by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Rebellious Youth in the World

World Census observers counted the number of times their car stereo was stolen from outside fast food stores to determine which nations have relatively high levels of youth-related crime.

NationWA CategoryMotto
317,411.The Dominion of Gio Farm 25Iron Fist Consumerists“Card Farming”
317,412.The Second Best Colony of Second Best Puppet 138Moralistic Democracy“2”
317,413.The Second Best Colony of Second Best Puppet 141Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“2”
317,414.The Second Best Colony of Second Best Puppet 163Iron Fist Consumerists“2”
317,415.The Second Best Colony of Second Best Puppet 167Moralistic Democracy“2”
317,416.The Second Best Colony of Second Best Puppet 168Iron Fist Consumerists“2”
317,417.The Second Best Colony of Second Best Puppet 176Iron Fist Consumerists“2”
317,418.The Fatigue of MauerkrankheitIron Fist Consumerists“Mauerkrankheit”
317,419.The Sentai Team of PR Ninja SteelMoralistic Democracy“It's Morphin' Time! Ninja Spin!”
317,420.The Confederal Directorate of Aura BanitiaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Beware the Dead Dogma”
«12. . .31,73931,74031,74131,74231,74331,74431,745. . .34,09534,096»