may know already, my beliefs aren’t quite welcome in my home.”

Hedra wrote:IC: Vasco enters the room in awe. He had heard about the opulence of the royal palace but seeing it up close was certainly an experience.

“You ought to give me the name of your interior decorator.” Vasco added jokingly as he found a seat beside the Sultan.

The Prince of Ferragudo and his entourage relaxed as they were tended to by the Sultan’s servants and drank the glasses of water provided with the same pleasure as one would drink the most expensive wine.

“It appears you’ve made your homework.” Vasco replied to the Sultan. “That is true. Maybe it’s because of my lack of interest on respecting most of my Mother’s traditions and protocols that has made me a rogue in her eyes and in the eyes of my family. I firmly believe on the role a monarch has play, however, I also believe that by solely living for that role it ends up making you less human. But of course, as you may know already, my beliefs aren’t quite welcome in my home.”


The Sultan takes in what Vasco says to mind, ponders on it for a minute, and then delivers a response of his own.

"My father once told me, '...the role we play in life may not always be up to us, but it is up to us how we live in it', but I never fully understood what he meant by that, until the day I was thrusted upon the responsibility, that is my father's throne. I spent my prior years fighting with my brothers over the name of Sultan, and once it had found me..."

A servant comes by and refills his glass of water, and another comes by with a hot towel.

"...Don't make the same mistake I made, don't harbour resentment because you share a name, but rather make it your own. I will admit, you are an Alduin, and with all the weight that name holds, you will always be held up to the standards that comes with that much honor and prestige, but do with it you can."

Sultan Hadid in all his grace lifts up his hand, and gesture his palm out. "Take what you will from my words, but I believe we should get on with business now, what have you here for me?"

Agyptus wrote:IC:

The Sultan takes in what Vasco says to mind, ponders on it for a minute, and then delivers a response of his own.

"My father once told me, '...the role we play in life may not always be up to us, but it is up to us how we live in it', but I never fully understood what he meant by that, until the day I was thrusted upon the responsibility, that is my father's throne. I spent my prior years fighting with my brothers over the name of Sultan, and once it had found me..."

A servant comes by and refills his glass of water, and another comes by with a hot towel.

"...Don't make the same mistake I made, don't harbour resentment because you share a name, but rather make it your own. I will admit, you are an Alduin, and with all the weight that name holds, you will always be held up to the standards that comes with that much honor and prestige, but do with it you can."

Sultan Hadid in all his grace lifts up his hand, and gesture his palm out. "Take what you will from my words, but I believe we should get on with business now, what have you here for me?"

IC: Vasco relaxes while being tended to by the Sultan’s servants.

“You are certainly a wise man, Your Majesty.” The Prince says as he presses the hot towel to his face. “You truly are.”

Vasco turns to his friend Estevão and snaps his fingers to get his attention, the Count then quickly hands him a folder. Vasco then passes it over to the Sultan.

“We believe that having Agyptus as a partner would be beneficial to us all and a possible gateway for Hedra to open up to other nations in Middle Arcadia and Zothique. Hedra has a significant agricultural sector which would help your nation during the hardship of the driest seasons of the year and on the same note we are currently developing innovations to irrigation systems that could help your own industries. You may already that Hedra is one of the largest consumers of textiles in the world, and your textiles have always been at the top of list. A non-aggression pact is also described in the folder I just gave you, which basically serves as an embryo for a future defense treaty. If the treaty is ratified, Hedra commits itself to promoting tourism to your land and also starting student exchange programs so knowledge is shared between us. What do you say?”

Vasco leans forward so the servant can continue rubbing his back. “Oh… thats the spot… Another thing I can promise is that I’ll always come back to Agyptus if that’s the treatment you give your guests.”

Hedra wrote:ATTN: Hello everyone! In three (3) days time we will start our regional election. The first one will be Communications Minister, election will take place in Jan. 5th. Any interest let me know!

OOC: If no one comes forth to run for Communications Minister, I wouldn't mind running for my second term.

Yucatan Nation wrote:OOC: If no one comes forth to run for Communications Minister, I wouldn't mind running for my second term.

ATTN: Since no one else came forward to run, our current minister, Yucatan Nation, wins by default and goes to his second term! Congrats!! Next up is Defense Minister, you all know the drill and the requirements for eligibility. Any interest let me know, election will take place in Jan. 12th.

Hedra wrote:ATTN: Since no one else came forward to run, our current minister, Yucatan Nation, wins by default and goes to his second term! Congrats!! Next up is Defense Minister, you all know the drill and the requirements for eligibility. Any interest let me know, election will take place in Jan. 12th.

OOC: I would like to run, please and thank you.

Hedra wrote:IC: Vasco relaxes while being tended to by the Sultan’s servants.

“You are certainly a wise man, Your Majesty.” The Prince says as he presses the hot towel to his face. “You truly are.”

Vasco turns to his friend Estevão and snaps his fingers to get his attention, the Count then quickly hands him a folder. Vasco then passes it over to the Sultan.

“We believe that having Agyptus as a partner would be beneficial to us all and a possible gateway for Hedra to open up to other nations in Middle Arcadia and Zothique. Hedra has a significant agricultural sector which would help your nation during the hardship of the driest seasons of the year and on the same note we are currently developing innovations to irrigation systems that could help your own industries. You may already that Hedra is one of the largest consumers of textiles in the world, and your textiles have always been at the top of list. A non-aggression pact is also described in the folder I just gave you, which basically serves as an embryo for a future defense treaty. If the treaty is ratified, Hedra commits itself to promoting tourism to your land and also starting student exchange programs so knowledge is shared between us. What do you say?”

Vasco leans forward so the servant can continue rubbing his back. “Oh… thats the spot… Another thing I can promise is that I’ll always come back to Agyptus if that’s the treatment you give your guests.”


Sultan Hadid II. looks over the folder, taking his time reading over every detail, and finally placing it down in front of him. "Your proposal is remarkably thought out, and everything in its confines seems reasonable. It would appear you have done some homework yourself, as we are experiencing a serious water shortage throughout the country. The dry season is bad enough, and it only gets worse when you mention the Limperians have been intentionally reducing the flow of the Nile, with their new dam holding our water supply ransom...I accept your offer, under the condition that you continue to visit when you have the time."

Agyptus wrote:IC:

Sultan Hadid II. looks over the folder, taking his time reading over every detail, and finally placing it down in front of him. "Your proposal is remarkably thought out, and everything in its confines seems reasonable. It would appear you have done some homework yourself, as we are experiencing a serious water shortage throughout the country. The dry season is bad enough, and it only gets worse when you mention the Limperians have been intentionally reducing the flow of the Nile, with their new dam holding our water supply ransom...I accept your offer, under the condition that you continue to visit when you have the time."

IC: Vasco smiles. “Oh you can count on that Your Majesty. There are few places in the world as amazing as this one. I’ll surely return soon.”


Hello my fellow Barbarians,

I would like to announce that I will be leaving Barbaria, to form my own region. I have no bad taste or quarrels with this region, but rather I have been inspired to start my own journey. I hope that we could eventually establish embassies, and possibly engage in multiregional role-play. I look forward to the future, and I will never forget my past here in Barbaria. In my heart Barbaria will always be my home, and maybe if things go south I may come back...who knows, but I will still have to see how my image manifests.

I am sorry that I have to cut short my obligations and agreements with nations in Barbaria, but I hope I could redeem myself in the future. As with my territory, I have already made an agreement with Valgoria that I would return the land to him if I ever CTED or left Barbaria, so it shall be.

Thank you all for truly making me feel like a Barbarian,



I have a few questions for our Chief Executive, Hedra, if you don't mind me asking out of curiosity;

1. What are your reasons for specifically picking Athant, Holy Barbarian Empire, and Vostag as our Justices?

2. What reason do you have for taking so long to choose our Justices?

3. Why did you decide to appoint these Justices, instead of letting the UNB legislature elect them?*

*I know that according to the UNB Charter you have the ability to appoint Justices, in the event that there is a vacancy, I just want to know why you put it upon yourself to make that decision.

Dankest Kekistan wrote:OOC:

I have a few questions for our Chief Executive, Hedra, if you don't mind me asking out of curiosity;

1. What are your reasons for specifically picking Athant, Holy Barbarian Empire, and Vostag as our Justices?

2. What reason do you have for taking so long to choose our Justices?

3. Why did you decide to appoint these Justices, instead of letting the UNB legislature elect them?*

*I know that according to the UNB Charter you have the ability to appoint Justices, in the event that there is a vacancy, I just want to know why you put it upon yourself to make that decision.

OOC: Damn, when did this happen? How come this wasn't announced?

South Ajian Commonwealth wrote:OOC: Damn, when did this happen? How come this wasn't announced?


I didn't even know that I was even chosen, I feel so special!

Athant wrote:OOC:

I didn't even know that I was even chosen, I feel so special!

OOC: I didn't know either, but I feel honoured to be one of Barbaria's Justices...I will not fail!

Dankest Kekistan wrote:OOC:

I have a few questions for our Chief Executive, Hedra, if you don't mind me asking out of curiosity;

1. What are your reasons for specifically picking Athant, Holy Barbarian Empire, and Vostag as our Justices?

2. What reason do you have for taking so long to choose our Justices?

3. Why did you decide to appoint these Justices, instead of letting the UNB legislature elect them?*

*I know that according to the UNB Charter you have the ability to appoint Justices, in the event that there is a vacancy, I just want to know why you put it upon yourself to make that decision.


1- The positions needed to filled by nations which I thought to be the most experienced nations in regional affairs. That know the way Barbaria works. All three have had terms in the regional government that proved to be very effective in their respectives fields, such as Defense Minister, Domestic Affairs Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister.

2- I had several personal affairs IRL to take care of, as well as some personal projects.

3- I chose to pick them instead of holding elections due to the reminders our Secretary General sent me regularly during last month. His requests suggested to me a sense of urgency, therefore I decided that it would be up to me to make the choice. If Barbaria thinks otherwise, I’m more than willing to hold elections for the positions.

South Ajian Commonwealth wrote:OOC: Damn, when did this happen? How come this wasn't announced?

OOC: This wasn’t publicly announced because it slipped my mind after announcing them in Discord to our Secretary General. I apologize to Barbaria for my forgetfulness as well as to the nations I chose to name as justices.

Hedra wrote:OOC:

1- The positions needed to filled by nations which I thought to be the most experienced nations in regional affairs. That know the way Barbaria works. All three have had terms in the regional government that proved to be very effective in their respectives fields, such as Defense Minister, Domestic Affairs Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister.

2- I had several personal affairs IRL to take care of, as well as some personal projects.

3- I chose to pick them instead of holding elections due to the reminders our Secretary General sent me regularly during last month. His requests suggested to me a sense of urgency, therefore I decided that it would be up to me to make the choice. If Barbaria thinks otherwise, I’m more than willing to hold elections for the positions.

OOC: This wasn’t publicly announced because it slipped my mind after announcing them in Discord to our Secretary General. I apologize to Barbaria for my forgetfulness as well as to the nations I chose to name as justices.


I would like to verify that I did urge Hedra to appoint our Justices, instead of leaving it to elections to decide. I suggested that we take the initiative to appoint qualified individuals, rather than wait and risk a judiciary crisis, or even worse - a trial. When there is another vacancy for a Justice, an election will be called on as directly stated in the UNB Charter. Hedra made the right call, and gave us an excellent selection of Justices. Even though I had to annoy him with my constant reminders, he was still able to make a competent decision, and I knew all along that he would. I applaud his ability to not only complete his duties as Chief Executive, but even go above and beyond to insure that he is transparent, and clear with his intentions. Our selection of Justices do in fact have the experience, integrity, and duty that qualify being a model Justice. I also knew for a fact that Hedra had his own personal affairs to take care of, so I could have made that announcement myself, but I didn't. I take full responsibility for not properly informing Barbaria on the whereabouts of our Justices, so I understand if anyone is frustrated. I will learn from this, and make sure regional affairs are more transparent to the public.

Hedra wrote:OOC:

1- The positions needed to filled by nations which I thought to be the most experienced nations in regional affairs. That know the way Barbaria works. All three have had terms in the regional government that proved to be very effective in their respectives fields, such as Defense Minister, Domestic Affairs Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister.

2- I had several personal affairs IRL to take care of, as well as some personal projects.

3- I chose to pick them instead of holding elections due to the reminders our Secretary General sent me regularly during last month. His requests suggested to me a sense of urgency, therefore I decided that it would be up to me to make the choice. If Barbaria thinks otherwise, I’m more than willing to hold elections for the positions.

OOC: This wasn’t publicly announced because it slipped my mind after announcing them in Discord to our Secretary General. I apologize to Barbaria for my forgetfulness as well as to the nations I chose to name as justices.

Sovern wrote:OOC:

I would like to verify that I did urge Hedra to appoint our Justices, instead of leaving it to elections to decide. I suggested that we take the initiative to appoint qualified individuals, rather than wait and risk a judiciary crisis, or even worse - a trial. When there is another vacancy for a Justice, an election will be called on as directly stated in the UNB Charter. Hedra made the right call, and gave us an excellent selection of Justices. Even though I had to annoy him with my constant reminders, he was still able to make a competent decision, and I knew all along that he would. I applaud his ability to not only complete his duties as Chief Executive, but even go above and beyond to insure that he is transparent, and clear with his intentions. Our selection of Justices do in fact have the experience, integrity, and duty that qualify being a model Justice. I also knew for a fact that Hedra had his own personal affairs to take care of, so I could have made that announcement myself, but I didn't. I take full responsibility for not properly informing Barbaria on the whereabouts of our Justices, so I understand if anyone is frustrated. I will learn from this, and make sure regional affairs are more transparent to the public.

OOC: Ya'll don't have to apologize, I know you both have our best interests. I was just curious for some details. :P

South Ajian Commonwealth wrote:OOC: Ya'll don't have to apologize, I know you both have our best interests. I was just curious for some details. :P


That's a 'mean girls' move, bro.

Tritra wrote:OOC:

That's a 'mean girls' move, bro.

OOC: Hey, imagine the worst thing Hedra could have done was make you a Justice! BURN!

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