by Max Barry

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And that's your only badge so far as well! Harsh I say.

A-w cream soda

Seems I was in the top 5% for police ratio and top 10% for safety. Correlation?

Denmark greenland

Fr. Leopold: There wouldn't be anything wrong with that.
Cream Soda: I think you might have the right set of priorities :)
Turtle: I hate to say it, but you might need a bigger shell!

Excellent, bottom for automobile production. Considering they are banned in TNTK I should hope so!

Prince leopold

I welcome all of you in Vatican II to join me in celebrating the first Mass at the Church of the Transfiguration in the InterGalactic Dominion here:

I hope that the people of the IGD find the presence of the VRCC as both a comfort and joy in their lives. I wish you all well, and hope to have Catholic Foundation classes in the IGD soon.

Odd Question: Who is my ordinary for the IGD? Is it still Archbishop CrimsonScribbles?

Prince leopold

YEAH! I've been made the IGD representative to the VRCC for foreign affairs, and I've been tasked with entering into discussions with the Government of the VRCC for the purposes of establishing a non-agression pact between the VRCC and the IGD.

:) So...mah Firss question is: Who want's to chat? :) am CST and normally on between 12am-4am.

As secretary of state, that would fall to me.

Catholic cornwallis

Good morrow all!

I was browsing the NBE site for sentimental reasons and happened upon the foreign dispatch from the German Empire which mentioned an official day of mourning for the late Cardinal Francisco and myself. I must say that I am very touched by this gesture in a way that I cannot adequately communicate.

I also saw a references to a demand by the Prince Leopold that we be canonized. While I cannot speak for His Eminence the late Cardinal Francisco, I can speak for myself when I say that, while I am touched by such a gesture as to the perceived nature of my holiness, I could never accept such a thing. I do not feel it proper to cheapen what it means to be a saint by having them on NS, and what is more, by having someone as proud, impious, impure, uncharitable, disobedient, and spiritually destitute as I. Please, spend your time advocating for God and His Church, not seeking to 'canonize' flawed individuals such as I.

I pray for you all, and hope that you all are well.

Pax vobiscum!

(The Late Cardinal +Cornwallis)

Prince leopold

Cardinal Cornwallis,

That is exactly why I championed your canonization as a NS are a true example of Christ's teachings here on NS. The only reason I wanted to become a priest for the VRCC was reading your sermons and observing how you withstood the crazies in NBE. (I was Gideon Vanquest then) and I very much appreciate your diligence and charisma.

Would you find it terribly inconvenient to hop over to the IGD and give me some pointers on my sermon structure and style?

Catholic cornwallis

Your Highness,

Thank you very much for this great honor you have served me. To be the reason for your entering seminary is extremely touching, as is your campaign. I only wish my conduct while I was cardinal was worthy of such an honor...

Anyway, I would be honored to give you pointers. Have you a link for this "IGD?"

Pax tecum,

(TL C+C)

I think that Fr. Leopold did not realize that Cardinal Cornwallis was on sabbatical. And, I believe it was agree upon during the tenure of Prelature Pope Ave that we would not have saints in the VRCC. At one time the former Prelature pope Flavius Josephus was under consideration, but we decided to list him as the honored Flavius Josephus at his burial site in Saint Margaret Mary.

I received this TG from Muscovy Duck in the region of United States:

"Your selfish unnecessary spamming makes saddens ME. I pray every day that people will cease behaving as you do. You are reprehensible but feel the need to tell others how to act. It's offensive to humanity."

It was in response to my posting a prayer for peace in that region when it was featured. United States was annoyed at all the postings it got when it was featured, but the prayer, for some sad reason, seems to have irked them the most.

Catholic cornwallis

I'm not actually on sabbatical, Turtle. I left NS for good as a character. I pop in now and then as a "civilian" if you will, just to check up on things, but as it stands Lawrence J.C. Borien-Cornwallis died almost six months ago. My sincerest apologies; I thought I had made that clear.

Unfortunately, the Church has been getting a lot of bad press of late, but certainly no worse than when it was fashionable to report every instance of abuse the Church of God has suffered. Much of this recent hatred is born in the coming of the 40 Days for Life campaign which just started, I think. I know that all of the criticism of the Church I have encountered over the last week or two was associated with abortion rights, but that may have been an isolated incident for all I know. It's really sad though what some people think about abortion. My aunt for instance, when I discussed the logic of a proposed bill on her Facebook wall after a story from the Huffington Post ( 2011/02/23/antiabortion-georgia-lawm_n_827340.html? ref=fb&src=sp), said "There is no logic in a woman having less rights than a zygote. And being anti-choice is not about saving babies, it's about the repression and hatred of women, conveniently disguised in a religious interpretation." This is the kind of thing we're up against...

Prince leopold

Cardinal CrimsonScribbles,

I have experienced the same when I was the Archbishop of Canterbury for The United Kingdom. Some people just can't understand why we would bring our faith into a RPG, and others can't stand to see us being so positive or happy in expressing our faith. We need to stand firm though, and if people truly have a problem with us, we shall respect their opinion, but leaving a prayer for people is not spam...and if you continue to be harassed by these ignorant people I suggest you either speak to the NS moderators or to their regional founder.

I know your heart and actions were in the right place, and it makes me feel lighter and happier to know that there are such wonderful people playing this game as yourself.

To Cardinal Cornwallis,

Here is the link to the IGD main forums:

and here is the link to the Church of the Transfiguration:

I welcome any critiques or suggestions you may have. I understand your plight for the fight against abortion, and I empathize with your pain over the rational of many people trying to demonize the faithful over our belief that all life is sacred. I can only hope that there is a means by which we can all come to reconciliation over this and find peace.


Father Leopold Romefeller +
Ambassador, InterGalactic Dominion
Senator, InterGalactic Dominion
Crown Prince, TNGE
Supreme Justice, TNGE

My mistake, your eminence, and I do hope you'll continue to monitor the activities here.

As far as the current attacks on the faith, I heard a lecture from Fr. Carapi the other day regarding priests being the last stand against Satan, and that the attacks on them emanate from him. He states that priests who made a mistake 30 years ago and confessed and had a clean record since are being suspended, and gone for good. A good example happened recently in Philly, where a woman accused a priest of having intercourse with her nearly 40 years ago when she was 16. Because the archdiocese recently was accused of allowing "predator priests" to continue to be active in the diocese, the cardinal removed this priest. He had no other accusations.
Here's what I want to know. Since 40 years ago it was not a crime to have relations with a 16 year old girl, why wasn't this priest allowed to continue in his profession? What's the big deal? Why is every other man who slept with a 16 year old not in jail? While I don't condone priestly indiscretions, isn't a priest allowed to repent for his sins?

Prince leopold

I want to know where the proof is of this "crime"...I mean, there are reasons there is a statute of limitations for rape victims. Where is the justice for the accused?

Catholic cornwallis

I shall indeed. I apologize for my bluntness in my statement. I forget how rude I am...

It is part of a disturbing and continuing trend of hostility to the Faith, though one which I like to think has fallen out of favor in mainstream society since the 21st century. It's still visible in some youth, but it's a shrinking number who are outright hostile. The biggest problem now is indifference I think.

Prince leopold

I agree.....I'm a RL Episcopalian convert, from the Southern Baptist Church, and it seems like if you can't make your faith convenient like Fast food, or bland and generic enough for all....then it must not be good, right, or discrimination.

While I do consider myself liberal in many ways my faith is simple, logical, and devout. God has a calling for each of us, the problem with religion is that sometimes it blocks our hearing of His instructions...and most youth of today don't want to discover that.


Post by The New Temple Knights suppressed by A-w cream soda.

Two more new features on NS then. The older messages thing (saves the RMB for ever!) and the surpress post options thing which means the founder or delegate can hide posts from the board.

Post self-deleted by Prince leopold.

Prince leopold

Hello Everyone! Just stopping in today to say hello, and I hope everyone is doing very well. Does anyone have any good news?

A-w cream soda

NTK...I was reaaaally tempted to supress your post now that I have the ability...but then I don't know if anyone would know I suppressed it! It's such a conondrum

Prince leopold

Huh? Do I need to stop posting? I'm sorry If I've caused problems.

A-w cream soda

No not you! I was talking to The New Temple Knights because I wasn't aware I could suppress posts until he said something and I'm tempted to use my I now actually shall against my own post! muahahahaha.

Just realized I can only delete my own post and not suppress it....sadface

I must admit I wanted to try it as well. Still you are the delegate so it's up to you!

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