So, does anyone have any suggestions for nations created for Cymopolia?
One of mine will be Sikaris Incorporated, for example.
Do you mean nations already located in the Cymopolian galaxy?
Yeah. Nations that either come from or have started operations (technically existing if you want to think about it that way) in Cymopolia. Not already existing nations (e.g. mine or the Colossi Empire).
Make at least one theocracy, at least one merchant republic, and at least one Orwellian dictatorship.
Sikaris Inc is going to be a corporation/megacorporation that may or may not be led by a Decepticon. It's inspired by Charon Industries from Red vs Blue.
I can probably do a theocracy, though I don't know if it'd be around Primus, some other Transformer god or some pagan god like Moloch or something like that.
Orwellian dictatorships I can definitely do. I'd probably have to take ideas from 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 while I'm at it.
Hi, everyone.
I've finally done the OOC thread for the first RP in the new canon. You can find it here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=463546&p=35631752#p35631752.
Cruciland, Anaxus, Leternium, Euphoria X, and 1 otherEidolan assembly and titanomachina
Post self-deleted by Free arabian nation.
Naise! I'll get mine working tomorrow evening, or after this weekend.
The factbooks are looking good so far to me. First day for everything.
Forgot to add the link to our RP here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=463546.
That's kinda bad since it's our main RP so far.
Hi nerds
I see this region has grown in activity since I last left you.
It's especially active on Discord! :)
i still miss the consortium
Cruciland, The Imperial Regions of Commerce, Hexagon supremacists, and The hexagon military industries
I'm sure it still exists as an alliance for our RPs. Just not as a region, per se.
so...how we all doing?
Currently involved in the Cymopolia RP. :v
I should really join that with my actual active nation...
Are you referring to Oxyrynchus or another nation? If you're referring to Oxyrynchus, then it's in the RP already, I think.
I am, though I barely use that nation anymore. If I join the RP again, it would be with this nation instead.
Waheeey lads looks like I joined this region
For the third time now!