by Max Barry

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Siburria wrote:Someone selling my ns nation card for .01, am sadge. :(

Buy it again for max profit


This video is a nostalgia vibe

Oh dang


Still alive. :d

My nation has now reached 20 Billion!

Siburria wrote:My nation has now reached 20 Billion!

Mine just surpassed 15 billion a couple days ago


How many hammer smacks to open a can of spaghetti?

Siburria wrote:How many hammer smacks to open a can of spaghetti?


Dytarma wrote:6.7

*Stuffs spaghetti into pocket*

*Stuffs spaghetti into pocket*

That was more than 6.7!!!


Dytarma wrote:That was more than 6.7!!!

It aint smacketti if it aint on the walls.
You should see my car~


...I should've seen that sooner. XD

Siburria wrote:bigcheesyadolfhitler

...I should've seen that sooner. XD

yeah, it was meant to be a temp for an indefinite period, but hey, it was something no one would guess.


Beep Boop, another chill day.

*drinks glass then smashes alcohol*

I love lean.

Hi. I am back.


Ozwald wrote:Hi. I am back.

Hello Back, I'm Siburria.
Here's some Dragon Ball music.

*pokes region with stick*
Cmon, die already so I can retire.

Siburria wrote:Hello Back, I'm Siburria.

This was 49 days ago


Siburria wrote:*pokes region with stick*
Cmon, die already so I can retire.



I am pleased to announce, Hell has a Governor and the gates are OPEN, after nearly a decade behind a password.

Can check out our special edition of Hell's Bells here!

Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.

May 16th, 2023
Special Edition I. LinkBack in Black

The Gates of Hell are Open
Article by, The Stalker

After over 8 and half years behind a password, Hell has finally reopened their gates. Thanks to the creation of the new frontier/governor system put into place, Hell has just appointed long time delegate and King of Hell The Stalker as governor. Freeing Hell from all prior security concerns and allowing the permanent removal of the password that had kept Hell safe for almost a decade. Special thanks to Sedgistan for pioneering this change that will allow a new life to so many historic regions.

Underworld has already begun merging into Hell. And lost souls from all over NS have begun to pour in.

In conjunction with momentous event, please join me in congratulating Premedite, Draconic Aiur, and Morbus as they all rise to the rank of Hell Elder. Long time residents of Hell and some of the very last to complete the trials to join Hell, it is an honor to have them join the rank eldership.

As the newly appointed governor, I’d like to take a moment to thank my fellow elders for helping us get here. I thank Cynical Alcoholics, the most senior Hell Elder since July 2003 and only other Hellion left who was once delegate of Hell and his long service to the region. I thank Donkervader, one of the first nations I recruited to join Hell upon becoming delegate almost 9 years ago. I thank Sathan, long time Hell Elder since December 2004. I thank Boolaroo long time Hell Elder since March 2004. I thank Yodoshi aka Daisy Johnson for her leadership of Underworld and devotion to the Hellion community. I thank Kyraina long time friend and Prince of Hell. I thank Altmoras as leader of the Horsemen, and all the advise and help with security he has given over the years.

I thank my former co-rulers, Freddland the Gatekeeper of Hell and Big jim p the Lord of Hell, for putting their trust in me all those years ago to lead Hell, it is my hope they some day return to see the newly freed Hell.

And a shout out to Gehenna Primus, Demonos, Mrev the Dead Goblin, and anyone I may have missed. It was a collective effort to get here, and it is because of their and all the Elders past and present dedication to Hell that reopening the gates became possible. It’s been too long, and we’re glad to be back.

We hope you've enjoyed our special edition of Hell's Bells. Nations interested in contributing to future issues should contact The Stalker for details.

Important Note: In payment for having enjoyed our Newspaper you are expected to up arrow this factbook. Failing to up arrow this factbook means you are willing choosing to forfeit ownership of your soul to The Stalker for all eternity instead. Thanks for reading.

Read factbook

Siburria and Lower Slobbovia

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