Morbius is mandatory for Memesemblem to succeed
I will bully you
But why
Welcome to the underground
How was the fall?
If you wanna look around
Give us a call
We don't see humans often
We're happy you just dropped in
Alright, set our icon and banner, let me know if I should change it to something more modern
Three Houses sex funny Big Chungus BBQ 776 I am Ferdinand von Aegir cancer killed death knight Dark Spikes T
Hello yes how do I invade the Radd Republic
You send a pipebomb to Radd's house
Slight error, instead of having to call your married couple darling or face a fine, you face the death penalty instead. Just thought I’d clear that up
Why must we have a message board
Because tomfoolery
God wills it
If it gets big enough we could add a nationstates channel in ME but I don't think we need one
The message board is used specifically for nations meeting on this site. Some regions have offsite forums. Since we came here from discord, we technically fall into that category
Post self-deleted by Ocean legion.
I want beer