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Heloo there, my country is now in this alliance, let's just say my country is not very friendly with every country outside the alliances and traitors, and that's it ! (:
Psychotic Supper and Qyr
A tiny nation!
Hello, greetings from Schwestia. As much as I respect other countries, I simply can not accept any recruitment invites. I wish you all good luck and economic prosperity.
This is not an alliance, it’s a region where new nations are founded. We also speak as the player not our nation i.e. no roleplay on the RMB.
For more information please read our New Player’s Guide.
Okay that has to be one of the weirdest introductory posts I’ve seen for a long time.
Edit: and they’ve gone. No loss.
Thank you, BBD, for sharing the good news.
Now, I need to find my old flag before the card images are created.
Hello guys! I want to send an alt over to Esferos. Any advice on how I should do this?
Good evening TWP.
The latest NS/OBI Mega fun poll is ongoing..
• Best Battle Wizard Spell?
Hi everyone! This is Lumiere's TWP Account! I submitted app for citizenship!
[quote=bhang_bhang_duc;57622330]Wompus - please do not double post. Yes, there will be a Season 4 for cards.
Did not think my two separately themed posts an hour apart would be an issue, thanks for answering my question though
This is why the reading and understanding of not only the games' rules but the regional rules as well is of utmost importance.
I was created in 1952, these days that feels about right, I'm knackered ;)
/Casts newly learned Yoko Ono sound spell at you!! >:)
Me too.
I learned over the weekend that my old college roommate passed away.
He was a Yorkshireman (By Gum!), from Bridlington by the Sea.
I feel very sad today.
Me too. The rest are just pups. :P
Didn’t realise there were so many of us born in Fifties.
Every morning I wake up and check nothing’s fallen off during the night. :)
I check the obituaries every morning to see if i am still alive. :P
You guys make me feel young!
I was born in '62!
This is probably one of the few remaining hobbyist spaces where different age groups significantly intermingle (in a non-creepy way, anyhow).
Man, I wish I could've seen the 50's, not that I agree with the social ideals of the time but the styles, music and fashion is what I find so pretty.
BrightonBurg, Algueneia, and Scarlette
I agree! It's so fun to get so many perspectives from people from different generations and places
It's pretty cool, I've never seen a game where there are people in there 70s playing. I feel like a little kid now.
I'm sorry to hear that. Had you remained close friends?
Post by Swiss Farmer 35 suppressed by Bhang Bhang Duc.
i bet $2 that Bhang Bhang Duc wont ban me
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