by Max Barry

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Tsertle of turtle

My fellow comrades,
I will assure you that The Empire of Tsertle of Turtle will be a great addition to this region.
May North Turkestan continue to grow strong and prosper.

-The Empire of Tsertle of Turtle (TT).

Fairness and equality

Welcome comrades to our glorious region.
I am sure you will be a glorious addition to what is already the best communist region in all the world.
I am Looking forward to working together.
Yours Truly,
The People's Republic of Fairness and Equality


Post by Fairness and equality suppressed by Nooshikoo.

Fairness and equality

Would the new members also endorse me so that I remain the WA delegate to this glorious region.
Thank you


Post by Tsertle of turtle suppressed by The Kyrgz.

Tsertle of turtle

Hello comrades,
I see that our region has been tagged anti-capitalist.
Currently the WA Category for The Empire of Tsertle of Turtle is a Capitalist paradise.
I understand that my Empire has some differences compared to the rest of the Region but I would like to look at that as a positive.
Other regions may not agree with our anti capitalist majority. Thats why I think it is important that we have a nation that is different so we can have better relations with them.
I hope our differences won't cause much controversy.
-The Empire of Tsertle of Turtle (TT).


Post by Nooshikoo suppressed by The Kyrgz.

Hello comrades
I hope some of u would like to endorse me as the WA delegate.

Tsertle of turtle

Hello comrades,
Although I am a new member I have detected that I am the only nation in this glorious region that cannot create polls.
I am not asking for much but I, The Empire of Tsertle of Turtle would like to have the ability to create polls.
I hope that is not too much to ask for.
-The Empire of Tsertle of Turtle (TT)


Post by Nooshikoo suppressed by The Kyrgz.

We understand ur complaint but the founder is the only one who can award this


Post by Nooshikoo suppressed by The Kyrgz.

Fairness and equality ir the shinning fist can I count on your endorsemens.


Post by Nooshikoo suppressed by The Kyrgz.

Dear the kyrgz
May I ask why you deleted my poll without replacing it when most people did not vote.
Thank you,
The best dictator, Nooshikoo

Tsertle of turtle

Dear The Confederacy of the Krygz,
May my Empire have the ability to create polls in this Glorious region? (See my previous message)
I would really appreciate it.
Have a good evening,
-The Empire of Tsertle of Turtle (TT)

Tsertle of turtle

Thank you Confederacy of the Krygz,
-The Empire of Tsertle of Turtle (TT)

Fairness and equality

Dear Comrades,
I see that you have taken away my endorsements. May I request to get them back so I can continue to represent our glorious region to the WA.
I feel I am the best Delegate for this Region and therefore think you should endorse me once again
Thank you,

Dear fairness and equality
Maybe we should allow everyone to have a chance to be the WA delegate that way we're represent our nation and not just one individual. This way the world can see us as as great region with multiple opinions and perceptions.
Your comrades.
The dictatorship of nooshikoo

Also fairness and equality
If you believe that only one person should represent the region, which is a completely reasonable belief. Than shouldnt our founder and our soul behind the region represent us.

Fairness and equality

Dear comrades,
I have lost my position as WA delegate and at first this upset me but Nooshikoo showed me that it is for the good of our region and I appreciate his pointing out such. It has been a pleasure serving you all and I can not wait to see in what direction our new WA Delegate will take us.
Long Live North Turkestan,
The People's Republic of Fairness and Equality


Hello i am back and am glad to inform u my position was changed from iron fist consumerist, to psychotic dictatorship. It was hard to get to and required nuking country, and forcing everyone to wear helmets, and banning immigration, but in the end i managed to do it.


Post by Nooshikoo suppressed by The Kyrgz.

Beat that I'm the craziest hear an have the craziest option. Hahahhahahahahahah 👹👺😈

Fairness and equality

Dear Nooshikoo,
Congratulations on your new title. There is nobody more deserving of that than you.

Why thank you for your kind words fairness and equality.


Post by Nooshikoo suppressed by Fairness and equality.

Fairness and equality I'm going to go to the citadel they have three nations, a WA delegate position with executive power, give there nations powers, and are on it dail. If u want u can come with me

Fairness and equality

I welcome you to our glorious region. This is the greatest communist region in all of Nation States and you should be honored to be a part of it. Your socialist ideals are much like my own and I respect you very much for that. May we forever stand as symbols of socialism.
Fairness and Equality

Post self-deleted by Fairness and equality.

Fairness and equality

I'm Back!


Post by Pokemanland suppressed by Fairness and equality.

OMG! Communists!

Fairness and equality

What does that mean?

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