by Max Barry

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The Most Rebellious Youth in Antarctic Oasis

World Census observers counted the number of times their car stereo was stolen from outside fast food stores to determine which nations have relatively high levels of youth-related crime.

As a region, Antarctic Oasis is ranked 245th in the world for Most Rebellious Youth.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Imperial Provinces of ExxosiaCapitalist Paradise“We have reached rock bottom and have started to dig.”
2.The Clueless Penguin Republic of South JenstownLiberal Democratic Socialists“A journey of a thousand miles sometimes ends very badly”
3.The Princessipality of OmigodtheykilledkennyLeft-Leaning College State“You bastards!”
4.The Veeblefetzer of DumoflageAnarchy“It's ol Whatchamacallit”
5.The Limited Liability Company of WhaleCo Global LLCCapitalist Paradise“Whale - It's What's For Dinner”
6.The Word Count Seeking Land of A Running ManNew York Times Democracy“Write as fast as you can; catch up with the running man”
7.The Interstellar Bureaucracy of Allech-AtreusFather Knows Best State“That's not my department.”
8.The Nonexistent Nordic Republic of CottiaCorporate Bordello“0”
9.The Rollicking Happy Fun Times of MISTER J0NESCompulsory Consumerist State“GRARLGLLLLLLE”
10.The Incorporated States of Mayor F WhaleAnarchy“F' YEAH!!!!!!”