by Max Barry

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1234. . .1415»


May God bless this region. In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Welcome Couch Empire and congratulations as this region’s Archdeacon! The title can be changed, I just thought it had a good sound to it, seemed to be a good title for authority, the title Archdeacon is something I picked up when I was in the Anglican Church.

Post self-deleted by Melanchthon.

Melanchthon wrote:Welcome Couch Empire and congratulations as this region’s Archdeacon! The title can be changed, I just thought it had a good sound to it, seemed to be a good title for authority, Archdeacon is something I picked up when I was in the Anglican Church.

Ok thank you, should I start working on the region



Couch Empire wrote:Ok thank you, should I start working on the region

Oh yes work on it as you please. I hope to do some as well later, definitely want this region not only to be orthodox (straight teaching) in theology but evangelical (Gospel centered and driven) in nature. So definitely anything relating to that is I think a big part of our mode of operation.


Couch Empire feel free to even expand, edit or change the text I added introducing the region, just put it as a place holder but of course anything there would reflect that same idea.


Couch Empire I was thinking of designing a regional flag, something like a blue banner with a sliver shape representing the Ten Commandments in the middle with a deep red Cross in the center of that, what do you think?


Couch Empire great work on the regional banner!

I have to leave soon so I won't be able to do anything else for now. God bless you and praise be to the lord



Couch Empire wrote:I have to leave soon so I won't be able to do anything else for now. God bless you and praise be to the lord

Thank you for your work! I am going to set the flag now let me know what you think when you can! God bless you too and Amen praise be to the Lord! Soli Deo Gloria


Glorious things of Thee are spoken,
Zion, city of our God!
He whose Word can ne’er be broken,
Formed thee for His own abode.

On the Rock of Ages founded,
what can shake thy sure repose?
With salvation's walls surrounded,
thou may'st smile at all thy foes.

’Round her habitation hov’ring,
See the cloud and fire appear,
For a glory and a cov’ring,
Showing that the Lord is near.

On the Rock of Ages founded,
what can shake thy sure repose?
With salvation's walls surrounded,
thou may'st smile at all thy foes.

These BBCode-like tags can be used in Dispatches, Telegrams, Regional Message Board (RMB) posts, Regional World Factbook Entries (WFEs), and World Assembly proposals. Not all tags are valid for all message types: see below.

Bold, Italic, Underline
Valid: Everywhere
Tags: b, i, u

I [b]really[/b] like text that [i]makes a point[/i], you [u]know[/u]?
I really like text that makes a point, you know?

Strikeout, Subscript, Superscript
Valid: Everywhere
Tags: strike, sub, sup

I [strike]like[/strike] [sub]love[/sub] love [sup]love[/sup] this region!
I like love love love this region!

Valid: Everywhere
Tag: nation
Shortcut: @
Options: long, noflag, noname

I am [nation]Testlandia[/nation]. Or, to use my full name, [nation=long]Testlandia[/nation]. If you prefer to omit flags, you can call me [nation=noflag]Testlandia[/nation] or [nation=long+noflag]Testlandia[/nation]. In dispatches (only), I can be a mere flag: [nation=noname]Testlandia[/nation]
I am Testlandia. Or, to use my full name, The Hive Mind of Testlandia. If you prefer to omit flags, you can call me Testlandia or The Hive Mind of Testlandia. In dispatches (only), I can be a mere flag: Testlandia

(Tip: When writing a post or dispatch, hit "@" and begin typing a nation name for an auto-completing shortcut.)

Valid: Everywhere
Tag: region
Shortcut: @

[region]The Pacific[/region] was the very first region in the world.
The Pacific was the very first region in the world.

(Tip: When writing a post or dispatch, hit "@" and begin typing a region name for an auto-completing shortcut.)

World Assembly Proposal
Valid: Everywhere
Tag: proposal
Option: proposal ID

Please support [proposal=separatist_peoples_1416233457]my proposal[/proposal]!
Please support my proposal!

World Assembly Resolution
Valid: Everywhere
Tag: resolution
Option: council ID (GA, SC, or UN)#resolution ID

The foundation of modern WA legislation is [resolution=GA#2]the Rights and Duties law[/resolution].
The foundation of modern WA legislation is the Rights and Duties law.

Valid: Everywhere
Tag: spoiler
Options: text to display on button


[spoiler=Try this one, too!]Boo!![/spoiler]

Valid for links: Everywhere
Valid for other sites: Dispatches, WFEs
Tag: url
Options: URL

Did you know the guy who wrote NationStates is [url=]Max Barry[/url]?
Did you know the guy who wrote NationStates is LinkMax Barry?

A lot of people live in [url=]the forums[/url]!
A lot of people live in the forums!

You can actually omit the [url] tag for full URLs, like this:
You can actually omit the [url] tag for full URLs, like this: page=faq.

But it's usually most helpful to provide descriptive text, so people know [url=]this link leads to the FAQ[/url].
But it's usually most helpful to provide descriptive text, so people know this link leads to the FAQ.

Valid: Everywhere
Tags: list, *
Options: 1, a, i, A, I

  • One

  • Two

  • Three

[list=1][*]A more complicated list, which contains a nested list:
[list=i][*]"1" is 1, 2, 3...
[*]"i" is i, ii, iii...
[*]"a" is a, b, c...[/list]
[*]And the above can be capitalized, for A, B, C... and I, II, III...[/list]
  1. A more complicated list, which contains a nested list:

    1. "1" is 1, 2, 3...

    2. "i" is i, ii, iii...

    3. "a" is a, b, c...

  2. And the above can be capitalized, for A, B, C... and I, II, III...

Unformatted text
Valid: Everywhere
Tag: pre

[pre]You bold like [b]this[/b]![/pre]

You bold like [b]this[/b]!

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: size

Sometimes you want [size=150]big text[/size] but other times only [size=90]small text[/size] will do.
Sometimes you want big text, but other times only small text will do.

Valid: Dispatches, WFEs
Tag: color
Alternative name: colour
Options: name or hexidecimal code of color

I [color=red]love[/color] a little [colour=#FF9900]color[/colour].
I love a little color.

Valid: RMBs
Tag: quote
Options: name of author;post ID

[quote=testlandia;4970610]It's an outrage![/quote]
Testlandia wrote:It's an outrage!

Background color
Valid: Dispatches
Tags: background, background-block
Options: name or hexidecimal code of color

Backgrounds can be applied to [background=yellow]highlight a few words[/background].
Backgrounds can be applied to highlight a few words.

[background-block=yellow]Backgrounds can also be applied at the paragraph level, which is especially noticeable...

...when it flows over multiple lines.[/background-block]
Backgrounds can also be applied at the paragraph level, which is especially noticeable...

...when it flows over multiple lines.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: font
Options: name of font(s), in order of preference

[font=Courier]What a beautiful font![/font]
What a beautiful font!

[font=Times New Roman, Arial, sans]What a beautiful font![/font]
What a beautiful font!

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: align
Alternative names: center, centre
Options: left, right, center, justify

[align=center]Centered text.[/align]
Centered text.

[align=right]Right-justified text.[/align]
Right-justified text.

[centre]This is also centred, especially if you're British.[/centre]
This is also centred, especially if you're British.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: img
Options: view (standout, shadow, border)


You can also set some visual options:

[img view="shadow"][/img]

[img view="standout"][/img]

[img view="standout border shadow"][/img]

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: float
Options: left, right

Images float on either side of this text.

Images float on either side of this text.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: box

[box]A pretty box.[/box]
(You're looking at it. Sadly, boxes cannot contain other boxes.)

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: sidebar

[sidebar]Sidebars are very similar to box + float-right, but don't stretch across the whole screen (except on mobile devices).[/sidebar]
Sidebars are very similar to box + float-right, but don't stretch across the whole screen (except on mobile devices).

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: tab
Option: number of pixels to indent

[tab=100]Some indented text[/tab].
Some indented text.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: anchor
Option: name of anchor (no spaces or punctuation!)

[anchor=JUMPHERE][/anchor]Useful for tables of contents.
Jump to [url=#JUMPHERE]my anchor[/url].
Useful for tables of contents.
Jump to my anchor.

Valid: Dispatches
Tags: table, tr (table row), td (table cell)
Options: plain

[table][tr][td]A table's first row looks different[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Second row[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Third row[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Fourth row, which goes on at some length about nothing. It also has a line break in it. Here it comes. Ready? Okay!! Here it is!!
See?[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Hovering over a row highlights it[/td][td]Not bad, eh?[/td][/tr]

A table's first row looks different

Next cell

Second row

Next cell

Third row

Next cell

Fourth row, which goes on at some length about nothing. It also has a line break in it. Here it comes. Ready? Okay!! Here it is!!


Next cell

Hovering over a row highlights it

Not bad, eh?

[tr][td]Table type:[/td][td]Plain[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Excitement level:[/td][td]Low[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Usefulness for formatting:[/td][td]High[/td][/tr]

Table type:




Excitement level:


Usefulness for formatting:


Read dispatch



I introduce the regional flag of the Followers of the Word of God, the border represents the New Jerusalem, the City we are looking forward to; built not by human hands (Revelation 21:16, Hebrews 11:10) light blue in refence to the cloud that guided God's People in the Old Testament (Exodus 13:21) The dark blue banner represents our call to live as God's Holy people, obeying His Commandments and forsaking our own desires (Numbers 15:38-39) The middle symbol represents the Word of God in its chief message of Law and Gospel, the silver colored stone tablets reprenet the Ten Commandments and that God refines His people like silver (Exodus 20, Psalm 66:10) and the deep red cross represents the Gospel; how our Lord died on the cross, the only payment for our sins, spilling His own precious and sufficient blood (Mathew 27, Hebrews 9:15-22). Soli Deo Gloria.


Rusticus Damianus wrote:
These BBCode-like tags can be used in Dispatches, Telegrams, Regional Message Board (RMB) posts, Regional World Factbook Entries (WFEs), and World Assembly proposals. Not all tags are valid for all message types: see below.

Bold, Italic, Underline
Valid: Everywhere
Tags: b, i, u

I [b]really[/b] like text that [i]makes a point[/i], you [u]know[/u]?
I really like text that makes a point, you know?

Strikeout, Subscript, Superscript
Valid: Everywhere
Tags: strike, sub, sup

I [strike]like[/strike] [sub]love[/sub] love [sup]love[/sup] this region!
I like love love love this region!

Valid: Everywhere
Tag: nation
Shortcut: @
Options: long, noflag, noname

I am [nation]Testlandia[/nation]. Or, to use my full name, [nation=long]Testlandia[/nation]. If you prefer to omit flags, you can call me [nation=noflag]Testlandia[/nation] or [nation=long+noflag]Testlandia[/nation]. In dispatches (only), I can be a mere flag: [nation=noname]Testlandia[/nation]
I am Testlandia. Or, to use my full name, The Hive Mind of Testlandia. If you prefer to omit flags, you can call me Testlandia or The Hive Mind of Testlandia. In dispatches (only), I can be a mere flag: Testlandia

(Tip: When writing a post or dispatch, hit "@" and begin typing a nation name for an auto-completing shortcut.)

Valid: Everywhere
Tag: region
Shortcut: @

[region]The Pacific[/region] was the very first region in the world.
The Pacific was the very first region in the world.

(Tip: When writing a post or dispatch, hit "@" and begin typing a region name for an auto-completing shortcut.)

World Assembly Proposal
Valid: Everywhere
Tag: proposal
Option: proposal ID

Please support [proposal=separatist_peoples_1416233457]my proposal[/proposal]!
Please support my proposal!

World Assembly Resolution
Valid: Everywhere
Tag: resolution
Option: council ID (GA, SC, or UN)#resolution ID

The foundation of modern WA legislation is [resolution=GA#2]the Rights and Duties law[/resolution].
The foundation of modern WA legislation is the Rights and Duties law.

Valid: Everywhere
Tag: spoiler
Options: text to display on button


[spoiler=Try this one, too!]Boo!![/spoiler]

Valid for links: Everywhere
Valid for other sites: Dispatches, WFEs
Tag: url
Options: URL

Did you know the guy who wrote NationStates is [url=]Max Barry[/url]?
Did you know the guy who wrote NationStates is LinkMax Barry?

A lot of people live in [url=]the forums[/url]!
A lot of people live in the forums!

You can actually omit the [url] tag for full URLs, like this:
You can actually omit the [url] tag for full URLs, like this: page=faq.

But it's usually most helpful to provide descriptive text, so people know [url=]this link leads to the FAQ[/url].
But it's usually most helpful to provide descriptive text, so people know this link leads to the FAQ.

Valid: Everywhere
Tags: list, *
Options: 1, a, i, A, I

  • One

  • Two

  • Three

[list=1][*]A more complicated list, which contains a nested list:
[list=i][*]"1" is 1, 2, 3...
[*]"i" is i, ii, iii...
[*]"a" is a, b, c...[/list]
[*]And the above can be capitalized, for A, B, C... and I, II, III...[/list]
  1. A more complicated list, which contains a nested list:

    1. "1" is 1, 2, 3...

    2. "i" is i, ii, iii...

    3. "a" is a, b, c...

  2. And the above can be capitalized, for A, B, C... and I, II, III...

Unformatted text
Valid: Everywhere
Tag: pre

[pre]You bold like [b]this[/b]![/pre]

You bold like [b]this[/b]!

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: size

Sometimes you want [size=150]big text[/size] but other times only [size=90]small text[/size] will do.
Sometimes you want big text, but other times only small text will do.

Valid: Dispatches, WFEs
Tag: color
Alternative name: colour
Options: name or hexidecimal code of color

I [color=red]love[/color] a little [colour=#FF9900]color[/colour].
I love a little color.

Valid: RMBs
Tag: quote
Options: name of author;post ID

[quote=testlandia;4970610]It's an outrage![/quote]
Testlandia wrote:It's an outrage!

Background color
Valid: Dispatches
Tags: background, background-block
Options: name or hexidecimal code of color

Backgrounds can be applied to [background=yellow]highlight a few words[/background].
Backgrounds can be applied to highlight a few words.

[background-block=yellow]Backgrounds can also be applied at the paragraph level, which is especially noticeable...

...when it flows over multiple lines.[/background-block]
Backgrounds can also be applied at the paragraph level, which is especially noticeable...

...when it flows over multiple lines.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: font
Options: name of font(s), in order of preference

[font=Courier]What a beautiful font![/font]
What a beautiful font!

[font=Times New Roman, Arial, sans]What a beautiful font![/font]
What a beautiful font!

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: align
Alternative names: center, centre
Options: left, right, center, justify

[align=center]Centered text.[/align]
Centered text.

[align=right]Right-justified text.[/align]
Right-justified text.

[centre]This is also centred, especially if you're British.[/centre]
This is also centred, especially if you're British.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: img
Options: view (standout, shadow, border)


You can also set some visual options:

[img view="shadow"][/img]

[img view="standout"][/img]

[img view="standout border shadow"][/img]

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: float
Options: left, right

Images float on either side of this text.

Images float on either side of this text.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: box

[box]A pretty box.[/box]
(You're looking at it. Sadly, boxes cannot contain other boxes.)

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: sidebar

[sidebar]Sidebars are very similar to box + float-right, but don't stretch across the whole screen (except on mobile devices).[/sidebar]
Sidebars are very similar to box + float-right, but don't stretch across the whole screen (except on mobile devices).

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: tab
Option: number of pixels to indent

[tab=100]Some indented text[/tab].
Some indented text.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: anchor
Option: name of anchor (no spaces or punctuation!)

[anchor=JUMPHERE][/anchor]Useful for tables of contents.
Jump to [url=#JUMPHERE]my anchor[/url].
Useful for tables of contents.
Jump to my anchor.

Valid: Dispatches
Tags: table, tr (table row), td (table cell)
Options: plain

[table][tr][td]A table's first row looks different[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Second row[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Third row[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Fourth row, which goes on at some length about nothing. It also has a line break in it. Here it comes. Ready? Okay!! Here it is!!
See?[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Hovering over a row highlights it[/td][td]Not bad, eh?[/td][/tr]

A table's first row looks different

Next cell

Second row

Next cell

Third row

Next cell

Fourth row, which goes on at some length about nothing. It also has a line break in it. Here it comes. Ready? Okay!! Here it is!!


Next cell

Hovering over a row highlights it

Not bad, eh?

[tr][td]Table type:[/td][td]Plain[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Excitement level:[/td][td]Low[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Usefulness for formatting:[/td][td]High[/td][/tr]

Table type:




Excitement level:


Usefulness for formatting:


Read dispatch

Thank you! I was just about to look for this today! Hope to put it into good use for the design of our region!

Hello Melanchthon I looked at all the things you did and I think you did a excellent job and I thank you. And I am sorry I wasn't much help

Silver Creek and Melanchthon


Couch Empire wrote:Hello Melanchthon I looked at all the things you did and I think you did a excellent job and I thank you. And I am sorry I wasn't much help

oh it’s ok I was just playing around with it,,
feel free to edit and add as you please, of course there still more work to be done we are only two at this point after all


Couch Empire wrote:Hello Melanchthon I looked at all the things you did and I think you did a excellent job and I thank you. And I am sorry I wasn't much help

I was definitely wondering and holding back on what resources we should have in regional world fact books, like perhaps links to the Bible and or trusted biblical theology website resources of something like that, I was even thinking about writing and including a Gospel message one too, what do you think?


Couch Empire another thing I was wondering is that what kind of embassies should we have and what do you think of the ones I accepted, of course we’d want conservative Christian ones but there was one or two politically conservative ones there too I know they would be Christians there too possibly. This is always a question with regions, how many embassies, with who and why.

Which leads to questions on how ecumenical should we be? Obviously as we’ve seen there are limits to that, but our level of ecumenicalism would inform the resources we may post, the look of our region and perhaps even the embassies we have.

Of course a strict isolationist approach isn’t the most appropriate given this regions goal, but measure should be taken to both protect our regions message and to further it to the greatest extent possible, with God’s help.

Melanchthon Firstly hello I hope you are doing well. As for the fact book definitely a Bible link and then maybe a thing on why this region exists. And then as for the embassies I suppose that conservative regions and definitely the Christian ones would be good but I also strongly believe that we are called to be disciples so we should reach out and if there hearts are hard we pray for them and remove the embassies if not then we answer there questions and preach.

Silver Creek and Melanchthon


Couch Empire wrote:Melanchthon Firstly hello I hope you are doing well. As for the fact book definitely a Bible link and then maybe a thing on why this region exists. And then as for the embassies I suppose that conservative regions and definitely the Christian ones would be good but I also strongly believe that we are called to be disciples so we should reach out and if there hearts are hard we pray for them and remove the embassies if not then we answer there questions and preach.

Amen. so embassies as many as we can get?

If so I am not opposed.


“Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”
Psalm 2:10-12

God guide us in this way. Oh Christ may we give you our kiss of allegiance, reverence and undying fidelity. Oh God we ascribe to you the glory due your Name. Rid us of all sin and wickedness, wash us and we will be clean, pour into our hearts the fire of the Holy Spirit. Give us your desires please Lord God. May you be praised forever. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Couch Empire I’ve had a couple of people ask about discord and if we have a server, what do you think about that, should we make one? I’ve made one before.

Melanchthon wrote:Couch Empire I’ve had a couple of people ask about discord and if we have a server, what do you think about that, should we make one? I’ve made one before.

I think that is a good idea however I would not be able to join but I still think it is a good idea



Couch Empire wrote:I think that is a good idea however I would not be able to join but I still think it is a good idea

Ok I’ll look into creating one in a bit.



1234. . .1415»
