by Max Barry

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I had a great plug for the RP but they're not even in the region, so nevermind.

Well that’s my fourth jab in a month: flu, shingles, pneumonia and today COVID. Right arm feels like a pincushion. :)

Varanius, Zoran, Nas Crustium, Willow Gate, and 2 othersRepetichor, and Catanavian isles

Our worst poll ever, you get first dibs.


Glory to Mankind and TWP and OBI..

BrightonBurg wrote:Our worst poll ever, you get first dibs.


Glory to Mankind and TWP and OBI..

I’ve voted, and I expect a sticker!

BrightonBurg wrote:Our worst poll ever, you get first dibs.


Glory to Mankind and TWP and OBI..

I Googled the answer, mainly because no one cares, right?

Bhang Bhang Duc wrote:Well that’s my fourth jab in a month: flu, shingles, pneumonia and today COVID. Right arm feels like a pincushion. :)

I got yellow fever and COVID shots yesterday and had a horrible reaction. Fortunately, school's out today, so I got to sleep it off.

South Sene Xhic wrote:Got questions for ya'll what is weird food in your country or state

Not sure. Though my brother got absolutely freaked out eating crickets from a gift shop (they’d been cooked and seasoned) but they were delicious to me, so I’ll say bugs.

BrightonBurg wrote:Our worst poll ever, you get first dibs.


Glory to Mankind and TWP and OBI..

Loved it. After careful consideration of the proposals and documentation available in different media organizations, I've exercised my right to vote!

Bhang Bhang Duc wrote:Well that’s my fourth jab in a month: flu, shingles, pneumonia and today COVID. Right arm feels like a pincushion. :)

Those might be good things to protect against, but having to get three shots in one sitting each week might beat that.

Varanius wrote:I’ve voted, and I expect a sticker!

Give a nice I voted sticker, and a chicken pot pie 🥧..

BrightonBurg wrote:Give a nice I voted sticker, and a chicken pot pie 🥧..

Same here? I did vote, and I LOOOOVE chicken pot pies....

> 7 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Varanius, students asking about negative square roots are told life has no simple answers.
Issue authorship #2 in the bag


Rotvania wrote:Same here? I did vote, and I LOOOOVE chicken pot pies....

Also gives a nice I voted sticker, and a chicken pot pie 🥧 :D

Perhaps the easiest NS OBI Mega fun poll of all time! >:)


^ Do Chickens 🐔 have teeth?

Vote or the Foot Goons will steal your feet in the late of night!!!!!

Varanius wrote:> 7 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Varanius, students asking about negative square roots are told life has no simple answers.
Issue authorship #2 in the bag

Well done Vara!

yeah I get three allergy shots every two weeks they've offered to 'teach' me how to inject myself, but I shut my eyes when they do it pretty sure that won't work self injecting...

*sips coffee*

Btw..Foot Goons? Please view our RMB to see meaning . >:)

Glory to Mankind, TWP and OBI..


Post by Brivania suppressed by Overthinkers.


Hola buenos días, ahora que estamos llegando a diciembre contemos nuestras costumbres navideñas.

Aquí el 7 de diciembre por la noche prendemos velas de colores fuera de nuestras casas y usamos pólvora como chispitas o volcanes.

Del 16 al 24 se reza la novena de navidad, y despues se cantan villancicos.

El 24 tenemos la cena de nochebuena que comemos comida que hasta podria alimentar un ejercito entero (no literalmente) y estrenamos ropa, y nos quedamos despiertos a la medianoche para ver los regalos, aqui los trae el niño Dios.

El 31 Tambien estrenamos ropa, prendemos pirotecnia, este dia se reune toda la familia, cuando faltan 5 minutos para que se acabe el año oímos "Faltan cinco pa´las doce" de Nestor Zavarce, y nos encerramos en el cuarto para rezar por el año que pasó y por el que llega, y todos vamos a la casa de nuestros familiares en plena madrugada a desearles feliz año nuevo.

Brivania Please use English on the message board, or provide a translation. Thank you.

Ooh, a (not so) new delegate!
Edit: I did not think it had been that long since Overthinkers.

Of the Tyrannical Frogs wrote:Ooh, a (not so) new delegate!
Edit: I did not think it had been that long since Overthinkers.



Post by Duolingon Republic suppressed by Bhang Bhang Duc.

Of the Tyrannical Frogs wrote:Ooh, a (not so) new delegate!
Edit: I did not think it had been that long since Overthinkers.


Kindly do not double post - against our Rules.

Thank you.

Post by Frct suppressed by a moderator.

We can do without people like you in our region.

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