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All Powerful God,
We honor today those men and women—
Our sons and daughters,
Husbands and wives,
Fathers, brothers, sisters, mothers—
Who have laid down their lives for their country.
Loving Lord, bless them forever in Your eternal peace.
Let the sounds of strife, the cries of battle, the wounds of war
be calmed for all eternity in Your loving and endless grace.
Let these great warriors find rest at last,
Ever reminded that we who are left behind
Cherish their spirit, honor their commitment,
send them our love,
and will never forget the service that they gave.
I'm scrolling through this message board for some reason; I'm reminded of a (UN) resolution from the first year of this game, by Pio Magnus of the original Papacy region, titled 'Beat the crap out of Whales'.
There was some brief excitement in the region about it because it was actually getting traction and could have made it to an official resolution vote.
Alas the mods deleted it.
Announcement from the Holy Office of the Prelature Pope VRCC.
My dear friends and children of God,
It has been over a decade of our devotional and sacred duty here on Nationstates spreading the Good News. In recent years, our activity may have diminished, but our dedication and support has not.
To further strengthen and support this, by the grace of God and by contemplation before the Sacred Heart, I hereby decree that Cardinal Stoffa is appointed Cardinal-Dean of the College of Cardinals and direct successor to the Chair of the VRCC.
Cardinal Stoffa has been a loyal, humble servant of Christ and he will help build the VRCC is His form according to his will. Amen.
Congratulations to Cardinal Stoffa.
PP John Peter
Erasticanius, The Stinkpot Turtle, and The thaindom of the shire
Post by The thaindom of the shire suppressed by a moderator.
How goes it folks?
Dear People of The VRCC,
I would like to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the future of the VRCC.
The VRCC on NationStates has existed for over 18 years, first beginning as the ARCC. During those early days, there was a great turmoil and during the War of St Margaret Mary, the VRCC was born. After a period of time and reflection from the College, I humbly was invited to lead the VRCC as Prelature Pope, a position I served in for over a decade.
However, in todays NationStates and our ever-changing landscape, I have had to realise that it is time for me to step aside understanding the seriousness of this act.
I therefore humbly and with full freedom declare the renunciation of the Prelature Pope ministry entrusted to me by the college of Cardinals, and return to my Cardinalship on 12.01am on the 1st August 2023.
At that time, the seat shall be Vacant and a Conlave will be held to elect a new Prelature Pope.
Dear People, I thank you sincerely for all the love and support you have given me and the VRCC and I ask pardon and forgiveness for my defects. I pay special thanks to Turtle, our ever present friend, for his devotion and advice.
I will continue to pray for you all on my new life through prayer.
Kind Regards
PP John Peter
Your holiness, it has been my honor to serve under you for all these years! Your shoes are mighty ones to be filled.
May you forever be blessed and forever be missed. May your legacy never be tarnished.
Cardinal John Peter is the heart and soul of the VRCC. He saved it from near extinction and from the treachery of those who would desecrate it. His wisdom will be appreciated in the time to come, regardless of what happens.
As I recall the rules of elections, all cardinals, including the resigning PP, are eligible to be elected.
Thank you for being our Prelature Pope.
Thank you for your service to the virtual church
Post self-deleted by The Stinkpot Turtle.
Habemus papam!
Cardinal Stoffa has become Prelature Pope Dietrich of the Virtual Roman Catholic Church.
Papal Decree 1: Acknowledgements
I thank you, Cardinal Crimson!
It is a new day here in the VRCC. Let us not see this day as one of drastic change, but as a beautiful continuation of Christ's kingdom on Earth. I would first like to thank all of you have made the VRCC successful over the past few decades, but I want to give special thanks to our beloved Cardinal John Peter, who lead us through some of the darkest times. May God throughly bless him in his new journies, and may he forever be honored in our church.
By the power vested in me by the Virtual Roman Catholic Church, I hereby elevate Cardinal John Peter to the Order of the Golden Spur and pronounce him Knight thereof. I also elevate him to the office of Dean of the College of Cardinals! Thank you for your service.
Let us turn our attention to our dear Oberst, Commandant Stinkpot Turtle. Our regions and embassies would not be the same without you, my dear friend. I bless thee in the name of the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit. I hereby elevate you as well to the Order of the Golden Spur, and award you the Benemerenti Medal for your service. Long may you serve as our Oberst, and long may you live.
I shall proclaim more throughout the day. IN NOMINE PATRI ET FILI, ET SPIRITUS SANCTI. AMEN.
I am deeply honored. You have my utmost allegiance; I'm sure you will continue to lead our alliance with the same dedication as your predecessor.
Let us pause a moment to reflect upon all the VRCC prelature popes: Jeremias, Flavius Josephus, Edward, Gregory, Luke, Ave Maria, John Peter, and now Dietrich.
O God, who in your providential design
willed that your Church be built upon blessed Peter,
whom you set over the other Apostles,
look with favor, we pray, on all of our Prelature Popes
and grant that they, whom you have made Peter’s successors,
may be for your people a visible source and foundation of unity in faith and of communion.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Papal Decree #2: Establishment of Historical Society
Good evening.
In an effort to establish the miracles of their reigns as well as the miracles of the VRCC as a whole, the historical records of our church shall be made available to our seminarians and clergy to read and learn from. May the teachings of our forefathers and Mothers be known to all those who wish to learn and grow in it.
May the kingdom of God forever reign here, and may its light light the darkness!
Papal Decree #3: Cardinal CrimsonScribbles
Good evening!
In honor of the great service rendered by Cardinal CrimsonScribbles, I hereby elevate thee to the rank of Cardinal Vicar over all of our Embassies and regions. Cardinal Crimson will serve, alongside Cardinal John Peter, as an ally and advisor to me during my prelature papacy.
May you go into the world as you always have and bring people to our holy church. Amen.
Apologies for my extended absence as I have been unwell, but feeling better recently.
Congratulations to Prelature Pope Dietrich on his elevation to the Chair. May he guide us into a new era for the VRCC.
I am very humbled by the awards you have given. I pray I will be of service to the VRCC as we go forward.
Cardinal John Peter
What's new folks?
Why am I last in the region for "most cheerful citizens?" I'm cheerful! I'm very cheerful!
Do you give them free cotton candy on Sundays?
Seeing as how today I am dead last in "smartest citizens," I guess I forgot the cotton candy.
Post self-deleted by Erasticanius.
Good day to All! Happy Sunday!
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