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Wheeeww we got a new vote it seems like people are big fans of socialism.. we will be taking a vote with the people but we will ultimately decide it here should chivilious become one with socialism?
Oh that's aloud?
Change the map! Change the map! To uh…. Just change the map!
Breaking news capitalism wins over socialism capitalism stands!
not my fault my people voted for it the votes were capitalism 63 percent and socialism 37 percent (way to close for comfort..) but another vote is coming soon!
Does anyone want to be a member of my alliance, it's called the chival union we allow any types of governments this is a trading union all about economy but, if you want to go a step higher join the chivalric union where you get protection by all the members that potentially join, and they will help you attack. (You need to ask me here or telegram me in order to join)
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