by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Subsidized Industry in the World

Nations ranked highly spend the most on developing and supporting industry, a practice known as 'corporate welfare.'

NationWA CategoryMotto
340,961.The Republic of ModderklipCivil Rights Lovefest“Unity, Discipline, Work”
340,962.The Republic of BoerderyCivil Rights Lovefest“Unity, Discipline, Work”
340,963.The Republic of ThubakgaleCivil Rights Lovefest“Unity, Discipline, Work”
340,964.The Republic of Van StawelCivil Rights Lovefest“Unity, Discipline, Work”
340,965.The Republic of StawelCivil Rights Lovefest“Unity, Discipline, Work”
340,966.The Republic of CysterCivil Rights Lovefest“Unity, Discipline, Work”
340,967.The Republic of PnielCivil Rights Lovefest“Unity, Discipline, Work”
340,968.The Republic of KleinschmidtCivil Rights Lovefest“Unity, Discipline, Work”
340,969.The Queendom of TamamoCivil Rights Lovefest“All is dust”
340,970.The Queendom of Rizu-kyunCivil Rights Lovefest“All is dust”
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