by Max Barry

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Septentrea wrote:Trump will be close with the popular vote. I think Kamala Harris is done. She is apparently thinking on running for governor of California if she loses.

Hasn't that state already suffered through enough incompetant idiots in charge? California was unironically best ran by Schwarznegger, the Terminator.

Imperial Cecilia wrote:What does this have to do with the Declaration of Independence? I think you quoted the wrong thing

The declaration just said “Hey Britain. We’re leaving you and this is why.” It’s like a break up letter if you’d use that analogy

Aina Kuokoa wrote:On a largely unrelated note: Why on Earth do we still use fossil fuels for nearly everything manufacturing-related?

Because it's the best fuel source right now. Over 7 billion people would die if we stopped. That's why you support hybrids first instead of just switching to electric immediately.

For example, in the US. California has banned all gas car sales after 2030. That's dumb. Oh yeah! I'm low middle class! If course I have the money to buy a new Tesla!

Imperial Cecilia wrote:If so, time to go to the moon!

You better hope Mars is ready defend itself against the landslide of human environmental desecrations.

Septentrea wrote:Because it's the best fuel source right now. Over 7 billion people would die if we stopped. That's why you support hybrids first instead of just switching to electric immediately.

For example, in the US. California has banned all gas car sales after 2030. That's dumb. Oh yeah! I'm low middle class! If course I have the money to buy a new Tesla!

Tesla’s are stupid

Ammmericaaaa wrote:Tesla’s are stupid

Specifically the Cybertrucks. They're absurdly low quality cars.

Volkstaat Bayern wrote:Hasn't that state already suffered through enough incompetant idiots in charge? California was unironically best ran by Schwarznegger, the Terminator.

Yeah but we keep picking these people in our primaries so...

But I do have a good feeling for the GOP. The Republican party of Reagan, Bush, and the Cheney's is dying and withering away.

Ammmericaaaa wrote:Tesla’s are stupid

Teslas are great. I am just worried about their auto features. Have you seen the electric cars in China?

Aina Kuokoa wrote:Specifically the Cybertrucks. They're absurdly low quality cars.

They need more pixels

Aina Kuokoa wrote:Yes, but what if the government is the one doing the restricting?

Or if the problem is a widespread one?

If the government is the one doing the restricting, the people have the right to overthrow it and cause change.

If the problem is a widespread one, the government is better off complying with the people's needs as it causes positive change over a more widespread population, rather than just a select few people.

Volkstaat Bayern wrote:Hasn't that state already suffered through enough incompetant idiots in charge? California was unironically best ran by Schwarznegger, the Terminator.

I find your statement tragically incorrect. You do know there were better governors long before him, right?

Septentrea wrote:Yeah but we keep picking these people in our primaries so...

But I do have a good feeling for the GOP. The Republican party of Reagan, Bush, and the Cheney's is dying and withering away.

Not a fan of D. Cheney but both GOP and Dems just suck, I like the Reps slightly more because a lot of them didn't want to render my country into the stone age, unlike a certain Democrat from 2008 to 2016.

Septentrea wrote:Yeah but we keep picking these people in our primaries so...

But I do have a good feeling for the GOP. The Republican party of Reagan, Bush, and the Cheney's is dying and withering away.

I wish the old Democrat and Republican party was still around.

Imperial Cecilia wrote:I wish the old Democrat and Republican party was still around.

Missed the days when American politicians had interegrity. You know, JFK? Lincoln? Them days are a looong gone.

This is a brat year

Imperial Cecilia wrote:
I wish the old Democrat and Republican party was still around.

Democratic Party 1900s ✔️
Democratic Party 2000s ✖️

Volkstaat Bayern wrote:Not a fan of D. Cheney but both GOP and Dems just suck, I like the Reps slightly more because a lot of them didn't want to render my country into the stone age, unlike a certain Democrat from 2008 to 2016.

Obama did some good things. Obamacare, if reformed and made more flexible, would be amazing! Obama did remove some troops from the middle East but not all and kinda dragged his feet a little bit with it and he killed Osama bin laden.

Also Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney have endorsed Harris for president. So... That says a lot to me...

I think we here in the US are seeing another political shift in our party system. So the USA has had 5 or 6 party systems before where the parties shifted/switched ideologies. I would say we are witnessing one right now. The Republican party is increasingly becoming a big tent Populist party.

Septentrea wrote:Obama did some good things. Obamacare, if reformed and made more flexible, would be amazing! Obama did remove some troops from the middle East but not all and kinda dragged his feet a little bit with it and he killed Osama bin laden.

Also Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney have endorsed Harris for president. So... That says a lot to me...

I think we here in the US are seeing another political shift in our party system. So the USA has had 5 or 6 party systems before where the parties shifted/switched ideologies. I would say we are witnessing one right now. The Republican party is increasingly becoming a big tent Populist party.

Removed troops from the Middle East, replacing them with drone strikes, much more manpower efficient for him. Killing Osama was his only win in my book.

Great Britons wrote:Democratic Party 1900s ✔️
Democratic Party 2000s ✖️

Ehhhhh... The Democratic party of the 1900s had its racist wing. Indiana GOP was basically just the KKK though. I would have voted for JFK and RFK though.

Volkstaat Bayern wrote:Removed troops from the Middle East, replacing them with drone strikes, much more manpower efficient for him. Killing Osama was his only win in my book.

The 542 drone strikes that Obama authorized killed an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians.

As he reportedly told senior aides in 2011: “Turns out I’m really good at killing people. Didn’t know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine.”

Septentrea wrote:Ehhhhh... The Democratic party of the 1900s had its racist wing. Indiana GOP was basically just the KKK though. I would have voted for JFK and RFK though.

Democrats in the 1900s was very much NOT what a "Democratic Party" should be.

Septentrea wrote:The 542 drone strikes that Obama authorized killed an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians.

As he reportedly told senior aides in 2011: “Turns out I’m really good at killing people. Didn’t know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine.”

It is only natural a POTUS masters art of civilian murder.

Volkstaat Bayern wrote:Democrats in the 1900s was very much NOT what a "Democratic Party" should be.

It is only natural a POTUS masters art of civilian murder.


That is a haunting statement.

But for example, Samuel Tilden and William Jennings Bryan were pretty good.

Watching queens live aid performance.

Ammmericaaaa wrote:Watching queens live aid performance.

How is ol holographic liz?

Can someone link me the factbook to endorse people?

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