by Max Barry

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«12. . .535455565758»

Hello there.

Hello here.

Howdy cowdys - err Kamaraden.

I’m way down here.

That sounds smutty. Actually, spatio-relatively I’m not anywhere “down” except when viewing the world through a social construct.

I’m way over this way but here. In relative terms. I got lost in thinking magnetic North meant anything...

Ah fook. The poles mean *something* being ice on opposite sides of the planet.

Hey I got 5kW of solar on my roof last year! Feels good to be producing carbon-neutral electricity every day. Well, it’s not carbon neutral for a couple years - embodied energy in the processes. Nearly a year & still get a kick out of it most days - “Wow, I have a renewable power station on my roof.” It’s like living in the future...

That's cool. I've seen a number of houses here over the years put up panels. Not sure how effective they are in this climate, but they probably got something out of them in the past three months before the rain came back.

With the scorching temperatures this summer I had been wondering if we'd already gone past the point of no return - so long as environmentalism is voluntary you get the tragedy of the commons. There you go, Max - an idea for your next book: environmental totalitarianism.

Nearly CTE’d but for the email.

Tahar you haven’t endorsed anyone since you CTE’d and came back.

I'm genuinely confused here. I'm the delegate?

"331 days ago: The Haderanian Polity of Star City elected WA Delegate."

I must not play this game enough anymore to actually remember that.

Clearly the most important thing I have to do upon realising I've been the delegate for some time is rehoist the 2011 liberation flag.


Hello and welcome comrade Junon City. Good to have you here in the TPC.


Thank you. It is good to be back. I had a bit of a flirtation with the right side of things back in 2013 for a bit. Mostly stemming from the idea of deals with the devil such as giving corporations money as being the only way to help people through 'job creators' but I have made a full recovery.


Good to have you back Junon City, "trickledown economics" just does not work!

Iain aka Minyos.



Post by Rebels and saints suppressed by Blackbird.

Try our new poll at Liberalia!

Post self-deleted by Minyos.

Post self-deleted by Minyos.

How is everyone?

Still alive!

See you all again in 60 days when I get the apocalypse e-mail :P

I persist.

We soldier on. 😜

Post self-deleted by Minyos.

Commisarat of soviet slavskagrad

Soviet Commisarat State

Hello form the Soviet Commisarat State!

Oh, I guess I missed a thing again. I can see myself completely forgetting about the Halloween zombie event for the Nth year running.

Hey guys, how's it going?

Rebels and saints wrote:Hey guys, how's it going?

Hello. Very very... oldly. You're lucky I logged in to keep my puppets alive or you might have been waiting a while for a reply ;)

Spruced up the WFE and noticed in two weeks time it'll be exactly 10 years since Haderan ceased to exist for the second time. It seems unbelievable the 20th anniversary of this game is just over the horizon.

It's unbelievable we're still "playing" but ego by now I guess! 🔴me

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