Post by Aliskova suppressed by Flumbus.
We are greatest region in world
Aliskova and Toneaya
To endorse a country you have to sign up for the World Assembly. Endorse our glorious leader so he can have more power (and emdorse me).
Link to sign up:
2. Apply to the World Assembly (WA): page=un
3. Open your email, confirm the WA link. You are now a member of the WA.
4. Endorse. Click the nation, scroll to the bottom of the page, and press the "endorse" button.
5. Do not leave the region, or resign with your WA until the end of the mission. You need to stay for your endorsement to count!
Glory to Aliskova!
Post by Zeikeist suppressed by Toneaya.
From Chief of Zeikestrian Diplomatic Affairs,
To all great nations of this great region, our beloved leader (John C. If you hadnt figured that out by now) is in dire need of endorsements for World Assembly. Those who endorse will be given a free of rent embassy in Dashtal (Presumed Capital). Thank thee!
If you are new to join, please state your nation and your name. Want to know which nation is who.
I am Caedon
Hello Streptococcus.
Aliskova, Toneaya, and The peebis
Endorse Marksneo. He shall be the WA delegate when he joins later today.
I just created a faction that allows our region to create, store, and, eventually, launch nuclear weapons. I don't know how to get you all to join it, but it is open only to everyone in the region.
Also, I thought if you left the World Assembly, you'd be able to use the nuclear weapons, but that's not the case. So I left and had to join back and lost all of my World Assembly endorsements. So if you could endorse me again, that'd be great. Anyone that endorses me, I'll endorse you back.
page=faction/fid=1629 - Here's a link to the faction, would be great if y'all were to join. I'm still learning more about it and still figuring it all out as we go.
Aliskova and Toneaya
Wait what? We can make nukes? Yes please.
Matarina, Aliskova, Triglo, Ochamaland, and 1 otherA mob of emus