by Max Barry

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Can I attack other nations? without joining a regional military? also how do I lower my civil rights and become a "dictatorship"? This is for one of my alt accounts.

The Pavlov wrote:Can I attack other nations? without joining a regional military? also how do I lower my civil rights and become a "dictatorship"? This is for one of my alt accounts.

Yeah, you can attack other nations through RP (roleplay), bascially you control the actions of your own military forces, people, diplomats, and other things involving your nation.

You could lower civil rights by answering issues. Unfortunately, I don't have the issues answer key, but I think some older people here would.

After 3 long years of inactivity I have chosen to come back. Maybe this can be my permanent home or maybe it won't be, I suppose we'll just have to see, eh?

Special Question of the Day:

When was your nation founded, and what is its current population? Feel free to answer with both in character and out-of-character information!
(You can check your founding date on your forum profile page or, I believe, possibly the Boneyard?)

Tethys 13 wrote:My answer:
Today is a special day for Tethys 13, as it is the 17th anniversary of its creation on this website, and by staggering coincidence, it has also reached a population of 33 billion today!
In-character, 33 billion works, but the Tethysi do not precisely know when they first began, or where their planet once lay, despite their obsession with written records. It is one of the most fanatically pursued research topics in the nation, with hundreds of millions of Tethysi at the least spending their lives searching for answers. The Master Clock in the pocket dimension they were reborn in has reached a display of 17,000,000,000 seconds, however, truly a moment for grand celebration.

You can submit questions at:
Check out some of our December events here!

Osiris December 2024 Events!

Season’s Greetings, Osiris! Here are the events we are hosting in Osiris this December!

Osiris End-of-Year Playlist

Winter, Christmas, and New Year-themed songs!
Please check that submissions are on Spotify, as that is where the final playlist will be hosted. Submit as many or as few songs as you would like!
Submissions go Linkhere, and you can listen to the playlist Linkhere!

Christmas Ornament Making

Come help decorate our regional tree!

Pick a style from 1-8, then pick two hex colours and specify which colour gets what treatment. Your submission will then be made into a very special ornament to be added to our regional Christmas tree for the season.

Participate Linkhere!

Flag Gifting

The return of the usual tradition – ‘Secret Santa’ Flag gifting! We will be gathering entrants until the 8th, then assigning them to each other! (If we get any). Enter Linkhere!
This event has sadly been cancelled, with not enough entrants by the time of closing.

Recommendation Gifting
Want to do something for your fellow Osirans but lack the time to make a flag? Gift some recommendations! The way this works is simple: If you wish to participate, put your Discord username and the name you usually go by on the Osiris Discord, and then list a few media things that interest you. These can be music genres, story genres, historical periods, really anything safe-for-work that someone might be able to share! Then, check out the Google Sheets spreadsheet with the responses, and find some things to recommend to as many people as you feel like, which you can then submit via the other Google Form! On the 25th, I will distribute them all to their recipients.

Enter to receive submissions Linkhere! Then, check what other people have put as their interests Linkhere,, and send them gifts Linkhere! It really does not take much time or effort - that is the point!

Osiris Yearbook (for Citizens only)

We are actually making one this time! Be there, or be slow-head-shaken at!
Submit your entry Linkhere and vote on Superlatives Linkhere!

Read dispatch

Tethys 13 wrote:Special Question of the Day:

When was your nation founded, and what is its current population? Feel free to answer with both in character and out-of-character information!
(You can check your founding date on your forum profile page or, I believe, possibly the Boneyard?)

the current pop is 12.183 billion and it was founded oh. 6 years 26 days ago
guess i missed its anniversary whoops
iirc i spawned in one of the pacifics and immediately joined osi as thats where skies was, i think i also joined the legion either the same day or the day after

Tethys 13 wrote:Special Question of the Day:

When was your nation founded, and what is its current population? Feel free to answer with both in character and out-of-character information!
(You can check your founding date on your forum profile page or, I believe, possibly the Boneyard?)

10 years 284 days ago my nation was founded. Population currently at 3.997 Billion, bout to hit the big 4. Started using this site in my pre-teens due to an extensive OBSESSION with anything WW2 related but more so anything history related too. Me from the past would probably be proud of my "somewhat" pervasive knowledge when it comes to history nowadays. I can remember not using this website for years and suddenly choosing to bring this nation back randomly. Probably gonna be more casual and less serious than I used to be but I like the idea of using this as a creative outlet for me as I have been looking for means to do so as of late. This website always gave me a sense of community in a town where I didn't feel accepted for liking "boring history books," and I think that is something I will always hold onto.
Mael Radec: "The founding of our illustrious albeit down-trodden nation was the result of the Petrusite bombing of our home world. Our people, the Helghan race were scattered, unsure of the future. However this is no issue in reality, as overcoming hardship for a citizen of the Helghast is like that of the ancient societies of man, we will re-establish justice for our fallen leader Visari and many more from his inner circle! Failing simply is not built into the Helghast mind-set. Death is the only end to war, and thus the people of Vekta will die off, and our people shall continue; the elimination of the human race is necessary for galactic peace! The Hegemony of the Helghast people has begun with this declaration of war against all Human societies!

Yo hablo ingĺes

Yes, we have Weapons of Intergalactic Destruction.

Magna Emerald and Amasterion

The Pavlov wrote:Can I attack other nations? without joining a regional military? also how do I lower my civil rights and become a "dictatorship"? This is for one of my alt accounts.

You need to lower Political freedom, not civil rights. We have low civil rights but we do are not a dictatorship and we do not condone one in our glorious nation as it makes our government too dangerously corrupt.


Tethys 13 wrote:Special Question of the Day:

When was your nation founded, and what is its current population? Feel free to answer with both in character and out-of-character information!
(You can check your founding date on your forum profile page or, I believe, possibly the Boneyard?)

My glorious nation was founded on Mon Nov 07, 2022 at 10:24 am. That was a very good moment in my life for that is when i found this beautiful game. And amazingly, our population is at 599 million, almost to 600 million! (Btw Tethys, you are awesome! Keep it up! I love tuning in to answer the question of the day! Keep posting them!)

Kultanizma wrote:Hi guys!

Hello! Welcome to the desert! You’ll love it here!

Trontasky wrote:You need to lower Political freedom, not civil rights. We have low civil rights but we do are not a dictatorship and we do not condone one in our glorious nation as it makes our government too dangerously corrupt.

thank you

The 4th pavlov

This is My alt account. Can I move my others to this nation?

cant we just injunct osiris and be over with all this defence stuff?

I made some factbooks, please look at them i worked really hard on them and it would make me very happy.

42 Tons of Pasta wrote:I made some factbooks, please look at them i worked really hard on them and it would make me very happy.

Can I have 42 tons of pasta to go?

Sir Dave of Spiffed Skyrim wrote:Can I have 42 tons of pasta to go?

No you cannot have my entire nation to go


Question of the Day:

What are some of your favourite 'pearls of wisdom' from fictional characters?

Tethys 13 wrote:My answer:
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." - Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings.
"Sometimes the best way to solve your own problems is to help someone else." - Iroh, Avatar: The Last Airbender.
"If you lose credibility just by admitting fault, then you had none to begin with." - 'Fujitora' Issho, One Piece.

You can submit questions at:

Osiris December 2024 Events!

Season’s Greetings, Osiris! Here are the events we are hosting in Osiris this December!

Osiris End-of-Year Playlist

Winter, Christmas, and New Year-themed songs!
Please check that submissions are on Spotify, as that is where the final playlist will be hosted. Submit as many or as few songs as you would like!
Submissions go Linkhere, and you can listen to the playlist Linkhere!

Christmas Ornament Making

Come help decorate our regional tree!

Pick a style from 1-8, then pick two hex colours and specify which colour gets what treatment. Your submission will then be made into a very special ornament to be added to our regional Christmas tree for the season.

Participate Linkhere!

Flag Gifting

The return of the usual tradition – ‘Secret Santa’ Flag gifting! We will be gathering entrants until the 8th, then assigning them to each other! (If we get any). Enter Linkhere!
This event has sadly been cancelled, with not enough entrants by the time of closing.

Recommendation Gifting
Want to do something for your fellow Osirans but lack the time to make a flag? Gift some recommendations! The way this works is simple: If you wish to participate, put your Discord username and the name you usually go by on the Osiris Discord, and then list a few media things that interest you. These can be music genres, story genres, historical periods, really anything safe-for-work that someone might be able to share! Then, check out the Google Sheets spreadsheet with the responses, and find some things to recommend to as many people as you feel like, which you can then submit via the other Google Form! On the 25th, I will distribute them all to their recipients.

Enter to receive submissions Linkhere! Then, check what other people have put as their interests Linkhere,, and send them gifts Linkhere! It really does not take much time or effort - that is the point!

Osiris Yearbook (for Citizens only)

We are actually making one this time! Be there, or be slow-head-shaken at!
Submit your entry Linkhere and vote on Superlatives Linkhere!

Read dispatch

The rare non food based NS/OBI Mega fun poll.


^ • What do you call your Minister of War/Defense?

Vote or Pin Head from the Movie Hellraiser will,and I quote " Will Tear your soul apart!!" dont risk his anger! vote.. >:)

Question of the Day:

Does your nation have any holidays or traditions involving gift giving?

Tethys 13 wrote:My answer:
Those orders most interested in emulating the Armada of the past often have particular days when its members bring the glories they have won and offer them to the order in general. This inspired other orders to begin a tradition of exchanging curios and other oddities found while exploring or granted as rewards for achievements, which eventually became a nationally recognised holiday, Honourfest, though different Grand Libraries host it at different times.

You can submit questions at:

Osiris December 2024 Events!

Season’s Greetings, Osiris! Here are the events we are hosting in Osiris this December!

Osiris End-of-Year Playlist

Winter, Christmas, and New Year-themed songs!
Please check that submissions are on Spotify, as that is where the final playlist will be hosted. Submit as many or as few songs as you would like!
Submissions go Linkhere, and you can listen to the playlist Linkhere!

Christmas Ornament Making

Come help decorate our regional tree!

Pick a style from 1-8, then pick two hex colours and specify which colour gets what treatment. Your submission will then be made into a very special ornament to be added to our regional Christmas tree for the season.

Participate Linkhere!

Flag Gifting

The return of the usual tradition – ‘Secret Santa’ Flag gifting! We will be gathering entrants until the 8th, then assigning them to each other! (If we get any). Enter Linkhere!
This event has sadly been cancelled, with not enough entrants by the time of closing.

Recommendation Gifting
Want to do something for your fellow Osirans but lack the time to make a flag? Gift some recommendations! The way this works is simple: If you wish to participate, put your Discord username and the name you usually go by on the Osiris Discord, and then list a few media things that interest you. These can be music genres, story genres, historical periods, really anything safe-for-work that someone might be able to share! Then, check out the Google Sheets spreadsheet with the responses, and find some things to recommend to as many people as you feel like, which you can then submit via the other Google Form! On the 25th, I will distribute them all to their recipients.

Enter to receive submissions Linkhere! Then, check what other people have put as their interests Linkhere,, and send them gifts Linkhere! It really does not take much time or effort - that is the point!

Osiris Yearbook (for Citizens only)

We are actually making one this time! Be there, or be slow-head-shaken at!
Submit your entry Linkhere and vote on Superlatives Linkhere!

Read dispatch


Post by Shevik suppressed by Tethys 13.

an early merry christmas to all my friends in Hezbollah, Hamas and the IRA

Yay I'm back!

The Other Margaret wrote:Yay I'm back!

Welcome back!


The Yoiiatin Leadership.
8:47 AM EST.

Tethys 13 wrote:Question of the Day:

Does your nation have any holidays or traditions involving gift giving?

Yes, we have Cthulhu day, a holiday to celebrate our beloved leader!

The Other Margaret wrote:Yay I'm back!

Welcome back, we have missed you!

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