by Max Barry

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«12. . .70,75870,75970,76070,76170,76270,76370,764. . .71,23771,238»

Petea wrote:I’ve heard that the dry heat is preferrable to humid heat. Cause at least your sweat evaporates.

Parents have said the heat in nevada was nothing to the heat in florida because of humidity.

Arlandias wrote:that was a helluva data collecting, factbook editing, and a damn receipt

Do you have any shiny and new dispatches to show off?

Jakalaka wrote:Parents have said the heat in nevada was nothing to the heat in florida because of humidity.

Yeah Florida usually has that 100% humidity which is horrible. I would imagine Nevada heat being worse though

Volaworand wrote:Do you have any shiny and new dispatches to show off?

just some Kami0 RP stuffs

The Republic of Konsa wrote:Yeah Florida usually has that 100% humidity which is horrible. I would imagine Nevada heat being worse though

I've been in Miami in the summer and found Nevada to be more uncomfortable, but I lounged at more pools in miami

all friend groups have to have at least 1 of these:
the pyromaniac (me)
the one who shouldn't be trusted with projectiles (also me)
the quiet kid (also, also me)
I am the friend group.

Arlandias wrote:just some Kami0 RP stuffs

Oh you are the new entrant in Africa. Awesome. I will approach you for a Recognition Treaty soon

Volaworand wrote:Oh you are the new entrant in Africa. Awesome. I will approach you for a Recognition Treaty soon

Middle East*

plus it isn't even Africa! its Asia.

Arlandias wrote:just some Kami0 RP stuffs

I lowkey forgot about the Kami0 rp and got ejected off the map, oh well

Jakalaka wrote:I lowkey forgot about the Kami0 rp and got ejected off the map, oh well

I saw that Petea was on the map in Polynesia but then when I joined he was gone lmao

Jakalaka wrote:I lowkey forgot about the Kami0 rp and got ejected off the map, oh well

You'd better rejoin.

Or else.

Imperial Cecilia wrote:You'd better rejoin.

Or else.

Will think about it after finals, right now i dont have ambition for anything else because of that.

Jakalaka wrote:Will think about it after finals, right now i dont have ambition for anything else because of that.

that's understandable. hope to see you back!

Jakalaka wrote:I lowkey forgot about the Kami0 rp and got ejected off the map, oh well

Easy enough to return if/when you like

Arlandias wrote:I saw that Petea was on the map in Polynesia but then when I joined he was gone lmao

I haven't kept up with who has come and gone from the map.

Volaworand's Tourism Board provides advice to travelers in the current Knowhere LinkKami0 Roleplay Earth world. We note the current relationship rating as determined by our bureaucrats, the current tariff rate, the presence or absence of our embassy, if a bilateral treaty has been signed, if we allow direct or indirect travel, types of routes available, what Travel Documents are required, and any temporary restrictions.

Relations are rated on the following semantic scale from steam to ice:

Steamy | Cozy | Balmy | Tepid | Chilly | Frosty | Frozen

We only allow direct travel with nations that have joined The Polar Conservation Council. Direct Air passenger flights are only offered to nations rated Cozy or Steamy.

Nation & Relationship Rating, Tariff Rate

Embassy & Treaty

Direct/Indirect Travel Allowed & Routes Available

Documents Required & Notes

Ammmericaaaa Chilly 20% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Sea routes

Travel with Passport

Anduna Tepid 5% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Sea routes

Travel with Passport

Aurorastan Balmy 20% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Sea routes

Travel with Passport

Federal Eagle Empire Chilly 5% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Sea routes

Travel with Passport

Greater-Indies Balmy 5% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel No routes

Travel with Passport

Imperial Cecilia Balmy 20% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Sea routes

Travel with Passport

Inner Ted Imazahvatia Frosty 20% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel No routes

Travel with Passport

Kami0 Tepid 5% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Air Cargo, Sea routes

Travel with Passport

Legendianux Tepid 20% Tariff

Embassy No Treaty

Indirect Travel No routes

Seek Visa Application prior to Travel

Lion Tribe123 Tepid 20% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Indirect Travel No routes

Travel with Passport

Marecageux Cozy 5% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Sea routes, Passenger Air Service

Travel with Passport

New Scandinavian Balmy 5% Tariff

Embassy & Consulate & Treaty

Direct Travel Land route (under construction)

Travel with Passport

New Xartoia Chilly 5% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Air Cargo, Sea routes

Travel with Passport

Nova Altlandia Tepid 20% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Sea routes

Travel with Passport

Paraw Chilly 20% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Indirect Travel No routes

Travel with Passport

Qirum Chilly 20% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Indirect Travel No routes

Travel with Passport

Rokatov Balmy 20% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Air Cargo, Sea routes

Travel with Passport

Septentrea Balmy 20% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Sea routes

Travel with Passport

The Filippinas Balmy 5% Tariff

Embassy & Consulate & Treaty

Direct Travel Air Cargo, Sea routes

Travel with Passport

The Weirdo Chilly 20% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Sea routes

Travel with Passport

Tovium And Balmy 5% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Air Cargo, Sea routes

Travel with Passport

Tyopio Balmy 20% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Sea routes

Travel with Passport

United Disney States Cozy 5% Tariff

Embassy & Tourism Office & Treaty

Direct Travel Sea routes, Passenger Air Service

Travel with Passport

United Kontania Frosty 20% Tariff

Embassy No Treaty

Indirect Travel No routes

Seek Visa Application prior to Travel

Urmanistan Frosty 20% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Indirect Travel No routes

Travel with Passport

Virifortis Cozy 5% Tariff

Embassy & Treaty

Direct Travel Air Cargo, Sea routes, Passenger Air Service

Travel with Passport

See Also: LinkKami0 Roleplay Earth
See Also: Foreign Relations Of Volaworand

- Volaworand Newswire

Read dispatch

Lans isles cted

ahhhh great day to listen to my rights

Me when I randomly realize Aha and Madonna were used in despicable me 3 despite me watching the live in theaters when it first came out

12 minutes of silence! Now broken! Because of me!

Anyone got snow?

American Descendants of Slaves wrote:Anyone got snow?

I wish I was special
You're so fudging special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the heck am I doing here?
I don't belong here

President Donald Trump has given a full and unconditional pardon to Ross Ulbricht!!! YES!!! Oh yeah!!! MAN! I'm living the winning!!!

Septentrea wrote:President Donald Trump has given a full and unconditional pardon to Ross Ulbricht!!! YES!!! Oh yeah!!! MAN! I'm living the winning!!!

That's not good news

We got Trump back!!!!
(im a Black Male)

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