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Well your presentation to the stockholders didn't go very well so it's either file for bankruptcy or be excluded.
Smallest public sector! PIP PIP!
9th Largest! o/
I should really be number one seeing as by all account every person in Yallak is employed by the government
FOOL!!!! Go and look communism up before you try and label someone as a communist XD
*streaks through the region with nothing but a Confederate Flag*
1. Snap Picture of Anagonia streaking.
2. Put aforementioned picture on internet.
3. ???
4. Profit.
Step 3 was to call him a dickhead on national television.
*Laughs manically*
*Sues Mykola for suggesting libeling*
*Sues New Urcea for creating a monopoly*
*Petitions for right to own lawsuits*
*Also patents asterisk*
Yallak is state monopoly capitalist?
(Actually, every "communist" nation was state monopoly capitalist in reality. The Amish, I guess, are "true socialists". Arguably, Leninist "revolutionary" Russia - as in, during the Russian Revolution - was "communist", but the Soviet Union was really state monopoly).
If Yallak were "communist", there would be no de jure state. De facto government by dictatorship of the proletariat (i.e. communalism) would govern the nation.
<---- sues God for coercion.
1. Cvk shoots everyone
2. Fictions cries.
3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles take over Tyrrhenia
4. Aug stops talking jiberish.
5. ???
No, yallak isnt a state monopoly capitalism
1. Seconds Cvk
2. Thats about it.
Actually Aug, in a communistic society, de facto there would be no centralized political authority. A "dictatorship of the proletariat" only exists in one of the median stages of Marxist revolutionary theory. But that's just a minute detail from your local political scientist.
Too bad human nature accidentally Marxist revolutionary theory.
Oh noes, I'm being sued!
Hey, It's Gres. I apologize for not saying anything. But, I am taking a prolonged break, don't expect me back, if I come back Hurray and if I don't, don't mourn. Split up my land, say Madoc got assassinated.
If you want to, colonize it. I'd prefer if it wasn't colonized as much as small nations, which you can control. Or say it's small occupied areas that you guys own so it stays in control. If on a year I'm not back, if someone new wants it they can have it. If possible, ask them if they could make their history as restoring order and arising from my ashes. If not, take care. Love u all, anyone wants 2 come play empire total war with me, feel free. Bye!
Sent from Alogorthia's Iphone
Alogorthia, do you happen to have his steam username? Can't play Empire total war without that! or does anyone have it for that matter?
No. Idk if he has steam. MarxOfTheCommunist is mine if anyone here plays CIV or mindlessly violent shooters like left4dead. I met him at mcdonalds so chances of me seeing him again for awhile are low.
Yeah, ive got his steam username but to date hes never accepted my friends invite so i can play anything with him
Friend me Yallak :D?
Wow, such chance of seeing him then. If you want a friend Alogorthia I suppose with the proper payment you shall have one in me. (Perhaps ugh level administrative access in your nation? :P )
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