by Max Barry

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You are not going to get your BSP order repealed by bribing our delegate in Z-Day. Take the proper channels by TGing me or Toerana, and don't post on the RMB. It only makes your BSP more solid.

I'm dead


Post by Isreail suppressed by Toerana.

Toerana wrote:I'm a bit busy being zombified

bro suppressed his leader


Post by Evillboy suppressed by Cyptopir.

I think they should like Palestine more, I see


Post by Deprauration suppressed by Cyptopir.

They are under BSP.

Cyptopir wrote:It has been 4 days since the order to BSP [ISREAIL PING] went out, and has thus expired.
However, Isreail has, in those 4 days, been nothing but non-compliant and a nuisance to deal with, spamming our RMB with numerous alt accounts.

It is because of this that I have decided to make the BSP order permanent. [ISREAIL PING] is now on blanket suppression permanently, do not interact with them, or alts we determine are them.

I finally got a card of a TRRian/Reject.

Bouncepot wrote:

Time period: 365 bc-997 ad

Proto-Ridinian is the suppposed protolanguage of the Ridinian family, spoken somewhere around Modern day Akhergelsk, Russia


nasals: *m *m̩ *n *n̩ *ñ (ɲ) ñ̩ (ɲ̍) *ŋ *ŋ̍
stops: *p *b *t *d *c (ts) *č (tʃ) *dž (dʒ) *k *ɡ *q *ġ (ɢ)
ejective: *p' (pʼ) *t' (tʼ) *c' (tsʼ) *č' (t̠ʃʼ) *k' (kʼ) *q' (qʼ)
fricative: *v *z *ž (ʒ) *ř (ʐ) *ĝ (ɣ) *ğ (ʁ) *h (ɦ)
liquid: *w *l *ł (ɫ) *ł̩ (ɫ̩ː) *r̩ (r̩ː) *r (ɽ) *j


close: *i *ü (y) *y (ɨ) *u
nearclose: *ĭ (ɪ̆) *ù (ʊ) *ŭ (ʊ̆)
close-mid: *e *ë (ə) *ö (ɵ̞) *o
nearopen: *ĕ (ɛ̆)
open: *ä (æ) *a (ɑ) *å (ɒ)

Nasal vowels

close: *į (ĩ) *ų̈ (ỹ)
near-close: *ų (ʊ̃)
near-open: *ę (ẽ) *ę̈ (ə̃ )
open *ą̈ (æ̃) *ą (ɒ̃)

Proto-ridinian allegedly had Glottalization, in reconstructions, its transcribed using a hook above, so, say [aˀ] would be transcriped as *ả,

Believe it or not, Proto-Ridinian reconstructions feature tone

mid: *a (a˧)
high: *a̋ (a˦)
low: *ȁ (a˨)

Tone could co exist with stød & nasalition in a single syllable, so you could end up with quadruple diacritics like as in *dğų̈̉̏ (Arrow/Stirrup)
The lack of voiceless fricatives
As you can see, there are no voiceless fricatives, the reason all living Ridinian languages (like Pelsaquin, Fayrian, Gür, & Gátire) have voiceless fricatives, this is is the case due to the voiceless stops leniting to fricatives, & the ejectives shifted to basic stops.
From *Ġ to H
All living Ridinian languages have no [ɢ], how did this happen? It shifted from [ɢ] to [ʕ] to [ɦ]. So *r̩ġę̉̏ (to stir) became Proto-East-Ridinian *r̩ˁȅm̉ to Pelsaquin rhem.
Other branches such as central Ridinian (the branch of Fayrian & Gür), it became [g], so *r̩ġę̉̏ became Proto-Central-Ridinian *r̩̄ğȅm̉ to Gür rgem
In the now extinct Peninsular Ridinian (Spoken in Crimea and some of the Caucasus allegedly, disappeared in ~1970, give or take) branch, *Ġ being [ɢ] was retained, Insular Ridinian (which was historically spoken in Gutland and the Estonian islands of Hiiumaa & Saaremaa, which disappeared in the very late 20th century ~1996, give or take) another extinct branch had *Ġ shift to pharyngeal [ʕ] which in Insular-Ridinian transcriptions is represented by <g̈>
Retroflex [ɽ] to alveolar [ɾ]
All living Ridinian languages like say, Pelsaquin or Gür, have no retroflex tap, instead an alveolar one, this happened because [ɽ] shifted to [ɾ], Some traditional dialects of Pelsaquin preserve the Retroflex [ɽ].
Syllable structure
Proto-Ridinian had a (S)(C)(C)V(C)(S)(P)(C)(V)(C)(S)(F)(P)(S)(C)(V)(C)(C)(V) syllable structure (in reconstructions at least), (S) Indicates a syllabic consonant, (P) a plosive, & (F) a fricative.
Idk what to put here so just have the list
1- *rą̋
2- *t'ı̋q'ë̏
3- *ře̋
4- *t'ȁ
5- *vĭ̋
6- *rőjù̏
7- *jä̏t'
8- *da̋qȍ
9- *t'ı̋p
10- *ġa̋t'ȍ

Read factbook

Opinions on the explanation of *ġ?

did it go from ɢ -> ʁ -> ʁ̞ -> ∅ as the path it took to get to being silent?

Greater Zeritae wrote:did it go from ɢ -> ʁ -> ʁ̞ -> ∅ as the path it took to get to being silent?

*ğ [ʁ] also exists and it's represents the second evolution


Post by Evillboy suppressed by Cyptopir.

Cyptopir wrote:They are under BSP.

different nations start talking to israil: a

Cyptopir: nah clearly they are his alts. suppress threat for eternity.

I am well aware of how that particular BSP user talks and the actions they tend to take. That is 100% an alt.

Now, this is not a topic to discuss, as always, if you have problems with how we do the moderation, you can TG us.

Cyptopir wrote:You are not going to get your BSP order repealed by bribing our delegate in Z-Day. Take the proper channels by TGing me or [ntion]Toerana[/nation], and don't post on the RMB. It only makes your BSP more solid.

Interesting attempt there.

Anyone remember Username 666? This is its second appearance:

Who let the Devil use the internet?

Earthly Cossack wrote:Who let the Devil use the internet?

The imps that taught him how to use the internet.

Devil: what is this fungus

Land of bird wrote:Devil: what is this fungus

Fungus, what are you talking about?

me defending my house from all the little monsters that show up at my front door on october 31st

Cyptopir wrote:me defending my house from all the little monsters that show up at my front door on october 31st

(Obviously skinwalkers)

Ropanama wrote:Fungus, what are you talking about?

Why are you here?

I am the one responsible for answering the door on Halloween, I am trolling kids as they come along, it's fun.

TescoPepsi wrote:I am the one responsible for answering the door on Halloween, I am trolling kids as they come along, it's fun.

Are you American?

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