Welcome AZ-topia in Environment!
We welcome all the prestigious visitors in our Region! We call you to think and care about The Environment and our Planet! Our celebration party for been featured today is starting !! Drinks to all !! Let the music play !!
Hey guys. So, what's going on?
Welcome Adequicia and Resipsaloquituria in Environment!
RIP Adequicia!
Greetings :)
Welcome Ziranland!
Article 1 - Mutual Recognition of Governments
1. In Ratifying this Treaty, each Party recognises the ratifying Government of the other as the legitimate government of that Party, subject to any such lawful changes of government as may from time to time occur.
Article 2 - Common Defense
1. Neither Party shall participate or support any action taken with the intent to destabilize or overthrow the government of the other Party.
2. Neither Party shall participate in military operations against the other Party's home region or its colonies, vassals or other subordinate possessions.
3. Neither Party shall conduct, promote, encourage, or otherwise support the use of espionage, sabotage, or any other covert action against the other Party.
4. In the event that a Party's home region or subordinate possession becomes founderless, the other Party shall render military assistance in the defense of that region at the request of the leader of their recognized government.
5. The Parties shall share all information related to any known or suspected threats to the security of the home regions, subordinate possessions, and off-site properties of either region.
6. The Parties agree that participation on opposing sides of a military engagement outside either Party's home region or subordinate possessions shall not constitute a violation of this Treaty.
7. The Parties agree not to utilize a third party to circumvent the provisions of this Treaty in any way.
Article 3- Non-Aggression
1 § The signatories vow neither to attack the home region of the other party nor participate in any action with the intent to overthrow their legitimate government.
2 § The signatories will refrain from conspiring, either directly or through a third party, to destabilize or overthrow the legitimate government of either party.
3 § The signatories will refrain from conducting clandestine operations, espionage, or other forms of spying against either party.
4 § Both signatories will, in good faith, report any known threat or concern related to the other party's security, to the appropriate security organs.
Article 4 - Diplomatic Support
1. The Parties shall endeavour to provide diplomatic support to each other where such support would not conflict with the internal policies of the Parties.
Article 5 - Cultural, Military and Intelligence Cooperation
1 § Both signatories agree to promote cultural diffusion and exchange between their two regions, such as through interregional conferences, discussions, or ventures, at the discretion of their governments.
2 § Both signatories agree to miltiary cooperation on joint missions, at the discretion of their respective military commands.
3 § In pursuing cooperation in military operations, both signatories agree that participation on the opposite sides of a military engagement does not automatically constitute hostility or an attack on either signatory.
4 § Both signatories agree to provide intelligence information at the request of the other party, as long as this information does not harm their own security or jeopardize ongoing intelligence gathering operations.
5 § Both signatories are obliged to provide intelligence information to the other party if it refers to an immediate security concern to said signatory.
Article 6 - Embassies and Ambassadors
1. Each Party shall establish a designated embassy for the other on its forums and shall provide an Ambassador to the other Party. Each Party will endeavour to keep the other up-to-date on their regional affairs.
2. Each Party's Ambassador shall behave in a respectable manner towards his host region. This includes, but is not limited to obeying regional laws where it is applicable and following any ambassadorial protocol that the host region has already in place.
3. A Party may request that the particular Ambassador sent to them by the other Party be replaced if it considers that that Paragraph 2 of this Article has not been followed by the Ambassador in question.
Article 7 - Termination
1. A Party may terminate the operation of this Treaty by providing a Notice of Termination to the Government of the other Party on that Party's forums. Termination shall take effect seven calendar days after the Notice is provided.
2. If a Notice of Termination is served, the Parties shall endeavour to resolve any differences before the Treaty is terminated.
3. Both signatories agree to attempt to seek a diplomatic solution before the termination of this treaty.
Signed by, Harry Tsoukla JR (Overseer of Foreign Affairs)
01 ERE (Prince Alexander of Byzantine Glory)
Alexandros o Megas (Founder of Hellenic Civilization)
Comnemnus (ERE Alliance Prime Minister)
RIP Ziranland!
Anyone on here?
Welcome Camperjr and Oecos!!
Hey there.
I'm here but haven't been around for long. What's going on around here.
Oecos is devoted to environmental protection, and sustainable development hence joining a region called environment.
Been contemplating proposing an ISSUE regarding promotion of principles of permaculture. Anyone interested in aiding its creation and submission?
I am new here so not sure how it works
Cool, I'm new here too. Been playing around a bit to work out what everything is.
Seems most of the activity in NationStates is either the political roleplay it was designed for or this raiding and defending malarchy, which I guess is a sort of political roleplay but kind of seems like a community condoned form of trolling whereby bands of raiders hi-jack control of others regions to eject the natives and destroy the region. See here... viewtopic.php?f=12&t=307728#p
There are occasional threads of genuine political discussion. I'm not yet sure of the full capabilities of a nation. Control seems rather limited to dealing with domestic issues as they arise and as a WA member voting on WA politics. Seems a shame there's not a more proactive involvement in your own nation. I may have just not learnt all there is to do yet.
Some seem to use it as a meeting place for turn based story telling roleplay games.
Well, lets just say the leader of Camperjr studied Political Science at a Canadian university so it knows whats up. I am here to help Environment as best I can
I'm new, do we have any enemies?
Welcome South Borneo!
hey guys
Welcome Honult and South Borneo!
Welcome Lese!
Welcome Lese!