by Max Barry

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Hello members welcome to the middle world.


This so cool guys we gonna conquer the world!

I don't know how to edit fact checks damn

Found it

Dear People of The Middle land,

It has come to my attention that our glorious nations are facing issues with their Civil Rights, Economy, And Political Freedom.
We are struggling.
this is why I have come for a proposal, before we accept any new members from this vast world, we must first improve our condition, Arm yourselves! Improve stability! Reduce corruptions! Introduce the law! and most importantly, Prosper!

This message also goes to the glorious country of Larauda, and Its great leader Tomas, who I believe is the head of the diplomacy of this region , Please accept this proposal so we can look great Infront of our new members
(yesmeats members can still join to boost middleland)

Sincerely, The Leader of Riqullia, Rimmon


We will take your purposal in to notice dear leader of Republic of the Riqullia.

But all members are prioritising something over else and we require new members no matter the cost so we can become a frontier after becoming a frontier we will see what after.

-Sincerely Debilicino


Dear King Dpar II of Debilcino.

But of course! you are correct, I may have been paranoid with my decision making, My humble apologies.

I shall follow with your orders and future plans with great interest, Ask for help and you shall receive.

Sincerely, Leader of Riqullia, Rimmon.

Dear middle world

I will try my best to take care of my Economy,i will try to keep my civil rights to low since i do not want any rioting in my lands,i will gift my cards to the nations in the middle world in an effort to help them get on their feet too

Yours truly,Tomas,leader of Larauda



Dear people of The middle world,

it is such an honor to be promoted as The WA Delegate, I, Rimmon seraph Osborn, known as the “The Blue Peacock” by my beloved People, Will take up-most care and attentions to the events happening around us, To aid in our Ambition of making Middle World the greatest region to ever exist!

It is in our blood to help the few and the many, during the horrible event, The Crisis, where we Riqullian’s Lost our beloved, Original homeland from the oppressive,Devilish, Lands beyond!

I shall Favour what’s best for all of us with my upmost care, You all have my words for that,

Glory to The Middle World.

Sincerely, Leader of Riqullia, Rimmon “Blue Peacock” Seraph Osborn.

Greaterer bulgaria

Greaterer bulgaria

Sieg Heil


I, the Great Lord of Tea, have come from the shores of the Eastern Pacific, passing through inhospitable and cruel regions, to reach the Middle World.

The Great Lord of Tea offers mint tea and cookies to everyone, and he greets them warmly. Here the wandering tea estates will settle and the Great Lord of Tea will be able to have a peaceful estate.

The Great Lord of Tea asks the authorities of the Middle World if they need help, since he is very experienced in these matters.

Riqullia and Debilcino

Hello great lord of Tea, welcome to the middle world

We will make sure to ask you for help if we encounter problems with some things.


Hello great lord of Tea

Thank you for joining our region,we are fairly new leaders and we hope to tighten our ties together

Yours truly,Tomas,leader of Larauda


Highly esteemed Gemlich!

If the danger represented by the Violetists today finds expression in the undeniable dislike of them felt by a large section of our people, the cause of this dislike is on the whole not to be found in the clear recognition of the corrupting activity of the Violetists generally among our people, whether conscious or unconscious; it originates mainly through personal relationship, and from the impression left behind him by the individual Violetist which is almost invariably unfavorable. Antisemitism thereby acquires only too easily the character of being a manifestation of emotion. But this is wrong. Antivioletism as a political movement must not be, cannot be, determined by emotional criteria, but only through
the recognition of facts. The facts are as follows:

First, the Violetists are definitely a race and not a religious community. The Violetist himself never class himself a Violetist Okuunian, a Violetist Deblicinoan, a Violetist Laraudan, but only a Okuunian, a Deblicinoan, an Laraudan Violetist. From the foreign nations in whose midst he lives the Violetist has adopted very little more than their language. An Okuunian who is compelled to use Deblicinoan in Deblicino, Laraudan in Larauda, Daguoan in Daguo, does not thereby become a Deblicinoan, an Laraudan, or a Daguoan; similarly a Violetist who happens to live among us and is thereby compelled to use the Okuunian language cannot be called an Okuunon. Even the Conspiritivist faith, however important for the maintenance of this race, cannot be considered as absolutely decisive in the question of whether or not someone is a Violetist. There is hardly a single race whose members belong exclusively to one particular religion.

Through a thousand years of inbreeding, often practiced within a very narrow circle, the Violetist has in general preserved his race and character much more rigorously than many of the peoples among whom he lives. And as a result, there is living amongst us a non-Okuunon, foreign race, unwilling and unable to sacrifice its racial characteristics, to deny its feeling, thinking and striving, and which none the less possesses all the political rights that we ourselves have. The feelings of the Violetist are concerned with purely material things; his thoughts and desires even more so. The dance round the golden calf becomes a ruthless struggle for all those goods which, according to our innermost feelings, should not be the highest and most desirable things on this earth.

The value of the individual is no longer determined by his character, by the importance of his achievements for all, but solely by the amount of his possessions, by his money.

The value of the nation is no longer to be measured in terms of the sum of its moral and spiritual forces, but solely on the basis of the wealth of its material goods. From this feeling emerges that concern and striving for money and for the power which can protect it which makes the Violetist unscrupulous in his choice of means, ruthless in his use of them to achieve this aim. In an autocratically governed state he whines for the favor of the ‘Majesty’ of the prince and abuses it to batten on his subjects like a leech. In a democracy he courts the favor of the masses, crawls before the ‘majesty of the people’ and yet knows only the majesty of money.

He destroys the character of the prince with byzantine flattery, and national pride, which is the strength of a nation, with mockery and shameless training in vice. His weapon is public opinion, which is never expressed, but is rather falsified. His power is the power of money which in the form of interest effortlessly and interminably multiplies itself in his hands and forces upon nations that most dangerous of yokes, the sad consequences of which are so difficult to perceive because of the initial gleam of gold. Everything which makes men strive for higher things, whether religion, socialism or democracy, is for him only a means to an end, to the satisfaction of a lust for money and domination.

His activities produce a racial tuberculosis among nations.

And this has the following result: Antivioletism stemming from purely emotive reasons will always find its expression in the form of pogroms. But antivioletism based on reason must lead to the systematic legal combating and removal of the rights of the Violetist , which he alone of the foreigners living among us possesses (legislation to make them aliens). Its final aim, however, must be the uncompromising removal of the Violetists altogether. Both are possible only under a government of national strength, never under a government of national impotence.

The Glorious Land of Okuunion owes its birth not to the united national will of our people but to the cunning exploitation of a series of circumstances which combined to produce a deep general discontent. But these circumstances were independent of the form of the State, and are still active today; more active indeed, today than before. And a large sections of our people is aware that no mere change in the form of the State as such can alter or improve our position, but only the rebirth of the moral and spiritual energies of the nation.

This rebirth will be set in motion not by the political leadership of irresponsible majorities under the influence of party dogmas or of an irresponsible press, nor by catchwords and slogans of international coinage, but only through the ruthless action of personalities with a capacity for national leadership and an inner sense of responsibility.

But this fact robs the Glorious Land of the internal support of the spiritual forces of the nation which are so necessary. And so the present leaders of the State are compelled to seek support from those who alone benefited from the changed situation in Okuunion and do so now, and who for this reason have been the driving forces of the revolution, namely, the Violetists. Taking no account of the Violetist peril, which has certainly been recognized by present-day leaders – proof of this is the various statements of present leading figures – they are compelled to accept the support readily offered by the Violetists for their own benefit, and therefore to pay the required price. And this price consists not only in giving the Violetists every possible encouragement, but above all in hampering the struggle of the duped nation against their brother Violetists – in the neutralizing of the antivioletistic movement.

With highest respect

Utsuho Okuu Reiuji


I have come to a ask a question to you all how do i change names of positions without having to give them the role to a member first or must i create a custom role instead to replace it?

Sincerely, Debilcino


Ah looks like i found out how.


I propose that we should establish embassies. Let us first start with the regions that allow small regions to have embassies with them, in order to form allies.

- Great Lord of Tea

Larauda and Riqullia


Dear great lord of tea

Our officer of external affairs, Leader of larauda tomas, has sent out multiple embassies to smaller and newer regions all wired to a professionally written telegram, we hope to attract more members this way, Thank you for your proposal!

Sincerely, Dictator of Riqullia, Rimmon


To contribute to the diplomatic expansion, I would like to speak with the governor of the region, Dpar II of Debilcino, for the reason of my application to be Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, to assist Tomas of Larauda in the establishment of embassies. I hope you will accept my request.

- Great Lord of Tea

Riqullia and Debilcino

I am open to all talks great leader of the tea shire, if you wish to apply send me a telegram of your application showing your connections to other regions which will help us establish more embassays.

-Sincerely Debilcino, have a blessed day

Hatorre and Riqullia


Greetings to the leaders of The United Socialist States of Buckrara and The Dominion of Hwin Gughwa!

We hope for our ties within the middle world to tighten,and for our nations to prosper between each other

Yours truly,Tomas,leader of Larauda

Riqullia, Debilcino, and Hwin gughwa


Welcome to the leader of The Republic of Ocean Stone Junimos!

I hope we tighten our ties together and strive and prosper within the middle world

Yours truly,Tomas,leader of Larauda

Riqullia and Debilcino

Leader of Larauda has really carried us with the embassy constructions, thank you very much tomas :pray:


Dear nations of the middle world,

Today, I stand before you with immense pride and joy as we reflect upon the remarkable progress our great nation’s have achieved. In the heart of the Middle World, We have not only thrived but have forged lasting friendships with our neighbors.

Our journey towards prosperity has been a collective effort, fueled by the hard work and determination of every Nation here. From advancements in technology to sustainable development initiatives, we've embraced a future that promises growth and stability.

In the spirit of camaraderie, we've built bridges with our neighboring nations, fostering alliances that transcend borders. Together, we are creating a tapestry of cooperation, ensuring a harmonious existence for all in the Middle World.

Let us celebrate our achievements, honor our partnerships, and continue marching forward as successful nation’s, contributing to the shared progress of the Middle World.

Long live Riqullia!
Long live The middle world.

Thank you, Sincerely, Leader of Riqullia, Rimmon.

Hatorre and Larauda

Dear members of the middle world,

I have started a poll on something very important: the existence or not of laws in our region. I start the discussion here.

Laws are necessary for a better order in the region. I'm not talking about laws per se, I'm talking about basic regulations so that people abide by them and don't commit crazy things, like spamming or inciting hatred or staging a coup d'état.

That's why there are laws for the Administration (who can go to the Administration, what regional officers can do and what they can't) and RMB laws (what to post here: no attacks, no obscene words, no spam, etc.)

If we trust our Chief King Dpar II, then we wouldn't have to make laws of administration (unless you want to put order to who runs) and we would only worry about etiquette in the RMB.

- Great Lord of Tea

Larauda, Riqullia, and Debilcino

